I have received a lot of feedback from readers saying that they would like to know what the Google girl told me on our consultation call where we went over every page of this site to see what can be done to increase adsense earnings.
There was so much that was done and so much to tell about how I did it using edits to my themes functions.php file that I have decided to make a series of video tutorials covering each thing we discussed and how I implemented it on this site.
Here is part 1 that deals with how to target your post content by using google_ad_section_start and google_ad_section_end

You can read more about how to target sections by reading the google adsense help page here
here’s the code from the video
/** adsense blocks */ add_filter('the_content','my_adsense_target'); function my_adsense_target($content){ if(is_singular()){ $content = '<!-- google_ad_section_start -->'.$content.'<!-- google_ad_section_end -->'; } return $content; }
Where are the captions? :S
Twitter: commentluv
start playing the video and then click the arrow on the toolbar at the bottom of the video window and click the CC to see the captions or click the youtube logo to watch it at youtube where you will be able to click for captions more easily
Twitter: cmygoodies
Great vid Andy, I didn’t know Google was still using those – I had used them years ago on an old static html site. Have you noticed an improvement in targeted ads since implementing it? And I don’t suppose you could post that code for us lazy non coders who would more than likely miss a semi-colon and break our whole site.

Chris´s recent blog post ..EarthBox VS Square Foot Gardening – And the Winner Is
Twitter: commentluv
that’s a good idea, I’ll edit the post to put the code in for copy and paste.
you can see how well it works on http://comluv.com/tutorials/hints-and-tips/why-is-she-dating-him/ which is an article about dating, you will see that all the adsense blocks are about dating sites which you could say is definitely targeted!
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..New Commentluvcom site
Twitter: Quillcards
Great that you added the code – (thanks Chris)
I added the code to custom_functions.php in Theses theme.
I wonder how long it takes for Google to follow its nose and find the content?
I am counting off the seconds in eager anticipation.
David´s recent blog post ..Help Bring Attention To Child In Need India This Mother’s Day
Twitter: Quillcards
Great that you added the code – (thanks Chris)
I added the code to custom_functions.php in Thesis theme.
I wonder how long it takes for Google to follow its nose and find the content?
I am counting off the seconds in eager anticipation.
David´s recent blog post ..Help Bring Attention To Child In Need India This Mother’s Day
Twitter: commentluv
good idea putting it into the custom functions file for thesis. According to Google, it can take up to two weeks for AdSense to start adapting ads. It’s probably quicker if your site gets indexed often.
Twitter: Quillcards
It took about two hours for the Ads to change one of my niche sites.
On another of my sites – one that could be sub-titled ‘scattered jottings of a curious mind with no niche’ – that also gets far fewer hits, nothing has ‘happened’ yet.
All in all – a big thank you to you.
David´s recent blog post ..Help Bring Attention To Child In Need India This Mother’s Day
Twitter: cmygoodies
Thanks Andy for posting that code – I’ll add it to my twentyten child theme (you may want to mention to people that if they are using twentyten and alter the functions.php file the changes will be erased when they update WP – unless they have it set up as a child theme)
I have to admit I don’t spend a lot of time looking at what ads are posting on my site, but hopefully from now on they’ll be more targeted.

Chris´s recent blog post ..Cool Nook Cover- The Unique Hemp Eco-nique from i-Nique
Twitter: commentluv
You’re welcome!
another advantage of using the functions.php file with filters and actions is that it is much easier to turn those modifications into a plugin, all you need is the skeleton plugin code and then you just paste the mods in there.
I may even turn the series of snippets into a single solution adsense plugin. There’s an idea!
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..New Commentluvcom site
Very nice and informative video, I wasn’t aware that something like this it can be done. Thanks for fore sharing the code, I will try to implement it on some of my blogs to see how it will do.
Bit Doze´s recent blog post ..Build My Rank Review
Twitter: commentluv
you’re welcome. be sure to come back and let me know how it worked out for you
Twitter: rscannon
Andy…This is an excellent piece of information. I hadn’t even thought about being able to do this. Depending on the type of blog that you have, this can sure influence your Adsense revenue. Thanks.
Rick´s recent blog post ..Tips For Fixing Plumbing Problems
Twitter: commentluv
You can see examples of how it has targeted the ads on the next video in the series coming after the weekend.
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..Commentluv plugin updated with nofollow control
I don’t use Adsense at the moment but it’s worth catching a glimpse of its “inner workings”. Thanks Andy for taking the time to post this!
Phil´s recent blog post ..Yacht Charter Adriatic North – The Holiday Sailor’s Paradise
Twitter: Bytefulcom
Thanks for creating this video, Andy. I’d been looking forward to it and it didn’t disappoint. I had no idea Google was using tags to show the content. Why didn’t they tell me this when I signed up? Sheesh…
Byteful Traveller´s recent blog post ..Top 10 Sublime Sights at the International Rose Test Garden in Portland The City of Roses
Twitter: commentluv
you’re welcome! I have already made another video, I will upload it to youtube on monday and post about it on tuesday.
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..New Commentluvcom site
Thanks for this video Andy…this has helped me a lot in understanding the underlying mechanism of google and will help me further in my research study…..
Well done and eagerly waiting for your next video….
Twitter: commentluv
glad it helped. the next one is coming on Tuesday, hope you can come back and watch it