What a great week we’ve had since opening up the site to guest posters! There have been some excellent submissions and I’m happy to report that they will all be included in the newsletter along with the regular posts I make about the site.
Everything from blog wealth to back health
Unlike many websites that have guest posting, on ComLuv.com you can write about what you normally write about and use the opportunity to attract new readers to your own site and for all the right reasons – they like what you write about.
Get more than traffic
Not only will you get the inevitable traffic that clicks through to your site, you will get some google juice because your author box has dofollow prominent links. You will get rewarded with 5 comluv credits to use on things like featured site spots, you also get your post sent out with the regular newsletter AND you get your post tweeted to the every growing following of @commentluv !
Welcome all!
Get yourself a contributor account today and start reaping the rewards of publishing on a high traffic / high PR site like this one.
Visit the support tickets area to submit your request.
Twitter: gilbertocintron
I just finished answering a question on Apsense http://www.apsense.com/invite/gilbertocintron about global warming. I’d like to hear everyone else’s take on global warming. Some people think it is a fluke, others, myself included, think it is something for us to really be concerned about.
Gilberto Cintron´s recent blog post ..OMG it’s almost Christmas again
Twitter: empoweredpeace
I think guest posting on the ComLuv Network is wonderful. I enjoyed participating in the easy format. It was also nice to write in the comfort of my own style and genre.
chaplaindonna´s recent blog post ..Working on Monday Part 1- The Journey Begins
What a great idea Andy! I think this is going to be successful and popular part of comluv. This is a great opportunity to build some quality backlinks and rive traffic to your blog while giving something back to CL that has given us so much. I am going to register for a contributor account and hopeful get a few articles published. Thank you
Hi Andy,
You don’t have to ask *me* twice
You are giving bloggers an outstanding opportunity. A backlink from a site with such high PR as ComLuv is not easy to get, so anyone with a true desire to see their own ranking rise will surely take advantage of your generosity. I certainly did.
Thank you!
Rick LaPoint´s recent blog post ..3 Ways to Effectively Diversify Your Internet Business within Your Niche Market
hi andy, would love to do that. Definitely agree with the benefits of guest posting here. I think the reward points and the high PR is definitely an incentive to publish your article here

bryanps´s recent blog post ..6 Lessons From Print Mags for Your Blog
Twitter: Bytefulcom
I really like the fact that you can write about what you normally write about. But I have a few questions:
1. Aren’t you concerned that you’re watering down the feed with articles that aren’t that relevant to ComLuv?
2. Can we send you an article that we’ve just published a few days prior or must it be original and exclusive to CL?
3. How do we submit, exactly?
Thanks, Andy

B.Traveller´s recent blog post ..Coors Brewery Tour- WAY More than Free Beer
Twitter: commentluv
1. Not really, comluv is for and about the people who use the commentluv plugin which means it’s not confined to just one subject. The whole point of this site was to provide a hub for the bloggers who have installed (or comment on) blogs with the plugin.
2. Only unique articles may be published here. Using an existing post or publishing the post elsewhere in the future is a no no.
3. just submit a support ticket requesting to be a contributor and wait to get your account upgraded and then submit a post in the dashboard like a normal wordpress blog.
All the guidelines are here
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..Enable Debugging And Logging For Live Site Usage
Twitter: Bytefulcom
Thanks, Andy! When I have some extra time I’ll have to write a post for CL.
B.Traveller´s recent blog post ..Coors Brewery Tour- WAY More than Free Beer
Twitter: jordankovats
Thanks for “giving back”, creating an awesome plugin and giving a platform for both established and up and coming bloggers.
I’m starting a blog on Zen philosophy combined with entrepreneurship, so I’ll sign up and see if I can get a few of my posts published.
aznhisoka´s recent blog post ..Colonix
I only discovered comluv recently and only got to the site about an hour ago. After poking around I’m starting to get excited. My blog’s a freewheeling satire on God and life, and getting enthusiastic response from a growing readership base, and hopefully the subject matter itself won’t get me excluded from this opportunity. If it is I may just have to let the Big Guy know, and have Him put you on the naughty list. (You didn’t know I knew Santa, did you?)
If I were God´s recent blog post ..How to get into Heaven – part II
Twitter: commentluv
haha, very funny! I’ve read through a few of your posts and I don’t think I’ve seen a blog like it before. Good work!
Nice post….I am also thinking of guest posting here, its a good community
animecrazy´s recent blog post ..My Little Box Arslan Poetry Blog
Andy, I am a big fan of your work and a big fan of CommentLuv. It is for sure one of my favorite plugin for WordPress. Thanks to CommentLuv I have found a lot of new Blogs that I would never have found searching with Google.
Keep up the good work.
Thomas´s recent blog post ..What is QR codes and how does they work