Finally! CommentLuv now has a facebook page! Come and visit and be sure to click the like button so I know you’re alive!
CAN buy me luv!
To get the page off to a good start, I’ve decided to run a little contest…
Like CommentLuv on facebook by clicking the like button above or visit the page here and become a fan and you could be in with a chance to win 10 ComLuv credits to buy extra links, urls, featured site spots and more.
10 lucky winners will be chosen at random on Monday 17th Jan and will receive 10 credits each.
Facebook app?
Eventually, when I get off these next two intense projects I will have some time to develop a facebook app. What functionality do you want from a CommentLuv facebook app?
Here’s my initial thoughts,
- Show a message on your wall whenever you approve a new comment that has some CommentLuv on it
This could be useful to help your readers get some more exposure and encourage them to comment more often if they know their blog will be linked on your wall- Have a widget showing how many comments have received luv on your site since installing the widget
This could be good to encourage your facebook friends who haven’t visited your blog to finally come and see why so many people are getting ‘luv’- Ranking. Become the best luv giver on facebook by having the most comments that have been approved with a commentluv link
Everyone wants to be number one right?![]()
- more?..
I’d be interested in hearing your thoughts on what you would like out of a commentluv facebook app.. please leave a comment, even if it’s to say you don’t want a facebook app!
Twitter: photographworks
‘Liked’ on Facebook.
If you would consider liking – that would be icing on the cake…..
pworks´s recent blog post ..Delhi Auto-Rickshaw Driver
Twitter: gilbertocintron
Thanks Andy, I was wondering when you’d get a fanpage for CommentLove.
I’d like to this to see COMLUV and the Blog
gilbertocintron´s recent blog post ..700-000 FREE BACKLINKS
Twitter: gilbertocintron
Sorry, Networkedblogs on Facebook
gilbertocintron´s recent blog post ..700-000 FREE BACKLINKS
good idea! when this service will start?
myemailadd2´s recent blog post ..Download Accelerator Plus 95 Crack Mediafire Full version DAP
Twitter: BlazingMinds
I “Liked” how could I not Like
Love the sound of the facebook app, if it improves our blogging experiences and readers then that sound ideal to me

Karen´s recent blog post ..How to Deal With Complaints
Twitter: SwanBizCentre
Hi Andy
The first one sounds great, but could the second and third be optional – those of us with just a few comments might feel shy to have low results showing on FB ?
Love Comment Luv and of course Liked the page – as Karen said, ‘who could not?’.
Julia Hayes´s recent blog post ..A solar passive house – what’s that
Twitter: dragonblogger
I am now joined as a fan of ComLuv on Facebook
Justin Germino´s recent blog post ..How to Use Keywords in Your Headlines and Make Top-Ranking Blog Posts
Twitter: HerEntrepreneur
Thanks for the opportunity to be a part of this. I would say the first one would benefit me and other newbies like me. Keep up the good work.