The web is full of posts instructing you how to obtain more comments on your blog. They suggest that you ask questions, comment on other blogs, interact, reward commentators, and make it simple. What about making your commenting system unique? It seems so logical yet most people don’t do it. Well if you’re interested in getting started here are five great ways to make yours more unique.
Riffly Webcam Video Comments is a nifty, free plugin that allows commentators to create video and audio comments. Video and audio is obviously so much more powerful and meaningful than text. It’s rare to find this system in place, which makes those using it unique.
Why not allow you’re readers to share their opinions by video?
2. GeoSmart
GeoSmart adds city-precise location information for each comment author to the comment metadata. Not only that, it displays a map with the comment author locations. This plugin makes commenting feel personal and really transforms it into a unique experience for everyone.
CommentLuv and KeywordLuv are classic ways to entice readers to leave comments. By offering them dynamic links at the end of each comment, it encourages them to comment more. Why not also increase the traffic on each post with the comments? This plugin creates a new, non visible page on your blog, holding the actual comment information. What this does is gives the site more visibility to search engines. The more visibility, the more traffic, the more the commentators links are clicked.
4. Advanced User Agent Displayer
This interesting plugin displays the operating system and browser of each commentator. It may be more fitting for tech blogs, but even I think it would be interesting to know what browser and OS each of my commentators is using.
Classic commenting systems are for the past. Backtype Connect brings the future into commenting. It integrates comments from Twitter, Friendfeed, Digg, Reddit and other social networks. Most systems don’t capture these existing conversations about your content that are taking place across the web. Make your system more interesting and valuable by integrating Backtype.
What else makes a blog’s commenting section unique?
Twitter: kikolani
These are some neat plugins. My comments are enhanced with CommentLuv & KeywordLuv – I like to keep it simple and easy for everyone to comment, without any kind of registration or connections required.
I like BackType for keeping track of most of the sites I comment on – I didn’t realize it also could be integrated with your blog comment system. Thanks for the info!
Kristi´s recent blog post ..Strengthen Your Article Marketing With CommentLuv Links
Twitter: entrepreneurpro
Glad you liked them, I agree with you, I also like simplicity.
But you know if someone is looking to spice things up a bit, these are great plugins for it

benmaxime´s recent blog post ..What On Earth Is Affiliate Marketing
Twitter: roezer
Geosmart looks like a good plugin for country based blogs could look great if there was a debate about something like a football game.But I have never heard of SEO super comments I just installed it as I use SEO Smart links by Vladimir Prelovac the Author which Ithink is a cool wordpress plugin
roezer´s recent blog post ..Disable the Browser Cache Google Chrome in Ubuntu
Twitter: BasicBlogTips
Hi Ben, great post and good luck in the contest. I’ve never used any of these before but they look interesting. Can you explain a little more about SEO Super comments – how will your commentators know that you are using this plugin? I’m not clear on how this works if the page is non-visible.
Ileane´s recent blog post ..SEO for WordPress via Stephan Spencer on WordPresstv
Twitter: entrepreneurpro
Hi, thanks so much! From what I read about that plugin, it makes more of a difference for the blog, in that it helps SEO’wise, which in effect, may bring more people to the comment itself. The best thing to do would be to read the description. of the plugin. Thanks for asking Ileane!
benmaxime´s recent blog post ..What On Earth Is Affiliate Marketing
Twitter: tonyknuckles
The video commenting would take me aback a bit. But all of the others seem to be done by some of the plugins that I currently use of different names.
Twitter: entrepreneurpro
Yeah video commenting is very intense, agreed.
benmaxime´s recent blog post ..Promoting Your Web Business Offline
Twitter: ScottSeverance
I’m just getting started in Social Media and blogging. It has taken me what seems like forever to get Face Book to authenticate my authorship. These ideas are quite a bit ahead of my present technical skills, yet they are certainly exciting goals for the near future.
Twitter: HypnoBusters
Backtype looks very interesting. I’m going to look into adding it to one of my blogs.
jakerhodes´s recent blog post ..How To Use Hypnosis Scripts
Twitter: entrepreneurpro
Great, enjoy!
Twitter: lambdakennels1
Some of those plugins are kinda creepy. I do not want to have to leave video or audio comments — I have a face for written communication. I also do not want to have my precise location on my comment because of safety issues. The other plugins might be very helpful. At least I know these exist and to beware them.
stephaniesuesansmith´s recent blog post ..Reclaimed lumber is Green
Twitter: entrepreneurpro
Well its about uniqueness, people may not like it, but atleast its unique
Twitter: AskKim
These are some really neat plugins. I love the Super Comments and have been using that one for a while. I’ve been considering using the video comments for a brief span to request testimonials and let them just record them right there. Looking forward to checking out Backtype!
kimjcastleberry´s recent blog post ..Why Commentluv’s Circle of Luv Is One Of My Ninja Traffic Secrets-
Twitter: entrepreneurpro
Thanks, cool! Good luck with them, sounds like you’re doing a great job. Happy that we connected on Twitter
Twitter: AskKim
Definitely a pleasure to connect. I love meeting new people, particularly new people that come bearing new toys! You have brought me new shiny plugin toys, you win! LOL
kimjcastleberry´s recent blog post ..Why Commentluv’s Circle of Luv Is One Of My Ninja Traffic Secrets-
Twitter: entrepreneurpro
Haha, definitely the most fun toys.
Twitter: dragonblogger
I have never actually seen video or audio comments left on another site before, I think the idea is interesting but the extra time it would take to record the video or audio may be a put off for people who can barely take the time to leave a 20 word typed comment.
Justin Germino´s recent blog post ..Starcraft II- The Laser Drill against Protoss
Twitter: entrepreneurpro
Neither have I which is what makes it so unique… That’s true, its a matter of preference.
Twitter: prfuller
Hey Ben, thanks for the plugin recommendations.
I m particularly interested in the GeoSmart one.
Peter Fuller MBA´s recent blog post ..Attention this book will make you MONEY
Twitter: entrepreneurpro
Sure thing. Good luck with it, looks cool!
Video comments are more time consuming, but I have found that if you offer coupons, or credits for products you can get some pretty creative ones submitted that can add quite a lot of value to your website!
Hunter´s recent blog post ..Hypnosis Download List