The entries in the first ever FamousBloggers CommentLuv Cash Blogging Contest have been of exceptional quality and creativity.
We encourage everyone to read, comment and share the excellent insights into how blog commenting can benefit you found in these posts.
No matter how experienced or new you are at blogging I am certain that you will learn new ways to use comments to grow your blog.
Click the image below to see all the contest entries.
New entries are still being published – one each day here and another each day at FamousBloggers. Even though I have been a huge fan of blog commenting for years I am learning so much from these posts that I hope every person reading this will read them too.
Each blogger needs your support. Cash prizes will be awarded based on the number of readers who comment and share each post.
Participants are encouraged to read the tips in that post (just click the image above to get there) on how to get more comments and use Social Networking to increase visibility for your entry.
Twitter: TheJohnSoares
I’m not a participant in this, but I’ve commented on several of the posts. And a couple of my favorite bloggers are contestants.
John Soares´s recent blog post ..Planning For Future Products Set Up The Website Now
Twitter: GrowMap
Hi John,
Can we interest you in being a judge? With your blogging experience and wisdom you would make a great judge.
Judges will receive our thanks and a link in the post proclaiming the winners which will be wildly popular – everyone will want to know if they or someone they know won.
GrowMap´s recent blog post ..How CommentLuv Grows Businesses and Blogs
Twitter: TheJohnSoares
Gail, I’m potentially interested. I’m sending you an e-mail about it.
John Soares´s recent blog post ..How Being Late Hurts You — And What to Do About It
Twitter: tonyknuckles
Looking to get in on the fun for this one too. Now if I can just get my words together for a quality post!!
C’ya round!!
113Tidbits´s recent blog post ..Obama Gives Mexico More Money Than AZ National Guard
Twitter: GrowMap
We’ll be watching for your entry!
GrowMap´s recent blog post ..DoFollow CommentLuv KeywordLuv Community
I like this! It’s a great way to encourage the bloggers and to earn a little swagger (I know I know, readership is a far more important, but still, who doesn’t like a little pat on the back?).

machodemonyo´s recent blog post ..Double Jogger Strollers
this was a great the concept..:)
iamronel´s recent blog post ..Happy 4th of July to everyone-
Twitter: lambdakennels1
I have learned so much during this contest. I want to win rather badly, but even if I do not, I have new skills that will serve me in the future. If you missed the entry date this year, put it on your calendar for next year!
stephaniesuesansmith´s recent blog post ..ComLuv-FamousBloggers Contest Benefits Garden Bloggers