I realize there are hundreds of articles about how to find website traffic already published on the Internet. Some are just regurgitating the same old methods and others have golden nuggets that you can treasure and add to your own list of goodies. Well I am probably regurgitating here, however I am also sure you will get at least one nugget from my list I am about to share.
Let me tell you that I am no expert when it comes to website traffic and I have struggled to get my share just like everyone else. My only qualifications are two websites, one of which has traffic and another newer website that is on the path to blowing the first one out of the water. The first website took me three years to finally get to 6,000 unique visitors a day, and now using that knowledge, the second WordPress Website looks like taking me 6 months to do the same thing. Of course there are people out there that do this quicker; however they are probably working harder and more efficient than I do.
Firstly I need to say “Content is king” and if you do not have outstanding content then you are never going to be a rich blogger. You might be able to find website traffic for your blog, but can you keep them? Can you make them optin, join in and contribute, and come back? What’s the point of going to all the effort of driving traffic to a crappy website? You are wasting your time and at this stage and you need to go back to the drawing board.
How to find website traffic for my websites?
#1 Update Your Content
This is the number one way find website traffic. Even if your content is mediocre the search engines will still send you traffic simply because you have fresh content. However if your content is totally relevant, accurate, and updated then you will get even more traffic.
#2 SEO
My SEO tactics are not that hard. I simply know my keywords and my LSI (related keywords) and surround my posts and pages around these. I make sure I have a great keyword title, tags, and a fantastic description for every post. After this I get links pointing in to these posts and my homepage that use your keywords for the anchor text. Therefore if I had a website about helping people with computers I would use the anchor text Computer Tips.
The difference with my link building is that I do not go around asking for link exchanges and waiting to be approved and accepted. I just go where I know I can have a link and help my website get picked up by the search engines. Some websites to get links on include “dofollow” blogs, Youtube (if you are a partner there is a “dofollow” space), Ezine articles (the author bio), your other websites, and guest blogging.
Hey what about setting up a Google blog, a WordPress blog, a Squidoo, or even a Weebly, with links pointing back to your website. These blog sites get crawled frequently and your links will get noticed and followed. All these methods are free and I am telling you it works. I have used this method and gained a Page rank 4 on my first try. I only exchange links after I have some page rank for more trading power.
#3 Guest Blogging will find website traffic!
Obviously this is what I am doing right here. Guest blogging is fantastic for the absolute best quality traffic you can get. All the website visitors you obtain are highly targeted, providing you are guest posting on a related topic, these people are exactly what you want. I cannot really say you need to find website traffic when guest posting because the traffic will find you if you write about the right things.
You need to submit articles to the top websites and blogs in your niche but not just any old article. Some articles I write take hours of work trying to perfect the information, the flow of writing, and the grammar. I am not perfect, not the greatest story teller, and I do not have any fancy degrees to boast about. However I do have guts and determination, which is a necessary trait of a successful blogger, and it always leads me to take action. See the screen shot below showing the effect guest posting had on a new website of mine.
#4 Youtube Video
Youtube is a great place to find website traffic. When listing your Youtube video do SEO on the title and description. Simply type in your keyword and press a space and you will get a menu dropping down with the most popular searches for that particular word. We all remember to do this on Google but are we doing this on Youtube?
This way you can see the most popular keywords and can reword your title and tags to suit. Then you can also choose one and press enter and see the competitions results. Have they got all the keywords in the title? Usually not. See what’s missing and find the gap where you can get your video in that list . Find website traffic that others have missed!
#4 Write testimonials
In the Internet marketing game you will probably, and almost definitely, end up buying a few products to help you along your path to success. However did you realize or maybe you simply forgot that you probably bought the product from one of the big time IM gurus? Why not make a video testimonial or a written one. If it is good enough it will be used and they usually give you a back link to your website.
#5 Article marketing
I can here you all moaning now. Well just wait a minute. Look at the screen shot below.
I have received a constant stream of traffic from this one article I posted on Article base. It’s not even on Ezine Articles. What’s wrong with this free traffic? The actual article is one that I posted on my website first and then submitted as “duplicate” content. I did not spend hours writing this article especially for this website, however I am gaining enormous benefits from it. Article marketing is not dead! What’s wrong with bringing highly targeted visitors to your website? If I had a hundred articles like this I probably would never have to work on getting traffic again. Wouldn’t that be nice? I would never have to find website traffic again.
#7 Bookmark other websites and the traffic will find you
I have made the simple mistake of over bookmarking one of my websites which ended up getting many social accounts closed and thrown out of the search engines. I finally realized that this was a touchy subject and decided to bookmark all the web pages that had links to my website on it. So now I bookmark and ping Youtube videos, articles, guest posts, and basically anything related to my websites. It still brings me traffic but I am safe from be banned again.
#8 Re-use your content
Yes re-using your content find website traffic as you have seen in the article marketing section above.
However this is not the only way to find website traffic.
- Bundle a group of articles from your website and create a PDFand submit it to Scribd or FreeIQ.
- Convert an article to a Power point slideshow and submit them to Slideshare, Slidrocket, and Scribd.
- Add audio to your PowerPoint and upload it to Youtube.
- You can also create eBooks and reports from articles and submit them to free eBook websites.
- Use your best articles in your email auto responders system.
Did you find website traffic?
The list goes on. But do you think this gets you traffic? Well of course it does! There are many simple ways to get website traffic but people presume because it is obvious, that it does not work. Why not save time and re-use your effort in other places. The one golden rule is to brand anything you give away with your website link and maybe even some affiliate links. Do not go overboard with the links though, as many websites avoid publishing any solely self promotion material.
Highly qualified traffic is highly profitable and all we need to take action everyday, get simple and forget all the complicated information that is holding us back. Getting traffic to your website is hard work and involves you doing something, however the work is a no brainer. Set yourself a goal. Complete two traffic getting tasks everyday, and before you know it you will have a steady flow streaming through your website doors. You really will not have to go out and find website traffic if you get all these strategies in place.
Hi Mitz,
Very good article with many points, and I personally think that guest blogging is one of the best way to get traffic, look at your own screen the effect after the guest post you had and that you did get many new readers. So make so many guest blogging as possible and you get good traffic.
You are right about the guest blogging. It is really worth the effort!
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..Generating traffic for each new article you post on your blog
Twitter: EuropeCarNews
i agree too with guest blogging as publishing on ezinearticle for istance.
gonasip´s recent blog post ..LOTUS RENAULT ALLIANCE FOR 2011 F1
Good pointers – perfect for someone who is brand new to blogging and looking for a solid building block – you summed up the easiest ways to get traffic.
Congrats on your achievement! I recently started a new blog and am only getting about 50 hits a day. I found that posting and commenting here has also increased traffic.
Another traffic source would be to make a do follow blog and use com luv – that seems to be an instant source of traffic as well. Also twitter
Personally, I write and post here, submit to ezine, have my blog on forums in a sig, and once in a while submit an article I write to facebook. Im twitterless at the moment and I dont know if i should join or not!
zoopco´s recent blog post ..Increase Traffic With CommentLUV
Great post!
Kimber Leszczuk´s recent blog post ..Visiting the Dentist and How to Kill Someone Legally
I wasted a lot of time thinking there were always better ways to get traffic…and its these old and boring ways that get me the long term traffic I need …
I have twitter but I am not too keen on it as it is full of advertising and people are starting to see that.
I really believe Facebook is great and is a must for every website.
As for Commentluv…Amazing!!! Love it to death. I get a lot of traffic from it and have mentioned it in detail in my latest post…
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..Generating traffic for each new article you post on your blog
Oh MANNNNN, Mitz, what a GOLD MINE of tips here! Thank you so much for “sharing the wealth.” Very pumped to try out these massive pearls of wisdom. THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Abundant blessings to you and yours,
mjmac´s recent blog post ..Hosea 13-14
Glad you like it…
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..Generating traffic for each new article you post on your blog
Hey Mitz!
Love the post and a great read for a brand spankin’ new blogger like myself.
I’ve heard the tips about Ezine Articles before and you’re right, there is nothing wrong with free traffic!
Looking forward to reading your post archive to learn more!
James H.
casadehernandez´s recent blog post ..To Be An Online Success You Must Conquer The Internet
The simple things in life are often the best…Article marketing is one.
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..Get The Best Results When Submitting Articles To Ezine Articles
Hi Mitz,
Blog traffic is all about consistency, I find picking 3 traffic tactics as you have described, and implementing them daily. This will get you a steady flow of traffic. Like you say with articles, if done correctly you will never have to do traffic generation again. Re-using content also works well, not many people do it. More traffic for us then.
That’s exactly what I aim for…traffic that will keep coming..After all it is a simple equation when it comes to blogging… More traffic=more money.
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..Submit You Articles To Dofollow Article Directories – Doffollow link list
Well done!
You know, sometimes doing things the old school way is the best option. As you said, it may be “boring” sometimes but nevertheless, it’s effective.
Jean Paul´s recent blog post ..Good Old Google Adwords Catches “Evil Clicks” and Brings You Results…
Hi Jean Paul
It is boring doing all this but when it works for you its gets exciting!!! I always try to remember the rewards it will bring!
I checked out your blog and found a post about Landing Page Techniques You MUST Apply.. Great article. I have a landing page problem at the moment.
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..Create A Mini Site Sales Page Website With The Socrates WordPress Theme
Hi Mitz,
Thank you for the outstanding information in this post. I am heading directly to your website with high hopes of learning all you have to share. Definitely hoping to learn more on the Bookmarking you mentioned as this is new to me.
I owe many thanks to you and others who are willing to share knowledge with others!
shawnakay´s recent blog post ..Organize Your Life!
I love sharing my knowledge because I am very excited (still) about the whole thing….I worked like an idiot to get this blogging thing going..Its all I thought about 24-7 but when the ball starts rolling you focus and know what needs to be done and do it. You do not waste time learning or trying new traffic sources. I only work 1-2 hours a day now…
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..How to treat your blogging like a real business
Hey Mitz,
great stuff. I am just starting out on my first ever web site and there is so much to learn. I especially liked your lesson learned about being banned from bookmarking too much. That is what I am concerned about. Learning what is “acceptable” to do and what is over the edge. Hopefully learning the “rules” before being banned. Anyhow thanks for the good info
Carol´s recent blog post ..Compare Video Camera Features
Yes the banned thing is true…I actually had a website hooked into onlywire where it bookmarks to more than 20 websites automatically, any new post….Well that did not work….The website got banned…luckily it was an experimental auto run website.
I figured out that auto posting plugins are ok but not auto bookmarking….
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..Submit You Articles To Dofollow Article Directories – Doffollow link list
Lots to learn by this newbie and your info certainly helps thanks
Ian´s recent blog post ..Living Room Design
Mitz – Great tips for getting more website traffic, especially #4 Writing Testimonials. I have never thought of writing a testimonial for a product I tried out, but I see how this strategy can be effective if the IM guru uses your testimonial with a backlink back to your site. I also find bookmarking other websites gives me an increase in website traffic. Thanks for the tips.
John´s recent blog post ..Making Use Of Reverse Cell Phone Lookup Directories
I did one for Brett Mcfall at a seminar recently. LOL Out of thousands of people only a few had the guts to stand there in front of a camera and say something.
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..How to get views on youtube and encourage website traffic
Twitter: Jason_Matthews
Great tips, Mitz. It’s a real balance act finding time to do things and stay current while figuring out ways to make it easy and involve others. I love the guest posting idea and will have to incorporate that.
Thanks Jason!
Guest posting is fantastic! Why not try this website first!
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..How to get views on youtube and encourage website traffic
Twitter: nandimaan
Great work lol.I just started Guest posting ,one of your point to get traffic.I am using google adowrds keyword tool for my title keyword,content keyword.There you can compare a keyword with others,their have also keyword competition level and reach level/monthly.
FreeMoneyMaker´s recent blog post ..1200 dollar cash-Blog Engage best of Guest blogger2 Contest
Thanks !!
Hey if you are using Adwords then you should guest post about that. I am sure there are people that would love to know the inside story to that!
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..How to get views on youtube and encourage website traffic
Twitter: LoveThatBug
Some wonderful ideas, Mitz, that will help many people improve the traffic they get to their websites or blogs.
I think we sometimes make it too complicated for ourselves – always trying to reinvent the wheel instead of just quietly getting on with techniques that have always worked.
When you say “update content” are you meaning adding new pages or posts or are you meaning adding something to an existing page or post?
Dawn´s recent blog post ..Nov 19- Difference Between Align And Culturelle Probiotic
It means both. If you have an old post that is a pillar and you think the information can be improved then do it. Google will send you more traffic for doing so. I have even done this with dead posts, overhauled them and made them great, and turned them into a Google magnet.
If you have original content then every post you make is an asset in your business. It is always useful if you keep it up to date.
New, original posts, at lest 2 a week will get you seen by Google. Don’t just slap up posts. If they take a bit longer to write there are more benefits for this. I also promote each post and it works like crazy. One of my websites has gained 2000 uniques a day by doing this.
This method a solid foundation and everything you do will keep working for you in the future. After a while it is very hard to kill this business model as it has its own blood supply. Its pumping.
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..Generating traffic for each new article you post on your blog
Twitter: Markoshoo
Where do you find the time to do all you do? Thank you very much for this great post , i just love all the great quality info. you provide us newbees with. I`m on information overload right now but this post can definitely concentrate my efforts a little better. Again i say this is an excellent post. Thanks.
Have a great Day!
Thanks Mark!
Ahh time…we all have it…and its how you manage it and what you do with it. Gathering the information to qualify for information overload is the biggest waste of time in this game. We all do it, including me… I had to shut it all off and just do the simple things:
Start a website about something you like
Post original content. The best you can.
Promote it
Post content on other websites to promote your website
Get good at making content and knowing what your readers want
And get good at getting traffic
Get quality traffic to your website and the sky’s the limit!
At the end of all this you will have an asset. Think of it as building a house. This is what I did. I started my first website 3 years ago for free and only invested time. Now…well that’s another story…
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..How to get views on youtube and encourage website traffic
Twitter: billbolmeier
I had to read this article just based on your bio. Love your BIO.
Great tips and comments on how to find website traffic.
Bill Bolmeier´s recent blog post ..Keyword Research- 7 Steps To Casting An Extremely Wide Net
LOL Hi Bill
It is all true in my bio…
Mitz Pantic´s recent blog post ..How to get views on youtube and encourage website traffic
Fantastic post. All true and all useful. I never even thought of using YouTube search the way you described it. It makes perfect sense, especially since YouTube practically is the second largest search engines in the world. Thank you very much.
satrap´s recent blog post ..55 Get Paid To Write Websites