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Let me tell you a story
Article by Andy Bailey
I am the creator of CommentLuv and site owner and administrator of
Andy Bailey has written
221 articles for
I normally write at The ComLuv Network
Filed Under: Newsletter Tagged With: commentluv, launch, video
Twitter: ditesco
Awesome Andy! Go CommentLuv 2.9 go!
DiTesco recently posted..CommentLuv Version 29 Is Here- The Countdown
Twitter: commentluv
haha, thanks mate!
I’m just watching the live hits come in. so far so good!
Andy Bailey recently posted..iPhone and Android Menu App
CommentLuv 2.9? Seriously? ComLuv absolutely rocks!
And I love this little video about being a blogger; I think I was a born blogger because I was always running little commentaries and mentally composing what I observed in the real world as it was happening. As I got a bit older, as a kid I would write them down sometimes just to have them, but if I tried to keep a diary (like all little girls “should”, right?) it never worked!
There’s just something different about the fresh interaction with others that journals or diaries just can’t compare with.
youlovecoupons recently posted..VfG Coupon Code
Twitter: commentluv
haha, I know exactly what you mean! I tried to keep a diary when I was younger but my 4 brothers made fun of me!
getting a blog was my escape from that!
Hi Andy,
I agree with DiTesco, Comment luv 2.9 is going to rock! My only question, how do you improve on perfection? Cheers!
jennith recently posted..Before Buying Jewelry to Complement Your Kasper Suits You Should Know These Useful Details
Twitter: selfishyayun
where is the video…?
selfishyayun dofollow recently posted..Important Guidelines For House Relocation
My mum doesn’t even have to read my articles to tell me how wonderful they are. :-\
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Twitter: pthingsphoto
At least your Mum doesn’t stalk you online. That’s NOT a good thing, and I speak from experience!

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