There’s a new feature on the ComLuv homepage, it’s called a Daily Visit List.
A new list of the 7 top commented sites that have the CommentLuv plugin enabled is generated every day. If you’re stuck for somewhere to go or you’re on your coffee break, give these sites a visit and leave them a comment to feel the luv!
These links are dofollow and are picked up every time the homepage gets scraped by the search engines so be sure to update your main url description and title at the member page. There are a lot of sites that could be shown here but because they have no description entered, they’re not! Make sure you visit the member page today and check your site has a description.
Andy, I’m frustrated! CommentLuv does NOT love me. I just can’t get it to work and I don’t know if it’s something I’m doing or something on your end.
This time is the first time in a week my most recent post has shown up when leaving a comment at a CommenLuv enabled blog. Sometimes if I click and unclick the button at the bottom, I can coax it to work, but usually it just thumbs it’s tiny nose at me. I always comment under adrianscrazylife (no spaces, no caps), so I don’t see what else I could do differently?
adrianscrazylife´s last blog ..My 2010 Resolutions
Twitter: commentluv
there could be many reasons why you’re not seeing your posts at the bottom of the comment form when you start your comment. It could be your ISP having a problem or it could be google having a problem with the feed.
If commentluv was experiencing a problem then it would tell you it had an error. My guess is that Google is busy and your feed wasn’t available in time for comluv to read it.
try not to check and uncheck the box too many times in a short time because it will trigger the server alert and stop sending back data to your IP for 5 minutes.
Twitter: jsinkeywest
Mr Bailey
Happy New Year
<with some tight anchor text 

I’m so glad I kept with the blogging and I added that new tweeter plugin AWESOME. The twit id would be hard to line up on some themes so I just added it now in two clicks
I also redid my page in here so I hope to be on that new feature. Since you have been doing so much for all us bloggers I wanted to hit you back with a PR4 Do follow link on my blogs I like page
Hope all has been well with you thanks again
jsinkeywest´s last blog ..What’s your real agenda ?
Twitter: animhut
happy new year andy
and thanks to your comment luv and twitter ID plugin, so helpful to me and the tuts made many bloggers to add it to their blog.
sriganesh´s last blog ..100+ Most Popular Icon packs of 2009
Twitter: AdviceMaven
I added CommentLuv to my blog because I enjoyed it so much on other blogs. I have seen an increased number of comments on my blog, and it’s a nice way to reward all those bloggers who take the time to comment. Of course I was also drawn to it seeing that both our sites spell Luv the same way.
Thanks for this great plugin.
Tina of LuvemOrLeavem´s last blog ..Can Technology Enhance Your Relationships?
Twitter: commentluv
well, thanks for saying so! I’m happy it’s working well for you.
I’m really dying to have a ComLuv plug in for Typepad. Hope this is something you’re working on.
TheDesignFile´s last blog ..Etsy pick: Fresh, fun art and pillows for your home
Twitter: commentluv
there was one a little while ago but they changed the comment form. It’s too much work trying to make versions for so many different platforms!
Bummer. I joined so that I could use it on Typepad, not realizing that wasn’t an option. I don’t really have any other reason to be a member.
And I’m not getting rid of Typepad. I think its terrific. I maintain some other blogs using WordPress and it’s wonderful too but Typepad has been perfect for me.
Twitter: commentluv
it used to work on typepad but they changed their comment system and I’m too busy to work on a new version. If miracles happen, I will get lots of time to work on new versions. Until then, i have to work hard in a job!
So this Daily Visit list is made up of sites that already have loads of comments?
cluttercubed´s last blog ..Decluttering Lessons from Dr. House M.D.
Twitter: commentluv
they are the top 7 sites for the past 24 hours based on comments received. Maybe I could add sites based on another criteria, do you have any suggestions?
Twitter: thatgirlisfunny
lol! You can’t please everyone, can you?
Hi Andy,

ClutterCubed had a funny response, but she’s half right really. I mean they do already have loads of comments. What if you rewarded the people who actually leave comments. What about the Top 7 people who left comments on comluv enabled blogs today? Imagine a world of people commenting like mad trying to win a spot on your front page – might overload at first – till you get used to it anyway.
thatgirlisfunny´s last blog ..How boxing and martial arts landed me on the cover of “50 Athletes Over 50 Teach Us to Live a Strong, Healthy Life”
Twitter: commentluv
oh god, that is such a good idea!! I have the daily visit list next on my to do list and I was stuck with how to choose the sites. How about the top 3 commented, 3 newly registered and 3 top commenters ?
Are these all CommentLuv plugin-enabled sites? Or just hosted sites on
Also, I think it would be nice to have a few (3 or so) random sites which don’t figure in the list of “most comments”. This would help “seed” visitors to new blogs. A different set of random sites would be shown to each visitor to
Is there a place to browse a list of sites with CommentLuv plugin installed? I.e, as opposed to searching. Sometimes when you’re browsing, something catches your eye other than what you would normally search for.
The Digital Life & Tools Blog´s last blog ..Lenovo Boosts Laptop Hard Disk Speed with RapidDrive SSD Technology
Twitter: commentluv
these are global commentluv enabled sites.
I agree, I think I should add some random sites in there too.
I am working on a browsable list of commentluv sites but right now, I have to fix the server problems. the amount of traffic going in and out is massive. maybe more massive than my server can handle.
Twitter: appliedlanguage
I think a browseable list of blogs would be a great idea, perhaps separated by category to help you find the stuff you find interesting and help spread the luv.
samp´s last blog ..Are we ready for a unified global language? Introducing the case for “Globalese”
Twitter: commentluv
yes, I agree! I have been wanting to do one for some time but the server has been getting so busy that I had to divert my attention to saving it first!
I’m nearly at the point of putting a list of blogs up, I may have to do some more database modification so it’s not too taxing on the server.
Twitter: givejonadollar
I’m a little late to the party, but I just found Commentluv this weekend over Christmas. I’m still debating on whether to install it, because I don’t want to lose old comments, but I probably will, because hopefully I will get a lot of new comments since the community really seems to support each other.
Thanks for building such a great tool!
givejonadollar´s recent blog post ..Judge Napolitanos History of Liberty Video Series