Final update
I’ve made an update to the CommentLuv plugin and uploaded it to the offical wordpress plugin repository.
This is the last update to the original plugin before I release the v2.9 (free) version. I recommend that you download it because this gives a little hint to what you can expect to see in 2.9 and that’s nofollow control.
Download nofollow control CommentLuv
It is a good idea to update your CommentLuv plugin to v2.818 so you can take control of the links that are appended to the comment. You can update it in the dashboard by using the automatic update in wordpress or you can visit the download page and update it manually here.
Can’t wait to check it out. ‘EEEEEEEE’ (in my best Ned Flanders voice.)
Thanks for all your hard work Andy and making the web a better place for everyone.
You rock dude! \m/
atseadesign´s recent blog post ..Blog on hiatus during re-configuration until beginning of April
Twitter: commentluv
thanks! I can’t wait to get into the guts of it and see just what it can do! I already have concept code and I know that works, now I just have to glue it all together in a stable and friendly plugin!
Twitter: cmygoodies
Oh beautiful Andy, I was wondering if you were working on something like that. I’ve been using Lucia’s Link Love to handle dofollow but as of WP 3 it has been giving me errors on posting – it will be nice to have that option built into CommentLuv. I don’t suppose there will be an option to go dofollow after a certain number of comments coming in 2.9??
Chris´s recent blog post ..EarthBox VS Square Foot Gardening – And the Winner Is
Twitter: commentluv
the dofollow with rules is a little more complex so it will be appearing in the 3.0 premium version of commentluv as well as a whole host of other features like anti spam with heuristics and inline registration to your blog and more.
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..What the Google girl told me – Video tutorial Part 1 with closed captions
Hi Andy,
I updated the plugin. If I want to be a dofollow, which box should I check?
Thanks for your help.
ourfamilyworld´s recent blog post ..What’s in The lunch Box Today
Twitter: commentluv
if you want your site to be a dofollow blog then you would choose the middle option.
‘no comments’ to have the nofollow added.
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..What the Google girl told me – Video tutorial Part 1 with closed captions
Thanks Andy, You have the best customer service ever!!
ourfamilyworld´s recent blog post ..Hoppy Easter Eggstravaganza – GoodParentGoodChild™ Sponsor
Is this for Blogger, or just WordPress?
Gabriel709´s recent blog post ..10 Ways to Maximize Your Blog’s Impact
Twitter: commentluv
this is just for WordPress, there is a version that works on Intensedebate that you can install to blogger
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..What the Google girl told me – Video tutorial Part 1 with closed captions
Okay, thanks for the quick response!

Gabriel709´s recent blog post ..Discover Music with Shazam!
Does this works with drupal or do you provide any version for it ? thanks for the plugin for wordpress but presently i made with drupal
endlasuresh´s recent blog post ..latest nvidia graphic card
Twitter: commentluv
commentluv doesn’t currently have a version that works with Drupal sorry. There may be a universal javascript version coming in the future that would work with all comment forms
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..What the Google girl told me – Video tutorial Part 1 with closed captions