Beware the sploggers and fillers of blogs with crapola! I have just installed the brand new anti splog plugin from Now, if a new blog is made and it’s made by someone who has made confirmed splogs before or other dark criteria, it’ll get spammed and the only way for it to be despammed is for the owner to leave a detailed reason why they think it shouldn’t be sent to the splog bin.
It’s been doing well at edublogs and I am hoping it will do well here too because going through the new blogs and users and trying to spot the spammers was a regular half hour job every couple of days and I’m tired of it! I’m tired of the dirty filthy devilwhoremongers who make a blog and link it to another and then another and so on, it has nearly killed the server more than once.
If this affects you, good! die die die. Unless of course, you’re not a spammer and the software made a glaring error with your blog. If that’s the case, don’t die die die, just use use use a support ticket or send me an email. You should have it from the email that you get sent when you joined.
Happy blogging!
Twitter: shortsalega
Great idea. There is sooo much of this nonsense out there. I get probably 100 spam comments from slogs every day. I will definitely check out the plugin.
atlantashortsales´s last blog ..Georgia Short Sale Guide
my comment s for blogger didn’t show my recent post. why it happen? can help me?
Twitter: commentluv
check to see if you have an autodiscovery feed in your sites header.
i do have that autodiscovery feed in my sites header. but the problem keep arise
Twitter: Bytefulcom
Great to hear that you’ve installed an antispam system. (And that graphic splog graphic makes me smile for some reason.)
But, I’m having a problem. Comluv says my feed is timing out now, but I just went to and it works.
Could I have been mistakenly marked as a spam blog or is the system having trouble today?
Twitter: Bytefulcom
Here’s the error for my feed (
cURL said – cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 10 seconds with 79889 bytes received
So that means it’s getting bytes right? Could this be because I embedded some images into my latest article?
Twitter: commentluv
images shouldn’t make a difference because it only parses the source of the feed and doesn’t fetch the content links or images.
it maybe just be a bit slow between your server and mine when you’re commenting. put your feed url into this site and see how long it takes to read it around the world
Twitter: Bytefulcom
That’s a great website. Thanks for the link.
Yeah I think my webserver was just being slow. It was taking 15-17 seconds to grab the feed, (though only 5 seconds to grab the page which was odd).
Now it’s only taking about 1-2 seconds. Maybe I should activate supercache….
byteful traveller´s last blog ..Why the Art Institute of Chicago kept the Seurat
Twitter: thatgirlisfunny
Hi Andy,
I’ve recently discovered what you mean by splogs or whatever you call them. The same ISP kept connecting to the same page on my blog. He used the most horrendous titles for his blog posts. That’s what caught my attention. I didn’t see why he was so interested in my posts. There are now 3 sploggers trying to get juice from me. It’s horrible. Thank you for all your efforts to keep our world splog-free. mwah!
PS did you know that I’ve ended up on the cover of a book? If you want to see, have a look at the link attached

thatgirlisfunny´s last blog ..How boxing and martial arts landed me on the cover of “50 Athletes Over 50 Teach Us to Live a Strong, Healthy Life”
Twitter: wppluginsblog
commentluv is also not showing new posts for my blog. I don’t know what is the problem. Can you help me in this.
Twitter: commentluv
please see for things to try for fixing your problem. submit a support ticket if you can’t fix it. (try to fix it first though)