If starting your New Year off right means clearing out the old to make way for the new, and you’re not against a way to make money at the same time, then today is your lucky day. While visiting a friend’s blog, I came across a reference to a website you’re going to want to bookmark.
Make Money, Go Green
No, I’m not being paid to write about them, but Gazelle.com offers everyone the opportunity to not only save the planet, but put some cash in their pocket, yes make money. As a reCommerce service, Gazelle’s intentions are two-fold: 1) reuse and recycle (and make money themselves), and 2) pay you to do your part by clearing out all your unused electronics stored away (and just taking up space) in your attic, basement, closets, etc.
You’ll also be delighted to find out that they accept a wide variety of electronics like cell phones, laptops, mp3 players, satellite radios, video games, monitors and much more.
You Pre-Qualify Your Electronics to Make Money
The upside is you can easily enter the information about the electronics you have laying around and get an instant quote on their value. Think of Gazelle as the how to make money Kelly Blue Book of electronics. Once you’ve decide it’s worth it, you send your items to Gazelle. Upon receipt, they inspect the electronic gadget to make sure the condition is as you said it was – then you just sit back and wait for them to send you a check. You typically receive your payment in about a week (once they confirm receipt of your shipment).
What They Do With Your Old Electronics (and How They Make Money)
Gazelle has several options once they receive what you have to send. If it is possible, they reuse the equipment by selling your old electronics through retail and wholesale outlets. If, on the other hand, your item is not worth keeping, they responsibly recycle it.
Let’s face it, in today’s economy who couldn’t do with a bit more cash in their pocket? And, in the meantime, you’re clearing out the clutter without filling up the landfills with potentially toxic materials. This year (and from this day forward), you can incorporate going green easily into your lifestyle. You also now have the online resource to help you make money while doing your good deed for the planet and future generations.
Twitter: DiTesco
Sounds like a good idea and I am in favor of “going green” as much as possible. Like the idea that much I decided to create a “green” website of my own, selling and providing information about renewable energies, such as, DIY solar panels, etc.
This service sounds interesting, although I am afraid I won’t be able to use it here on my side of the world. Maybe in the future if they grow big enough, they could go global. Thanks for sharing though as were applicable, I think it is awesome idea
DiTesco´s recent blog post ..Making Money Online
Twitter: oims
Thanks DiTesco! We normally just donate our old phones. At one time I think we rounded up about seven of them. But that was also back in the day when a person could afford to be more charitable (that shouldn’t sound as bad as it might). Nowadays, so many people are in financial straits, so it’s a good alternative to make money for themselves and/or their families.
oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Kindle Easy Authoring Strategy Builds Authority
this is a good idea!
i am going to try this with the items I cant sell
if i have old phones I usually end up selling them on ebay but this might be better for items that are too old to sell
good post!
zoopco´s recent blog post ..Girls And Money Equal Traffic
Twitter: oims
Thanks zoopco for visiting and commenting! I have oh let’s see, several old computers, one old laptop, too many monitors to count and keyboards coming out my ears LOL! Time to recycle!
As DiTesco pointed out, unfortunately there is no affiliate program, but it’s all in the name of a good cause – going green and saving the planet. And, the fact that a person can cash in ain’t too shabby

oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Kindle Easy Authoring Strategy Builds Authority
If all people in the world know how to save the earth by letting each one of us to be responsible by our unused item this will help a lot for the next generation. This article will help realize and a good reminder that going green save lives.
What a great business idea! I am sure there are millions and millions of people who would love to make money off of their old electronics. I think I have like 3 things I can make money off right now.
Twitter: oims
Hi Rugby! You and me both LOL! I put in a monitor with all the condition factors pertaining to it, and it came back with $25. And that was just one monitor. Keeping in mind the shipping costs, some things may or may not be practical to send. But all your light weight electronics, heck why not! Recycle and make money. Two great combinations

oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Kindle Easy Authoring Strategy Builds Authority
The idea was so great that not only we can help save our mother nature but also by earning and saving money. The things or some of our old stuff that still can be use and with profit is really a great recycled system. We can actually sell them in junk shops in order to help other associations that need some of our help the most. In fact, in most recycled things we can earn much money and make new stuff out of it.
Twitter: oims
Hey Juanna, you are right there are always options. However, be sure that whoever or wherever you choose to “recycle” really has all the permits and requirements by law to accept and if necessary dispose of parts that cannot be reused.
Granted it would be great if Gazelle accepted shipments in all parts of the country, but then maybe they will at some point – if they grow large enough.
And maybe in addition to making money by recycling with them, they will see the wisdom of adding a partners and/or affiliate program?
You never know

oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Kindle Easy Authoring Strategy Builds Authority
Twitter: oims
Updating my own reply back – I didn’t want to leave that sounding confusing. You can ship to them from anywhere. But having stores or facilities across the country – major cities, etc. – would be convenient for “drop offs” and help cut shipping costs for many. However, guess we’ll be keeping the postal and/or UPS and/or fed ex people in business
Go economy!
oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Kindle Easy Authoring Strategy Builds Authority
Twitter: GIJoh_com
This sure is a great way to recycle old, used or forgotten electronics!
I have some friends who don’t know how to deal with their old cell phones, and they say it only ends up in their closets or storage rooms. I’ll tell them about Gazelle.com and hopefully they would find it helpful.
Thanks for sharing!
Johanna´s recent blog post ..The New Microsoft Touch Mouse Unveiled
Twitter: oims
Thanks Johanna! My primary purpose for writing this is because I did a series on unemployment and I know how difficult times are economically for a massive amount of people. So anything anyone can do to spread the word on how to recycle (always popular) and maybe feed their family this month is a good thing

oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Kindle Easy Authoring Strategy Builds Authority
Twitter: goalforthegreen.com
This is good news. I’ve bookmarked the site!
Barbara´s recent blog post ..12 Tips for Winter Weatherization!
Twitter: oims
Hey Barbara! Thanks for stopping by! Spread the word, I’m sure many folks would love to hear about this – and you deal with green/recycling all the time (a good fit)!
oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Strategy for Exposing Hidden Happiness
Nice Sharing.
juliacates1´s recent blog post ..Choose wedding vows for your wedding
Twitter: oims
You are most welcome Julia! Hope it is something you can make good use of – or you know people who need help either clearing away unused items or in need of money.
oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Strategy for Exposing Hidden Happiness
That’s a great tip. I’ve aded that to my private bookmarks.
I’d also recommend SecondSpin.com for selling CDs/DVDs/Games. They paid me via PayPal after a week.
And CKYBooks.com is great for selling books. They also paid me via PayPal after a week.
Really good sites.
Gina Jennings´s recent blog post ..Internet Marketing Truth 1- There Is No One Best IM Technique
Twitter: oims
Excellent! Thanks Gina! While those who are working hard at making money online do their thing (because nothing happens overnight), here are so valuable tools to help raise money for those in need (or those who just want more).
Unfortunately, I didn’t make the rules, and money is one thing you need on this plane of existence. CD, DvDs, games, electronics, books, and more – places to sell for cash and recycle to save the planet!
oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Strategy for Exposing Hidden Happiness
Twitter: oims
Oh, and please don’t forget to tweet, stumble, buzz, digg, and share! I’m positive we all have a vast network of friends and associates who could do a lot with the knowledge from this post and all these wonderful, helpful comments!
oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Strategy for Exposing Hidden Happiness
I’m really warming to the idea of recycling. Reminds me that I have a few old CRT monitors in my loft and garage. as well as plenty of other electronic clutter. Good blog. Thanks.
potatoehead64´s recent blog post ..Exercise – Being close to nature
Twitter: oims
Good one potatoehead

oimdiane´s recent blog post ..Strategy for Exposing Hidden Happiness