What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization is an important part of Digital Marketing, where a series of continuous work is complied in the form of on page and off page activities for a website or a web page, which affects its perceptibility on a search engine’s voluntary results. As the Search Engine Optimization commonly referred to organic results; its gravity can be understood with the term “organic” itself.
Understanding SEO
To understand the importance of Search Engine Optimization, we should try to explore the digital marketing in more detail. Where, Digital Marketing tools consists of organic and inorganic methods, the organic plays the more vital and steady role where as the inorganic methods normally plays the role of a life support. Both has their own importance and can be preferred by the individual choices. But it’s gets necessary along with the time to take a mandatory help of the organic method or Search Engine Optimization; when you are simply undertaking the inorganic methods. The simple reason behind it: Inorganic methods can bring the instant results, but they are like the gas in the car’s fuel tank where the results simply stops coming when you run out of fuel. So like fuel, it costs to undertake the inorganic methods and thus it makes your business more lame and dependent upon it.
Why SEO Important?
Now, we need to understand here, that there are more than 65% searches on the search engine are still preferred from organic results rather than inorganic or sponsored results. The reason behind it is the trust, where an
The cost of effectiveness is another important factor, which also leverage the importance to SEO, where the inorganic methods can generate the revenue for sure, but can’t give you a regular presence on the web. Where the customers have turned really smart in this dynamic world, they tend to go for an online check for the review or draw a comparison of a product or other info regarding it before calling it a purchase. And it seems pretty obvious that the SEO job done on your website/page will help and enable the user/customer to locate you and your business on the internet and without the SEO, people will find it more difficult and annoying in giving you a search. Thus Search Engine Optimization will always stay bedrock here, not once but on multiple occasions.
The simple reasons stated above don’t inflict the idea of the inorganic results but rather depicts the true sense of Internet marketing. The idea is to understand that the Search Engine Optimization is a never-ending process, which can place you on the pole position without investing heavily and if not can generate the early revenues but a long-term establishment. Well, after all the organic keeps you healthy anyways.