BREAKING NEWS: Deadline to enter the FamousBloggers CommentLuv contest extended by one week to next Wednesday July 13, 2010
As of yesterday, eighteen exceptional entries in the first FamousBloggers CommentLuv $3550 CASH BLOGGING CONTEST have been published. Every blogger who enters has great chances of winning some of that cold, hard CASH.
How many opportunities to win have YOU ever seen where your odds were one in two or better?
Right now I’m guessing we have a total of twenty-eight entries. Even if twelve last minute entries come in today and tomorrow your chances of winning are 50% – HALF of all entrants will win CASH PRIZES!
Yes, there could be more than 12 last minute entries but even if there were SIXTY total entries your chances of winning would still be 1 in 3 – and those are exceptionally good odds.
This isn’t like the lottery where only 1 in millions or 1 in thousands wins! And here is the best part. Even if you lose – you win!
How can losing be winning? Simple. Every blogger who enters increases their visibility. Their guest post is published on either ComLuv or FamousBloggers where readers who have never seen their blog before will read what they have to say. If they like it – and judging by the posts entered so far they WILL like it – they will visit the contestant’s blog too.
The first key to growing your blog is new visitors. Entering this contest will definitely bring you new visitors! And the benefits to entering do not stop there. Every entrant can expect:
- Higher visibility
- New visitors
- New subscribers
- New commentators
- More Twitter followers from being RTed and promoted by Twitter users who have 100s or 1000s of followers
- Links to their blog from other blogs (This is an important way for blogs to get more visitors.)
- Learn new skills from collaborating with other serious bloggers
We can not guarantee you can keep those new folks coming back to your blog but we can make this prediction:
The bloggers who have the most active conversations going on in their blogs are the ones where the visitors will keep coming back.
Ask yourself this question: which blogs do you read regularly and why? Pop in and visit your favorite blog and really ask yourself, “SELF, just WHY IS this one of my favorite blogs“?
I suspect most of the time it is because you feel a connection to that blogging community – not just to the writer but to the regular commentators too. A friendly blogging community is like the American television show Cheers: a place where everyone knows everyone.
Then ask yourself, “SELF, why do I feel like I know the people who comment in this blog”?
I believe you will find it is because the featured posts each person shares via CommentLuv allows you to instantly connect with only those who interest you most.
Something they wrote creates a spark that drives you to know more about them. You click their link and check out what else they have to say. Maybe you visit their about page and find out what else you have in common – or how they are different and more interesting somehow for it.
The very best tool way to start great relationships IS CommentLuv.
Whether you enter the contest or not, simply reading the contest posts introduces you to new interesting people who have much to share. The bloggers who entered quickly recognized a golden opportunity and seized it and THEY are role models for us all.
I will be working all day on promoting the bloggers who have entered our contest. Watch for many more Tweets, comments and blog posts linking to each of our participants.
Haven’t entered yet? What are you waiting for? A personal invitation? Here it is, just for YOU:
YOU are cordially invited to enter the FamousBloggers ComLuv $3550 CASH Blogging Contest.
If you sincerely want more people to know about your blog don’t pass up this opportunity. The first contest is always the easiest to win because fewer people know about it. There are likely to be far more entries in the next #FBCLcontest.
[Learning opp: #FBCLcontest is our contest Twitter hashtag. To use a hashtag you just add it to your Tweets so that others who want to find all the Tweets about that subject can search on that "word" (the # followed by the chosen letters and numbers).]
- Answer every comment left in your entry. The faster and more often you reply to your commentators, the more momentum your “conversation” can gather.
- Tweet your entry using a new and original Tweet one to three times per day. Instead of Tweeting to no one, select specific Twitter followers you have relationships with and send a Tweet to them! IMPORTANT: Be sure to include the link to your entry in EVERY Tweet. Use a URL shortener such as or
- Send a Tweet every day to @GrowMap and I will personally RT it to my almost 12,000 followers. (It is likely to be RTed by others, too!)
- Write a post about your entry with a compelling title so that when you comment in other blogs you can feature it as your commentluv post to invite those who see it to read and comment in your contest entry post. Use a call to action title like one of these below and go out commenting TODAY and TOMORROW!:
- How YOU can help me win the FBCL blogging contest
- I’m competing for $3550 CASH and you can too
- Yes I want to win the Famous Bloggers CommentLuv contest. Will you help me?
- Go out visiting and meet some new bloggers interested in the same things you are. Use the new Worldwide CommentLuv Enabled Blog Search Engine to search for your interests. Then visit those blogs and feature your contest post (explained just above) when you comment.
- Add the Support Me to Win Hard Cash Prizes banner to your blog and link it to your comment post. Right click on the image below and choose Save Image As (in FireFox). If you don’t know how to put images in blog posts or the sidebars of your blog Tweet to @FamousBloggers or @GrowMap to request personal one-on-one assistance.
Write something original or use one of the above. How many times have you followed an interesting title back to someone’s blog because their comment piqued your curiosity? Write great comments and use a compelling title and your entry WILL get more comments!
I will be writing about and linking to the entry posts and participating bloggers’ blogs. There are so many great entries and my posts are so long that I feel it best to write more short posts to make it better for entrants to Tweet about and share the posts that include them. Watch for these new posts soon.
Don’t forget that all bloggers can earn bonus points. If you are serious about going for the top CASH prizes that is the best way to take home the dough. See How to Win for details.
Twitter: Ileane
Hi Gail. I’m really happy to see that the deadline has been extended. I’m soaking up all of these fantastic submission posts and trying to squeeze every ounce of knowledge I can out of Hesham, Andy and yourself along the way. I’m a huge supporter of this contest and I’m really glad I read this post because I found out I was doing something wrong. I’ve been using a short hashtag #FBCL when I send out my retweets of these posts. I will make the adjustment to the correct one which is #FBCLcontest from now on.
I’ve been keeping myself updated by subscribing to all of the comments on these posts and that has helped me make some new connections too. I found that a couple of readers wanted more information about adding default links and I was able to point them in the direction of the post I did along with the screencast for how to add default links to your CommentLuv account
I reached out to another commenter that is new to CommentLuv and she mentioned how she couldn’t wait until she migrated to WordPress so that she could take advantage of CommentLuv. I quickly pointed out how there is no need to wait because even though she’s using Blogger she can install CommentLuv now as a plugin for the Intense Debate commenting system! I talk about how I installed CommentLuv on Blogger in this post
I’m sure Blogger users will be thrilled to hear the news.
I wish all of the contestants the best of everything and I look forward to reading and following the new entries.
Thanks so much to all of the wonderful contest sponsors too.
Ileane´s recent blog post ..CommentLuv Gives Your Blog Heart
Twitter: bizchickblogs
Going out and commenting on blogs while linking to a post that has a title like the ones you’ve suggested is a good idea.
I’d add that it might be a good time to start commenting on new blogs and places you’ve never been. Always grow the circle.
bizchickblogs´s recent blog post ..My Entry in the ComLuv-Famous Bloggers Contest is Up-
Twitter: AgentDeepak
Hmm! need to work harder. I have to promote my submitted post better.
Thanks for the tips. I hope they will help.
Agent Deepak´s recent blog post ..Blog Monetization & Top Commentator Contest
Twitter: tonyknuckles
I created sort of a quirky post also for the contest too. Looking for more unique ways to promote my post as well.
Twitter: Israelimom
Off topic, but is everything ok with comluv? I keep getting weird messages about something being cached instead of my last blog post?
Twitter: tonyknuckles
I’ve been getting the same problems as well. Maybe it’s a caching issue.
tonyknuckles´s recent blog post ..Failing To Draw A Crowd
Twitter: lawmacs
This is awsome contest gail good luck with it and keep the excitement going
lawmacs´s recent blog post ..Links for 2010-07-04 delicious
Good luck to all entries. Too bad you can’t all win, but it’s participating that’s the most important part, right?

Klaus´s recent blog post ..Sony Products for Review- Camera HX5V- Headphones MDR-750 -amp iPhone Docking Station DS11iP
Very cool Andy. Looking forward to hearing who the winners were.
Colleen Lane´s recent blog post ..Richland Monterosso’s Italian Restaurant Offers Complimentary Wine Tasting
Twitter: lambdakennels1
My traffic has increased, my twitter followers have increased, and I have me some really nice people during this contest. More time means more of the above.
stephaniesuesansmith´s recent blog post ..Free Tuition to ComLuv-Famous Blogger Contest College
Twitter: AmIdeadYet
I have entered and enjoying the blogging community. It is a big world out there in the web-universe. It is good to know that we have blogging communities like ComLuv and FamousBloggers out there supporting everyone.
Thanks Gail.
aidy´s recent blog post ..Migration nightmare
It is too bad that i wasn’t using comment luv on other personal blogs. Good luck to the winner though
rosette´s recent blog post ..sponkit-celeb- wewasgooduntil Angelina Jolie Defends Her Daughter’s Unique Look http-bitly-c5UdNN
Twitter: evelester
I am loving the contest and have really enjoyed commenting and getting to know everyone else. I have learned so much!
Eve´s recent blog post ..Contest isn’t over yet- Still time to Vote for me!
This is really a great news that deadline has been extended of comluv blogger.
The contest looks so interesting….
I will definitely work harder for this…