ComLuv blogs are now paid only. Don’t worry! it’s just 5 USD per year and there’s even a way to get your blog for free. Here’s how it will work…
A new blog that gets created will have a free period of 30 days, during that time the user can access everything to do with the blog to create posts, change themes and everything else in the dashboard.
The charge is only for having a blog hosted on this site, the commentluv plugin and return of posts is still free
# Free period finishes
Once the 30 days are over, the blog still displays to the public but when the owner logs on they will be presented with the screen for payment.
# Try your luck..
At the bottom of that page is an area for the owner to request to have their blog extended for free.
# Pending…
They type out their request and it gets sent direct to my inbox and shown on my admin page and their blog account shows as pending.
# Success!
Within a short time, I read the request and if there’s plenty of space on the server and the person looks like they want to create a real blog and not some link farm or random product promotion site then there’s a really good chance that they’ll be granted a free blog.
Twitter: danny_cooper
Great work Andy! I know the main reason for this is to eliminate spam, but in time it might become quite the profitable venture for you!
Danny Cooper´s last blog
Twitter: commentluv
thanks Danny, I am not doing it for the money but if it does earn me some then all the better! I’m only really after getting enough to pay for the server and I’ll be happy with that. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of opportunities if ComLuv continues to grow at the current rate!
Just testing if commentluv here works because mine doesn’t.
zxxxt´s last blog ..Top Commentators
Twitter: commentluv
seems to work here. Submit a support ticket if you are experiencing problems.
Twitter: joffrey
It works!

Joffrey´s last blog ..iDisplay for iPad & iPhone
Twitter: Ileane
Hi Andy,
Can I import a blog from a BuddyPress installed blog? I only have a few posts there so it might not be a big deal to do them one by one. Also, what plugins are available?
Thanks – Ileane
fyi – the blog is
Ileane´s last blog ..What’s More Important? Your SEO or Your Readers?
Twitter: commentluv
I don’t think there’ll be any problem importing your blog, the buddy press part is pretty separate from the blogging data.
There are a few plugins available and I can add plenty more if people need them. I didn’t want to fill up the site with uneccessary plugins at the beginning so let me know if there are particular plugins that you need..
I’m a little late getting involved in CommenLuv but I
intend to make up for lost time!
Today I’m trying to find my way around… to begin I
couldn’t log in with the password I got when I first
registered and I hope I have that settled!
I join others thanking you for the work you’re doing Andy!
franciv´s last blog ..Free Multia-Media Course on Blogging
Twitter: commentluv
thanks for coming by and saying so!
I’m going to install finally. Hope I can make it work in Thesis
JadeDragon@innovativepassiveincome´s last blog ..Carnival of Making Money Online Review