Massive Contest!
We have officially started the BIG blogging contest of 2011 organised by ;
Main sponsors
- ~ GoDaddy Coupon
- ~ Premium themes for WordPress
- ~ The Blogger Outreach Dashboard
- ~ Keyword ranking tool
- ~ SMSCoin on-line payments
- ~ Join Our Blog Engagement Community!
- ~ Free people search!
Ideal sponsors
- ~ Kennewick Homes
- ~ Webhosting Discount Coupons
- ~ Blogging Tips, Video Tutorials and Social Media Optimization
- ~ Personalized Gifts
Basic sponsors
- ~ Increase your chance of winning blogging contests with Blog Post Promotion!
- ~ Dan Lew, the Internet Marketer!
- ~ AIDY’s poetry and writing Blogpoetry and writing!
- ~ Vertical Measures, Internet Marketing Service!
- ~ Monster Cars!
- ~ Monster Shoppers Optimum MasterCard!
- ~ Blog writer for hire!
- ~ Get a free iPhone!
- ~ Spork Marketing!
- ~ Conversion Rate Optimization!
- ~ Medical and Nursing Scrub Tops!
- ~ Guangzhou Website Development!
- ~ Travel Directory!
- ~ Vacation Rentals!
- ~ Wall clocks shop!
- ~ Baltimore dui lawyer directory and informational site!
- ~ School Fundraisers!
- ~ Best Android Deals!
- ~ Gifts for men!
A massive thanks to all sponsors who have contributed real cash money!
There are still spots available for sponsors, all the $100 spots have been taken but there are still a few $200 and $300 sponsorships available.. If you consider how many blogs you’ll appear on, 2 or 3 hundred dollars would be considered a real bargain if you were just buying blog ads!.
Contact me or Hesham to arrange sponsorship on the remaining levels…
Contest Deadlines
You will need to remember these dates
- Publishing starts on the 1st of March
- Article Submission ends on the 31 of March
- Promotion Ends at 15 of April
- Announcing the winners on 30th April
- Delivering prizes in two weeks after announcing the winners
What can you win?
You can win REAL CASH MONEY!! haha, that’s right. There is AT LEAST FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS available this time around which means that the first prize winner will get a LOT of money and there will be a LOT of winners!
How? (the short answer)
The concept is simple, write an article about “Traffic Generation” and submit it to this site for review using the special contest entry page in the dashboard of this site. Write about the contest on your own site and include the links to all the sponsors (and logos) to qualify yourself for consideration.
Once your article has been published on one of the organisers blogs (see the top of this post), you can start to promote the hell out of it to your followers/readers/family/friends/people that you see on the bus on the way to work.
How? (the long answer)
Before we get into how you’re going to win, here’s what you need to do first ;
Click the link to create a new account here at (if you haven’t already got one).
Next, you need to write a post on your own site explaining about the contest. You will need to include links to ALL the sponsors on your post and also a little about what you might be able to win. It’s thanks to these sponsors that there is so much money to give away, if it wasn’t for them then there would be no contest at all so make sure you follow this step, without it you wont have a chance to win anything.
Now is the time to submit your article, log in to the dashboard of this site and click the ‘contest’ icon that you see on the left toolbar.
You may see a list of posts that others have submitted, you wont be able to read them until they have been published by Hesham either on this site or at one of the other organizers sites.
Click the link ‘New Entry’ to submit your article, it can be any article you like as long as it conforms to these rules ;
- It must be UNIQUE, no repeating an old article or publishing it elsewhere (we will check)
- It must be YOURS, no copy pastes
- The subject is “Traffic Generation” , it can be anything you like about traffic generation. How to get more traffic to your site, how to use tools to get traffic, where to get the best traffic and even what you shouldn’t do if you want traffic!
Then it’s just a case of writing your article!, you should be familiar with how the format goes for writing a post in a wordpress dashboard so all you have to worry about is formatting your post properly.
note for security reasons you will not be able to upload your own images here, please use free image hosting to store your images and use the url in your post.
Hint use twitpic or other social platforms and maximize the opportunities to promote your post!
How to win a prize?
In short : write one of the best articles!
In Detail : All articles will be judged by independent bloggers who will score the articles based on quality of content. That’s it, the best articles will win something, how much? well, that bit depends on other factors such as the amount of comments the article receives, how many responses you make, how many tweets, shares, retweets and social exposure it gets all contribute to determining where in the list of winners you appear.
This is NOT a popularity contest, it is an article writing contest. The best articles will be shortlisted based on the score they get from the judges and then and only then will the things like comments, tweets and social promotion come in to play to rank the winners list.
Get the latest info from
Do yourself a BIG favour and visit the official announcement post over at where Hesham has laid out in glorious detail everything else you need to know.
Good Luck!
I want to wish every contestant the very best of luck and I’m really looking forward to reading your entries, if last years contest is anything to go by, this years articles are going to be GOLD! not only for the contest but, for the contestants themselves! last year saw so many benefits beyond prize money for those that entered. People enjoyed it, found new readers, got exposure and made a real event out of it!
Now come on! get entering!
I’ll participate. And I’m def going to win. LOL.
Twitter: commentluv
good luck!
Twitter: tonyknuckles
Thanks for starting up another firestorm of activity…
tonyknuckles´s recent blog post ..What It Looks Like To Sell A Post From Your Blog To Payperpost
Twitter: dheerajbansal
Hi, Thanks for the Information about this Contest .
Sounds like a fun challenge, I think that I may have a go this year.
Jon´s recent blog post ..Barbell and Kettlebell Workout Plan
Twitter: technicallyeasy
Sounds like a great contest. I think I’ll take a shot at it and see how it goes.
Paul´s recent blog post ..The 5 Most Popular Twitter Applications Around
Twitter: authopublisher
Hello Andy. Is it too late to also sponsor a prize?
Self Publishing Blog´s recent blog post ..Get Traffic Using Twitter Trends
Twitter: commentluv
no it’s not too late! you can contact me or Hesham ( and arrange a 200 or 300 dollar cash prize donation
Twitter: laxmankafle
i will take part tooooooo..i m gona win

laxman´s recent blog post ..Add Website Speed Test Tool Directly on Your Website
Dang! It’s still not working! Why is it that my last blog post doesn’t show up! Pooh!
Anyho! when I get that cleared up I’ll join the contest!
Twitter: melvinblog
There’s no reason for me not to join this contest..
Good luck to me and to everyone..
Melvin´s recent blog post ..Minimizing Blog Elements and Why Should
Twitter: GIJoh_com
Wow, this contest sure is a big one! Lots of prizes too! Good luck and best wishes to all the participants

Johanna´s recent blog post ..iPad 2 will be Available this March 11- 2011
Twitter: thatgirlisfunny
Hello Andy,

And there’s me wondering why my article hasn’t been published yet. I hadn’t read this page. Ready, fire – aim! Too funny. Must get busy writing the post to publicize the contest on my blog. Look out fellow competitors – thatgirlisfunny is in da house! Well, nearly…soon as I follow all of the directions
thatgirlisfunny´s recent blog post ..Life at FloMAC- Yahoo Production Crew Visits thatgirlisfunny
This will be a powerfull contest! There are so many sponsors!
cbogdan´s recent blog post ..The Rasnov Fortress
Twitter: bbrian017
Hi guys, I’ve started writing my post and I look forward to rocking your socks off with traffic! I really look forward to the contest this is my first one! best of luck to all the contestants! I’ve hosted a few of my own but I’ve never joined one. Thanks for putting this together it’s just awesome!
Twitter: clickfire
I’m interested in being a basic sponsor if slots are avaialble. Please contact me, thanks.
clickfire´s recent blog post ..Crowdspring Review- Logo Design By Committee
cool andy bailey

daus´s recent blog post ..Cara letak sudu dan garfu lepas makan
Twitter: wineclubguy
Cool contest! It’s really hard to believe though that 4k in prize winnings is really available!
markswineclubs´s recent blog post ..JC Penny has been a Bad Boy
This would be interesting and exciting contst..Good luck to all participants..:)
mandel´s recent blog post ..How to Really Get Targeted Traffic to Your Site- Let Us Go Back to the Start
Wow, lots of Sponsors, I might give this a try.
rahuman´s recent blog post ..AIR JORDAN 2011
im late…+++cry++…hope the best blogger with the best article win…
menumasakan´s recent blog post ..Teluk Kiluan Surga yang terlupakan!
Twitter: selfishyayun
i will, but i cant write in english. Im indonesian and cant speaking english well.
selfishyayun´s recent blog post ..Dofollow Blog PR-5 FreebloghelpCom
Thanks for sharing the info. Very Useful.
ricardo´s recent blog post ..Samsung SyncMaster P2770FH