With the gazillion amount of blogs out there, any blogger will fear if he or she might just fail one day. All of a sudden you feel like you’ve lost all your inspiration, you begin to cringe seeing another blog doing much better than yours and you wonder what else you can do apart from hitting the “I QUIT!!!!” button.
As a consequence, hitting that button turns your blog into “internet trash” that serves no purpose but at most a memory of what’s left behind. No… we are not going to get sentimental about this but let’s get serious about how to prevent this from happening.
Why Blog?
By far the most fundamental question you should ask yourself. Why are you blogging? If you are thinking that blogging will make you rich overnight or in a month then you are sadly mistaken. I can assure you that none of this has happened in the history of blogging. If you have a passion to blog particularly on a niche topic then you will find success. To add on, if you like helping others through blogging with your knowledge, that will put you ahead further.
Plan Ahead
What is your blogging plan today? Have you outlined a set of goals to achieve with your blog in 6 months time? Have you chosen the right niche for your blog or are you just blogging about dog training because everyone is blogging about it?
Seek Help
If you are on your way to quit, seek help. Find a membership group. Join them. Yes it might cost you, but don’t you think if you have been having some trouble, you just need a group of experienced bloggers to help you out? Think Jack Humphrey’s BlogSuccess membership or Andrew Rondreau blog coaching program. If you think you need more choices seek out any blog mentor and join their coaching program.
Read More
If you are only hopping from one blog to another, looking for posts to comment on every day without actually reflecting on how that blogger can come out with that topic then you are not doing the right thing either. Yes it is part of networking but you will not learn as much as when you spend time reading from blogs, ebooks, magazines, books etc… you name it.
Break Out
Are you too comfortable in your comfort zones? Are you blogging in that same similar way that you used to 5 months ago? Do you fear that changing your style will drive your visitors away?
Those are all questions that might run through your head when thinking about this.
I’m not asking you to start cursing, rant or whine; although that will get the attention for a short period of time. It is only when you break out you begin to start learning something and who knows propel your blog to greater heights!
Start Commenting
Sometimes the best thing to do is to say something and in this case comment on blogs. It is only then you’ll discover your own voice, your style. Find blogs and don’t just regurgitate what they’ve said on their post. Ask questions, expand and you will not only get attention but learn more from the answers.
Take A Chill Pill
Although I’m a doctor, there’s no such thing as a chill pill. Valium won’t cure you of your blog miseries. Yes, it will make you really drowsy and dopey but it won’t turn you into the “Dr House” of bloggers. What’s my advice? Take a blog sabbatical and you will be surprised ideas will come flowing. Some of you might work better under pressure but for those who don’t time off even for a day can turn things around for you.
If all of this doesn’t pull you out from the dumps, then you must seriously consider if it’s worthwhile continuing on your blogging journey. Blogging may be for everyone but it certainly won’t bring success to everyone.
Did I miss something here? Let me know. I’m listening…
Twitter: technicallyeasy
I have been in the position where I have noticed a blog that started at the same time as me doing better. I quickly learned that we shouldn’t be comparing our blog to another. In fact, I have learned many things from the successful blogs that I have implemented on my own.
In the past few months I have learned the power of visiting, and commenting on other blogs. Not only do I get to read some new, great blogs, but I also have seen a small traffic increase. It is a great way of getting your name out there for others to see.
Paul´s recent blog post ..The Storage Server – Not Just For Large Businesses Anymore
Hi Paul,
I’ve known quite a few blogs that started about the same time as mine and are doing better too. At first I thought that I’m just not cut out for it but eventually I changed small little things and I begin to see the difference. You’re right about learning from the successful blogs too. Often they say we should learn from the better bloggers which is true but we must also stand out from the crowd and not just be like everyone else.
You’re absolutely right about commenting. The same thing happened to mine as well. Thx for commenting here
bryanps´s recent blog post ..10 Business Email Etiquette Tips
Twitter: lavenderuses
Hi Bryan
Great to see you guest posting here. I enjoyed your article. Some salient points you give us here. BTW I don’t need to take the chill pill cos I’ve got my lovely lavender to relax me lol
What health blog do you have? I”d like to visit and check it out.
Patricia Perth Australia
Patricia´s recent blog post ..Lavender Recipes-Flower Power in the Kitchen
hi patricia,
thx for commenting and stopping by
yeah it’s my first time guest posting here. haha, i knew you would say that. Now i need more help from you cos you’re the Lavender doctor around here
Will DM you about my health blog.
bryanps´s recent blog post ..10 Business Email Etiquette Tips
Twitter: dragonblogger
I had a “HELP” and freak out moment last month when I traffic dropped 65% on my blogs and stayed that way, I seriously considered giving up and walking away from blogging, but instead focused on launching a new version of my website and pressing forward.
Justin Germino´s recent blog post ..XML Sitemap Error
hey justin,
I know how that feels. I had some problems with my blog but thankfully I manage to get some help. there’s really no certainty that your blog will be problem free cos there are lots of external factors influencing its success and it also depends on the blogger himself. I think being persistent will also help you pull through difficulties in blogging
bryanps´s recent blog post ..10 Business Email Etiquette Tips
Twitter: maidoesimple
I think I am over the “freaking out” part. I found a good rhythm, at the end of every day I try to find time to at least jot down some mindmaps about arguments for a blog post I already saved somewhere in my “creativity” moments (usually using Evernote), so that when I write it down in a sentient form I almost just follow the map and let the words flow. This way I usually have no problem having posts to fill my 3-times-a-week schedule, one I am, for the moment, comfortable with.
I also spend at least a good hour a day commenting on blogs I follow, digging them, retweeting them, stumbling them, and yeah you get the point.
Once you find your rhythm, you’ll stop freaking out, that’s my 2 cents.
Gabriele Maidecchi´s recent blog post ..Web editing tools for bloggers- Espresso- easy and fast HTML editing
Hey Gabriele,
I’m glad you’ve found your flow. It is not easy at first; like me, I had to find my own flow. Planning and jotting down potential content is a great way to stick to your posting schedule. I use good old M Word as I’m comfortable with that.
Sometimes I allow guest posting just to let me have a bit of break some times and work out my next content.
bryanps´s recent blog post ..10 Business Email Etiquette Tips
Twitter: vagabondroots
You’re so right about taking breaks! I’ve found doing something other than thinking about blogging gave me not only a fresh start but a lot of my time away was spent doing and thinking about things that I later realised were posts in the making.
It’s interesting that you mention commenting on other blogs. I find it a lot easier to comment than to write on my own site, maybe I should start looking at posting a bit more like I see commenting, it does seem far less intimidating that way. Thanks for the helpful tips!
Catia´s recent blog post ..iPhone Travel Apps
hey catia,
yeah breaks are good. if i don’t have anything to write about I will just take time off and come back when I’ve something to write.
thx for commenting
bryanps´s recent blog post ..10 Business Email Etiquette Tips
Twitter: barbaraling
Commenting rocks! Not only does it help spread inbound links to your site, but you can also gather some pretty nifty insiders’ views if you choose wisely.
Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach´s recent blog post ..Why I would NEVER use Kajabi…and why I’m telling MY customers the same thing
yeah barbara,
that’s right. i also usually choose to comment on sites if i have something valuable to say or add on to the discussion. I think comluv has made commenting even more attractive
bryanps´s recent blog post ..10 Business Email Etiquette Tips
Twitter: Soar_Coach
Thanks for this article. I just recently started blogging and it seems almost addictive to me. I’ve got 4 “serious” blogs and one that is just for fun. I certainly have days when I feel a little stretched for time and ideas. It’s nice to know I’m not alone and I definitely see the value in your tips. I’ve already gotten a lot of inspiration from reading other blogs. On top of that, paying attention the way other bloggers write is helping me to improve my own style.
chanevy´s recent blog post ..How to Rededicate Your Life to Christ
Hey Chanevy,
Thx for commenting here. I’m glad my tips helped you in some way. Looking at how other bloggers write can be a source of inspiration but I also think that its important to find your own unique style.
Have a good day
bryanps´s recent blog post ..A Glimpse Into Google InPage Analytics
Twitter: CoachNotesBlog
H Bryan – Your article really made me laugh … I could envision you holding a session with a blogger on the couch sharing his woes, taking a chill pill, rising up from the ashes, invigorated!
I manage 2 blogs, one for business, one that’s more personal. There have certainly been times when I wondered if blogging was the right format for me (or my clients) and thought about chucking in the towel and doing it another way. But, I enjoy the whole concept of blogging! So I’ve stayed with it and learned from the many creative thinkers and writers – like yourself – who share what they know, and do what they love.
Vernessa Taylor´s recent blog post ..Video Broadcasting Equalizer- WebcamMax With UStreamtv and Skype
Hey Vernessa,
I’m glad you enjoyed my article! Yeah I enjoy blogging too and i also think that blogging is a long term process but if you are passionate about what you blog, you will stay on and continue doing it for a long time
thx for commenting
Twitter: allandouglasdgn
I gave up on “freaking out” over every down turn long ago. Numbers go up, numbers go down; do what you do as well as you can and they work out over time. Of course, that’s probably why I’m NOT a millionaire! oh, well, at least I’m happy where I am. It’s all good advice though, thanks.
Allan Douglas´s recent blog post ..Warts and All
True Allan,
I think you really have to find out why you want to blog in the first place. Is it because you enjoy doing it or to make some money, both or something else? Whatever your reasons are, the most important thing is to enjoy what you are doing.
Thx for commenting!
bryanps´s recent blog post ..A Glimpse Into Google InPage Analytics
Twitter: yodisphere
Checking out my blog stats daily really freaks me out. I’m just starting to learn this SEO thing and sometimes I think focusing on this ares defeats the purpose of why I’m into the blogosphere – I started out just to have some fun and productive way to kill time but recently this blogging thing really got into my system.
I think I need that chill pill to bring me back to basics – to stop freaking out and just enjoy this hobby.
yodz´s recent blog post ..Ten Ways to Escape Work and Afford a Vacation
hey yodz,
It is true. Blogging used to be very simple many years ago but now there are a lot of ppl blogging for traffic, money or for their companies. It can be very competitve if you are in a crowded niche. And if you are in one, you will need to have your blog well optimized like SEO, traffic etc, the list can go on. But I can also give you an example of a blog that has managed to achieve incredible success without paying too much attention to all the technical aspects and all the tasks of promoting your blog.
Dooce.com is one example, you can have a look and check it out. This is owned by a stay at home mum who has no intention of monetizing or getting 10 million views a month, but she did get a HUGE amount of attention for some reason.
Thx for commenting here

bryanps´s recent blog post ..A Glimpse Into Google InPage Analytics
Twitter: pictureme2
Speak my mind? ok… The only reason why I want to start a blogging is to earn a lot of money. I want to know the secrets to earn top dollars in blogging about nothing; but to many it is something. I could see it right now… Every morning, I write and post an article, everyone is reading it and posting comments.
Otherwise, why should I waste my time. I mean.. My English is very bad so I am pretty much stuck with an incomplete blog and website. I don’t know who my target market is and where to find them. I have an issue with colors. I love colors and can’t pick one for my site. I need major help.
However, Thanks to your article I could start to see clearly the rain is gone… (singing that song in my head). Anyway, I am a photographer. It was a hobby that exploded into a business.
I love taking pictures and I love captuing kids, birthday parties, sweet sixteen, and special events. I am now learning more about headshots and portraits of people. I am really excited.
I just have to take one day at a time and find out who is PICTUREME2. What is my niche, my goal, and how to entice people to visit my site and blog.
On a short note, in the last 3 to 4 years, most of my friends did not have access to the internet, computer, or pda phone. I live in Harlem NYC and these luxury things were a little hard to get. Now, everyone has access to the internet via phone, computer, or wi fi (stealing..). Anyway, I am going to walk away from blogging. I am going to clear my head and start from scratch. I have a new perspective and motive for blogging.
you said speak your mind… so, I am not sure why I just wrote has anything to do with blogging or just me?
Hey Jackie,
Thx for posting your thoughts about blogging. I think it is wise of you to step back clear your head and think if blogging is really for you. Blogging to earn top dollars is possible but it is certainly not easy and in order to get you to that stage you need to put in a lot of effort. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are talking bulls**t. Excuse the french, but they really are.
I can see that you enjoy photography. I think once you’ve understood why you wanna blog or if you wanna blog, you can explore the world of blogging again and think if you want t monetize it or turn it into a hobby.
Appreciate your honesty here.
Cheers! and thx for commenting
bryanps´s recent blog post ..A Glimpse Into Google InPage Analytics
Twitter: cabcot
My SEO said I should start a blog and start commenting on others blogs. It takes a lot of time, but makes sense. Thanks for this article. It reaffirmed the importance.
Chris Allington´s recent blog post ..Big Bear Cabins Will Make You Roar for More
Hey Chris,
I’m glad my post has helped you in some way. Thx for stopping by and leaving a comment