I have updated the search box to now include every single CommentLuv enabled blog from across the world as long as they’ve given one of their commentators some luv in the last 7 days. This means you can search for any keyword or phrase relevant to your niche and see a list of blogs where you know you can leave a comment that will add a direct link to your most recent/relevant post.
Google-ology brains, ComLuv Freshness and UKFast Speed
It uses the same engine as Google to do the searching so you know the results will be exactly what you’re used to and the difference between this and other CommentLuv search engines is that this one uses a dynamically created list of site domains from the ComLuv database that are bang up to date, no more trawling through outdated lists of blog after blog that have taken the plugin off their site or updated their theme without it, plus, you’re not limited to searching only 1 or 2 hundred sites like the other search engines, this one can pull up a list of thousands upon thousands of CommentLuv enabled sites and only use the ones that have given some luv in the past week. All of this running on a lightening speed dedicated server from UKFast for super reliability and fantastic response times.
The more the merrier!
So far, the ComLuv database has records of over 150,000 CommentLuv enabled blogs from across the globe so you know for sure that there will be some blog, somewhere that has a relevant post to do with your niche keyword or keyphrase, you will not find this many CommentLuv enabled sites, in a list this up to date anywhere else in the world and you get it all for free right here at The ComLuv Network!
Fair warning
Please follow good commenting etiquette by leaving only relevant comments and please, please DO NOT leave lame messages like “great site, thanks” or “I agree”. Those kind of comments will not only see your comment getting put in the spam bin but, may even have your url removed entirely from receiving any luv on any blog.
Twitter: wwginger
The search works great! I got a lot more results than I thought I would, and they were ALL highly relevant. Great job, will make it so much easier to find posts/blogs to comment on with topics that match our own.
Nicely done, I’ll be using it a lot!
Ginger´s last blog ..Updating WordPress Tips and Tricks
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
thanks Ginger! it took a lot of learning but I finally got it running and I’m very pleased with the amount of results that are returned for keyphrase searches!
Twitter: partycupcakes
I’m lovin this new search feature. I’ve found some great new blogs just within a few seconds. It used to take me hours to go through Technorati search for relevant food blogs. Great job and where’s the tip jar

Melody @ Party Cupcake Ideas´s last blog ..Minnie Mouse Disney Cupcakes
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
glad you are finding it useful! There’s a donate link on the left if you’re feeling tip happy
Twitter: cmygoodies
Fantastic Andy! This is one of the best tools ever – I agree with Melody above a lot of time can be spent looking for blogs in one’s niche to comment on. This is an invaluable tool. (although the first site I went to was a slightly spammy blog with auto generated content – ya win some and you lose some I guess) Still I look forward to finding some great new blogs. Thanks.
PS. not to be a nag but it still says I am not a member of comluv on any blog I post on… (I do have the option of picking from my last 10 posts which is a very nice feature)
Earth Friendly Goodies´s last blog ..Simply Sexy Terra Verde Bamboo Cutting Board
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
Unfortunately there are some spam blogs that use the plugin and the search engine only searches from blogs that have given out some love in the last week. Even spammers use commentluv so some will get returned in the list of results, it’s easy enough to ignore them with so many other legitimate there too.
I’ll look into why your link is not showing you as a member, I think it has to do with the /eco-blog suffix you use. I thought I had that bit covered, I’ll take a look at the code on my local install to see whats what
Twitter: cmygoodies
Thanks Andy, I was guessing it was something to do with having the blog in a subfolder as well. Wish I would have done that differently from the get go.

Earth Friendly Goodies´s last blog ..Earth Friendly Photo Friday Begins with a Bang
Thanks alot for that luv search engine.
However, when inserting the phrase “speed reading” i could not see how many results there are.
yesh@howtoincreasereadingspeed.net´s last blog ..Five Breakable Speed Reading Myths
Twitter: ElizObihFrank
This sounds like a terrific idea especially for those of us who believe in the commentluv spirit and want to connect with other like minded souls.
Where do I find the code for a site button? I just love seeing that little red heart on my site and it has been awol for a while. Thank you!
I am a relative newbie still learning the blogging ropes. I always enjoy learning new ways to make my blog better and have slowly added things to my blog site as I go along.
Thanks for the work you do Andy and forgive me when I ask the same question about replacing my messed up commentluv button…. I’m new.
eof1´s last blog ..NFL Team Spirit: Building Community the Football Fan Way…
Twitter: ElizObihFrank
Okay Andy. Thank you for the badges and ignore my request above… I’ve been calling them site buttons. Found them!!!

eof1´s last blog ..NFL Team Spirit: Building Community the Football Fan Way…
Twitter: psychicgeek
So, when do you actually sleep?
psychicgeek´s last blog ..Bust A Move
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
sometimes I just don’t and then suddenly realise that I’m in a coffee shop with a cold cup of coffee and no idea how I got there, that’s when I decided to go to bed.
(in my house, not in the coffee shop obviously)
150,000 sites is quite a lot and kudos for your success but I would be much more happy if you can make commentluv supported for blogspot blogs also. IF you are already having that feature to add commentluv to blogger blogs, please do mention from where I can get the code and installation details. I would love to install commentluv on my blog as its lot better than the default blogger comment form.
ramaraobobby´s last blog ..Jeff teaches how to sell once & get paid forever
I’m starting to love commentluv! Congrats on the 150,000 sites!!!
h3sean´s last blog ..New Moon Movie Review and Realizations
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
thanks! glad you like it
Twitter: timmyjohnboy
I’m not sure if you noticed but I did a ,a href=”http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/commentluv-reward-commenters-on-your-blog-with-blog-links/”.write-up on MakeUseOf.com about CommentLuv. Thanks for such a great idea (I’m loving the search engine, too)!
timmyjohnboy´s last blog ..A Contest to Kick Off 2010 – Win a ZAZZLE T-Shirt!
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
hi! great writeup! I visit your site often, thanks so much for the tutorial. Be sure to add your site url to your profile in the affiliate section so any referred new members become yours and you’ll earn every time they spend anything.
Thanks for creating this plugin.
Are you doing this entirely on your own, or do you have the backing of the WordPress folks?
The Digital Life & Tools Blog´s last blog ..How to Claim Your Blog on Technorati
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
my pleasure!
I do it all on my own. No one to even talk to about it either
It took me too long to find this website. I’ve been frustrated for months because I couldn’t find commentluv blogs
Twitter: worthytips
Hey Andy, I have a request. Is it possible here to create a category list of top active blog(blog that are updated in last 72hours)? I really feel a need because some of my listed blog remove commentLuv, some just stop posting. This will save much time of people like me who love to communicate with others. The search engine won’t able to help me much for this.
Arafat Hossain Piyada´s last blog ..4 Working tools to check PageRank of all inner pages of websites or domains
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
that would be a good idea. I’ll work on that next week, there are a few thousand blogs details with categories and keywords in the meta table now so it shouldn’t be too hard.
thanks for the feedback.
This is awesome – absolutely fantastic! I was doing the equivalent using Google with only marginal success – thanks!
Udi´s recent blog post ..Gaining A Million Followers In Less Than 30 Days
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
I’m glad you like it. It took me ages to figure out how to only include up to date commentluv sites in the results.
How DID you do this?

Udi´s recent blog post ..Gaining A Million Followers In Less Than 30 Days
I think commentluv will become the standard in the blogging community over the next few years
theconnollygroup´s recent blog post ..Youtube to Mp3
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
I hope so!
I have commentluv but when I installed Disqus, it stopped working.

Melo Itong´s recent blog post ..I Earned 10525 USD With LinkShare
Twitter: xyJmqPmHcULncjBzUVM
commentluv does not work with Disqus, sorry!
Just found about this plugin, I think I’m going to add it to my blog. Seems like a pretty nice concept, glad there are still people who care about their readers.
Mark from FinderMind´s recent blog post ..Do People Search using Social Security Number
I was using some app called comment kahuna for this purpose but most of the results were outdated and commluv didnt work. Tnx a ton.
Selina´s recent blog post ..Wine Glass Charms – FREE SHIPPING!