I don’t care what industry you are in, if you want to be at the top mountain some day, you need to read books. You may be an architect, fast food worker, business person, law enforcement officer, homemaker or civil servant during the day but you still need to read professional books to better yourself.
I read books in spurts. I shoot for at least two a month. When I do read books, I get lost in the book for a day or two. Which makes me wonder why I don’t read more often? I routinely read online articles and news quite a bit each day as well to feed my trivia addiction.
Some poor reason you’re not reading (*with rebuttals).
- I’ll miss my TV shows. *Rebuttal; I have a DVR. Or skip it all togehter.
- I may miss a status update on facebook or a tweet. *Rebuttal; Did you seriously just write that!
- I need to spend more time with my family. *Rebuttal(s); The kids go to bed hours before you do. A smarter well read Dad/Spouse/Mother/Partner is a better person.
- It takes too much time. *Rebuttal; Being uninformed takes even more time or rather lack effort. Lack of effort on your part is something you can fix very easily.
Those are just a few reasons to pull a book of the shelf, go to the library, go to your brick and mortar book store (while they still exist), or download a book on your Kindle or Nook today.
The books you read will help shape your future. Read for fun and read for personal and professional growth. You can’t afford not to.
Start with one book a month and build on that.
I read a lot of books too, mainly books about web development and programming, as these help me with my work. It’s a good way to improve your skills and learn more about a topic.
Victoria´s recent blog post ..How to automatically include your header and footer on every page of your site
Twitter: reitertweets
I am reading everything I can about Google and SEO right now. I am in DEEP. Hours everynight.
reiter331´s recent blog post ..Toxic Co-Workers
I’ve found that the best way to get tons of reading done, at least if you have a Mac and a book in PDF format, is to have the voice reader read the book out loud to me as fast as I can comprehend it (so I speed it up until it is slightly below auctioneer level). If I do this, I can knock out a 1400 page political history book like “Tradegy and Hope” by Caroll Quigly in about 25 total hours. The typical 200-300 page book takes about 2-3 hours to get through. This allows me to work on stuff in the kitchen and absorb it like I’m listening to a talk show on the radio.
Britney´s recent blog post ..Conspiracy reality for boy and girls hot and bothered over Chris and Rhiana
I didn’t know you could speed the book up. That’s pretty cool because that’s one of the main reason I don’t like audible books because I find they tend to be read at a pace slower than what I would read. I am also an avid reader and I couldn’t agree more about the importance of reading. At this point a convenience to reading has made it almost as easy to access books as it is to watch television. I personally love my Kindle and have found that I’m reading about 10 books more a month now that I have a Kindle.
Sunny Dee´s recent blog post ..Unbearable Lightness
Twitter: reitertweets
That is fantastic! I never even thought of that. I may need to replace my daily podcast habit with some ebooks! Thanks for the tip.
reiter331´s recent blog post ..How to be a quitter in 4 easy steps
Twitter: jpoplivecom
I have also read a lot of books about web development, webdesign and seo, It helped me a lot for my work and to built my own websites and blogs since many years. I think it’s an essential way to learn new things about a topic.
JPop´s recent blog post ..Fairy Tail Opening 2 – SOW by Idoling
Twitter: reitertweets
I went and picked up some books on this topic this weekend. I’m going to figure it out!
reiter331´s recent blog post ..How to be a quitter in 4 easy steps
Twitter: BlazingMinds
I love reading books, specially proper books, not these digital things! There’s nothing better than the smell of a new or old book and the feel of the next page between your finger and thumb as you prepare yourself to turn the page to read the next thrilling section of a good read

Karen´s recent blog post ..My Remedy For My Agonising Toothache!
Twitter: reitertweets
As long as you are reading, enjoy the smell! I’m not picky about the medium. My wife loves her Kindle. I hear it’s great, I’m not allowed to use it.
reiter331´s recent blog post ..How to be a quitter in 4 easy steps
Aww, but the iPad e-book reader actually has PAGES that turn! It’s so fun!!
Plus, the books are a lot cheaper than print–a definite plus!
Jenn´s recent blog post ..Government to back “Trust Identities” for Internet Surfers
Twitter: reitertweets
It does look like a lot of fun… Read on an ipad might be the one thing that puts me int he market for one.
reiter331´s recent blog post ..How to be a quitter in 4 easy steps
Reading is one of the things I actually need to improve on. The last “books” that I read were my engineering ones when I was in college – Now I work full time, blog occassionally, buy/sell extensively so there is absolutely no time to take on another task and dedicate time to reading. I do however read news articles and anything else that interests me – however I do agree that reading is crucial.
zoopco´s recent blog post ..Online Illinois Tax Is Bullshit
Twitter: reitertweets
That counts! Keeping up on the news and other interesting articles is important. Books are nice though. Ebooks. Books on MP3 as stated above is a great idea too. You can listen to them while you do something else. At high speed!
I have a slight trivia addiction so I read as much useless (rather helpful) stuff I can find on a daily basis. As long as it’s going to help me win my trivia league… I’ll read it.
reiter331´s recent blog post ..How to be a quitter in 4 easy steps
Twitter: Radioheada
Life without books? Possible of course, but with books, so much better. Books are like meeting great people, befriending the greatest minds in the history of the mankind.
Crush the excuses
Martyna´s recent blog post ..The Midas Touch
Twitter: reitertweets
Crush the excuses. That works on so many levels!
reiter331´s recent blog post ..How to be a quitter in 4 easy steps
Twitter: incomestream
One of Charles “Tremendous” Jones most memorable quotes is “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for two things, the people you meet and the books you read.” is great advice. Reading has made a great impact on my life. Keep reading.
Perry A Davis Jr
Music City USA
Perry A Davis Jr´s recent blog post ..5 thoughts as to why not call your friends- family and people you know as – your “Warm Market
Twitter: reitertweets
I love that quote. I always revisit it if I feel stagnant. A book really gets my juices flowing.
reiter331´s recent blog post ..New facebook page
Twitter: alisonjgolden
When my husband was single, the first think he looked for when he went to a girl’s place was a bookcase. If there wasn’t one, bye-bye! I had a bookcase filled with books so he hung around for a bit. A lot, in fact

alisongolden´s recent blog post ..How Thin Is the Ham In Your Sandwich Or Cheese- If You’re Vegetarian
Twitter: reitertweets
I’m not sure who’s smarter, you or your husband. Okay it’s a tie. You both win.
reiter331´s recent blog post ..New facebook page
Twitter: lavenderuses
I love reading. However with all the hours I spend blogging, have to limit the time I am into my books. This is definitely not my idea but that of my ophthalmologist!
Won’t bore you with the details, but having a medical background, I did take note when I saw my last eye test and op I needed for yet another eye condition. Still I can still see okay and as long as I am sensible, can read in the daytime. Docs orders: no reading at night!
Do miss my night-time reading but with time differences, just means I stay networking with my blogging buddies in different time zones. Usually people who read a lot have a better comprehension of the English language, which of course is useful with blogging
Patricia Perth Australia
Patricia´s recent blog post ..Are Your Goals Attainable In 2011
Twitter: reitertweets
What about audio books at night?! That can double your “reading” enjoyment. One of the comments above talks about it.
reiter331´s recent blog post ..New facebook page
Twitter: AlisonMSmith
Amen! We are avid readers. We just moved into a new home that has a dedicated library — complete with a rolling ladder! (Yes, we have that many books!) We also are using our Kindle and iPad a lot for reading these days.
AlphaSmith´s recent blog post ..Beauty Websites for Normal People
Twitter: reitertweets
That’s a SERIOUS library! Holy smokes. Any good business book recommendations?
reiter331´s recent blog post ..New facebook page