There’s nothing quite like a wooden garden bench to inspire a feeling of calm serenity. Its natural composition is a perfect match to the creations of nature that you so artfully weave together. The trouble is…when trying to find that perfect wooden bench, there are so many to choose from. You’ll find everything from a very expensive teak beach, down to a bench that’s not made of wood at all, but designed to look like wood. You can order online, purchase at your local Walmart, or buy from a home improvement store.
But how do you know you’re getting something that will last? After all, not all wooden benches are created equal. If you want to be sure that the bench you purchase will be around to pass on to the kids, read on for a quick description of the various types of woods you’re likely to find, and you’ll be much better prepared when you go shopping.
A common wood for outdoor furniture, western cedar is a good choice in some applications. The resins in the wood make it naturally insect repellent and rot resistant. Cedar is lightweight, so if you plan on moving your furniture around, this might be the best choice for you. Cedar can be painted or stained to match your home or existing furniture.
There are a couple of drawbacks from using cedar. First, the wood is much softer than typical hardwoods, and therefore will scratch and dent much more easily. Cedar is not as strong as the hardwoods either, so the construction must take that into account and beef things up, or your bench will seem rather flimsy. Cedar needs regular upkeep in order to maintain it. It is recommended that your cedar bench be cleaned and treated at least annually. If left without treatment, cedar will gray quickly, and will become very rough due to the softness of the grain.
Cypress is a good choice for outdoor furniture, even though it is not as common as cedar. It contains a natural preservative, making it resistant to rotting and insects. Cypress is very durable and resists shrinking, expanding, and warping. You could almost say it repels the effects of rain, snow, and sun, making it a great choice for furniture that is exposed to the elements.
Cypress can be stained or painted, but you really don’t need to. The wood will weather to a handsome gray over time, but will maintain its high quality and good condition. The fact that this wood performs brilliantly for years with little or no maintenance, makes it perfect for busy lifestyles.
Fairly common for outdoor furniture, redwood is more expensive than cedar. It performs will in terms of insect resistance, decay resistance, and durability. It is fairly weather resistant as well, and resists shrinking, warping, and checking (the tiny cracks that develop in many woods). The color can be a positive or a negative, depending on how you look at it. This bright color is more subject to fading by the sun, and if not treated, produces a tannin that is likely to stain light colored clothing. On the other hand, the red can be quite attractive, as long as it is finished with a nice clear coat.
Redwood, like cedar, is fairly soft, making it susceptible to scratches and dents.
Teak has long been considered the Cadillac of woods for outdoor furniture, and with good reason. Teak has a very tight grain that gives it superiority in many of the qualities desired in outdoor furniture, including low shrinkage and swelling, good color with age, natural decay resistance, natural oils that repel water, and incredible strength. It is relatively maintenance free, requiring only an application of teak oil once annually, wiped on with a clean cloth. Furniture made of teak will very likely last a lifetime.
There are two things that can be considered negatives for using teak:
- The high cost.
- The non-eco-friendly reputation. Many teak furniture companies are overcoming this negative image by using teak that comes only from sustainable forests where they are actively involved in replanting.
Similar to teak in many ways, Shorea is another tropical hardwood that is a great choice for outdoor furniture. It is slightly cheaper than teak, very strong, and resistant to daily wear and tear. Its tight grain pattern makes is durable and resistant to the effects of weather. It is rot-resistant and combats insect attacks. Shorea also weathers to a nice gray patina, although an annual application of teak oil can retard this process.
Honduran Mahogany
Honduran Mahogany is similar to Shorea and Teak, although not as stable. It has a good color, resists rot and insects, and repels water with its natural oils. It is also very strong. Honduran Mahogany is grown on plantations instead of the rain forest, so its use is more environmentally acceptable. The downside is, it shrinks and swells more than teak, which leads to some checking and splitting. If you do opt for this wood, make sure that it is Honduran Mahogany, as there are several other mahoganies that have different characteristics, and are not nearly as suitable for outdoor use.
Now It’s Your Choice
If money were not an issue, I would opt for teak as the wood of choice. Following that, I would look at Shorea, and then probably Cypress. Keep in mind that these are personal choices, and all characteristics of the wood need to be considered in order to make the best decision for you. Happy shopping for your bench!
Twitter: bodynsoil
We have a few pieces of lawn furniture now that love and are made from cedar. It does require annual maintenance but the pieces are well worth the effort. It is nice to see all the wood varieties explained by a professional, I had hear of most of the woods but you have introduced me to a new few options; I especially appreciate the sustainability information as well.
BodynSoil recently posted..Contest- BlogEngage is giving away up to 3000
Thanks. I always enjoy working with different woods, but it is important to know what features are most important when making that decision.
Stan Horst recently posted..Atlantic Outdoor Foldable Wood Potting Bench
I like teak too, last year a handyman put a product called cuprinol on my teak garden table -is this good for it or is teak oil better? Nice post thanks.
Dougie recently posted..Waterproof Dog Coats
Hi Dougie,
I’ve not had experience with Cuprinol so I can’t reallly speak to that. Their website does indicate that they have products that will work well on teak and other hardwoods.
I do know that teak oil has been around a very long time, and does a good job of keeping teak looking fresh with minimal upkeep.
Stan Horst recently posted..Atlantic Outdoor Foldable Wood Potting Bench
Thanks Stan, yes this year I have some teak oil and as our summer has just begun (this week) I’ve had the garden furniture, table and six chairs, brought out and on Mon will be oiled. Since you know about wood, can I ask what you would recommend for decking to go with teak furniture as we want to replace patio with decking area in quite a modern style.
Dougie recently posted..Outward Hound Dog Life Jackets
If I were replacing decking and could afford it, I would go with one of the new composite decking boards, like Trex. They do not warp, split, or splinter, ever!
The next choice for me would be redwood. However, the softness of redwood makes it susceptible to scratching if you drag furniture or anything else across it.
The last choice, but the most common because it is the cheapest, is pressure treated pine. The two problems with pressure treated pine are 1) the toxic nature of the chemicals with which it is treated, and 2) the upkeep required to keep it in good shape.
Hope this helps!
Stan Horst recently posted..Kingsley-Bate Mandalay Backless Teak Bench
Hi Stan
Thanks for that, I’m really quite surprised you recommend a composite and never heard of Trex but will look it up, sounds like the MDF of decking with the hard-wear attributes. Take your point about the Redwood and I shall avoid the last option, as I too had ruled that out. Trouble is decking companies just want to bamboozle you with what they want to sell and we’ve got a quite large L shape to do, but want to do it to last without too much maintenance. Useful thank you.
Dougie recently posted..EzyDog Seadog Life Jacket
I know, Dougie. It is a little hard for a former furniture maker to recommend something other than wood. Only this time, I think it is warranted. I’ve observed many decks over the years made from a variety of materials. Unfortunately, even the most well-meaning homeowner has a difficult time keeping up with the maintenance schedule required for them to look their best.
Composite decking is the best of both worlds. They are designed with wood fibers, which helps them to look like solid wood. However, because of their composite nature, they do not warp, split, or crack like solid wood. Maintenance is a breeze!
Stan Horst recently posted..Kingsley-Bate Chippendale Teak Bench
Twitter: onlythetribe
Love a good sit on my bench, I get a ton of stuff done while listening to my favorite soundtracks.
Christy recently posted..Beastie Boys Full Album Stream
I know, Christy. Nothing like relaxing on a good bench in a peaceful garden. It is amazing how much you can get accomplished, as long as you don’t drift off to sleep.

Stan Horst recently posted..Atlantic Outdoor Foldable Wood Potting Bench
I am a huge fan of Teak furniture. We have a store nearby that specializes in it. So beautiful.
Twitter: lookbigcommerce
Loved the post Stan,

Redwood furniture on a white rug… amazing. I only know that because I’m married to an Interior designer
Ayden recently posted..BigCommerce Review
That would be a really nice contrast, the red of the wood on a white surface.
Stan Horst recently posted..Atlantic Outdoor Foldable Wood Potting Bench
Twitter: debt_escapes
Cedar is a nice long lasting bench outside. I’ve purchased many different ones and lucky if they last 5 years. Cedar does last longer. Thanks Stan
Edward Culligan recently posted..US National Debt is a National Security Issue
You’re right, Edward. I’ve had good success with cedar as well, for lasting a long time. In fact, I have a cedar table I’m still using (but will probably retire this year) that I bought ten years ago. The biggest downside of cedar is that it requires more maintenance than many of the denser hardwoods.
Stan Horst recently posted..Kingsley-Bate Dunbarton Teak Bench
My boyfriend has a guitar made from Honduran Mahogany, which he sometimes strums when sitting on our Redwood garden bench! You’re right when you say Redwood is susceptible to scratches and dents, although I like to think it gives out bench a bit of character. Rustic, shall we say!
I never knew that Shorea was a type of wood used in outdoor furniture. I really like it as an option though. We have severe freeze thaw cycles here so I wonder if it would hold up better than cedar. I did have a cedar garden swing but, over time it became very uncomfortable to sit on. It was as if each board would shrink and swell at different intervals and it was just a complete mess. I took it apart and made a planter box out of it.
savvypracticality recently posted..Home Remedy For Infant Colic
Hi Savvy,
Shorea will hold up much better than cedar. The tight grain makes it very durable, and much less susceptible to freeze thaw cycles.
Stan Horst recently posted..Kingsley-Bate Mandalay Backless Teak Bench
Excellent post ! Really enjoyed reading your post. I love teak furnitures it is really so beautiful and its durable too. I past few years i have got a good collection of teak furnitures at my garden and few even in my living room;)
Thanks for posting such a wonderful article on garden furniture. I really enjoyed reading it. Accordign to me every home is made much more lovely with the addition of an attractive garden and some nice wood furniture.
I’m glad you enjoyed the article. A home is much nicer with a garden, and an garden is made much more lovely with quality wood furniture.

Stan Horst recently posted..Kingsley-Bate Chippendale Teak Bench
I love natural wood furniture, whether it is a hand crafted bench or just a knotty hunk of wood by the campfire.
I hadn’t heard about shorea before, perhaps I’ve seen it without knowing it, but the name didn’t sound familiar. Is it used in certain parts of the country more than others?
Chris recently posted..Special Offer- Coleman Red Canyon Tent comes with Free Sleeping Bag
Not sure if it is used in some localities more than others, but with the ease of ordering online, it is available anywhere. The company Oxford Garden uses it quite extensively. See
Stan Horst recently posted..Oxford Garden Chadwick Bench – An Amazing English Garden Bench
I have a piece of redwood chair in my garden, without any maintenance, and is still looking great after all these years of rain or shine. Pick redwood furniture for your outdoor designs and you will not regret
Hey Stan, i really know nothing about Garden chairs, so your guide was very helpful and educating. I think i will get some new garden furniture this summer when the weather gets nicer. Hopefully ill remember your advice. thanks!
bingobabe recently posted..Bingo Entertainment Shows 48 Revenue Hike in UK Market
Hi Bingo Babe,
Glad I could be of assistance. I just bought a new teak table that was delivered today. Can’t wait to put it together and check it out. That’s on my tomorrow to-do list.
Stan Horst recently posted..Kingsley-Bate Mandalay Backless Teak Bench
Love it! I was a bit wary of ordering this without a photo — but I’m so glad I went ahead and took the plunge! It’s similar in design to the other Strathmore wood benches on Amazon — horizontal slats across the back and seat, with wood arms and legs. Assembly was simple and the delivery was fast. We plan on giving the bench a coat of water sealer before sitting it outside
canada recently posted..This New Logitech Cam That Works Well for a Livechat
I put my new teak table together last evening, and am very pleased with it, even though it was ordered online too.
Stan Horst recently posted..Kingsley-Bate Chippendale Teak Bench
In all honestly i dont know anything about diffrent woods, but it clearly seems teek would be a bad choice since it is not eco-friendly
Hi Ragab,
Not all teak is unfriendly to our environment. As long as the company you purchase from participates in sustainable forestry practices and ensures that teak that is harvested is also replanted, you can purchase teak furniture in good conscience.
Stan Horst recently posted..Kingsley-Bate Dunbarton Teak Bench
Twitter: mikehansen5
I like teak too. But was wondering how long will it last out in the open. Would it be OK to leave it out under the sun and the rain?
Mike Hansen recently posted..what movie that tell story about a sick kid
Hi Mike,
Teak is the most durable wood that I know of. It will do better in the sun and rain than any other wood. It will weather to a silvery gray over time, but will maintain its structural strength for years, even in the weather.
Stan Horst recently posted..Kingsley-Bate Dunbarton Teak Bench
Using natural materials such as old logs or stumps adds character to our backyards
thank you for the post
Twitter: danfresnourban
Thank you for providing such a handy guide to the various types of wood that can be used to make outdoor furniture. I am going to bookmark this article so I can reference it in the future.
My personal favorite is Teak, however it is very expensive.
Glad you enjoyed the article. For most situations, teak is my favorite as well. Just have to save my pennies!
Stan Horst recently posted..Kingsley-Bate Mandalay Backless Teak Bench
thats great article Stan.its make me know about material for my furniture ,especialy outdoor furniture .i want bookmark this more thank
mikekasim recently posted..Conserve Water- Water Is How The Actual Lifestyle Arises From
If only I had known this when I bought our last bench, it lasted 1 year before we trashed it. I’ll know now, thanks for the info.
terrislittlehaven recently posted..Woo Hoo I won a Mixbook!
Twitter: QuintessenceCre
Great review of the various options. I currently have a cedar deck and am frustrated with all the wasps that come and collect cedar to build their nests. I will never have cedar deck or furniture again. I love the other options.
Nancy Rose recently posted..Frog Energy
Thanks for that Stan!
I’ll be sure to take your advice when I update (gulp!) our garden bench…it’s a bit old, and needs new wood, but it’s good to get your take on things.
akosb recently posted..Remove the Redirect Virus – Software that Helps
Twitter: Backyardbargain
I really love my bench and if u have not setup the bench your home it is really bed thing i personal believe it true now on time you can purchase online most wall mart and other Home improvements stores thanks Stan.
My husband is currently looking at types of wood right now for his outdoor garden projects. I’ve never heard of shorea before though. Got to tell him to read this article and get some advice from you!
Thanks for your comment. Tell you husband to have a look around here, as this company does a lot of furniture using Shorea.
Stan Horst recently posted..Oxford Garden Chadwick Bench – An Amazing English Garden Bench
I love designing my garden so I do prefer better furniture and other stuffs to be placed there. I can feel more relaxed just by sitting outside of my house, in my garden. Moreover, your discussion here is a great help for me to improve the overall appearance of my garden.
Adrian recently posted..DIY Chicken Shed Plans
I definitely can add something to your garden if you add a bench. Some people really need to spend more time outside. For those that like to garden indoors you should check out my blog on Aquaponics.
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