Thanksgiving is now over, and there’s just a tiny little chance you might have eaten more than you planned to, and exercised less than you swore to. Ah, the official start of the dreaded holiday season! And why do I say “dreaded?” Because most of us make resolutions, vows, promises and pinky swears about all the food we’re going to avoid, followed by all the walks we’re going to take. When this doesn’t happen 100%, guess what? We berate ourselves. Now how is feeling bad about a so-called “failure” going to make anyone feel all warm and glowy about being fit and healthy?
So…here are 5 almost guilt-free tips for making it through the holidays in one same-size piece:
1. When the big holiday spread is laid out, look it over before putting any food on your plate. Decide which things you really love and just KNOW you’ll have seconds of. If it’s that sweet potato with marshmallows concoction, may I just say “Ewwwwww?” Then choose what you like fairly well, but can live with having just a single helping. For that food, take 1 less spoonful than you took last year. Then all you’re left with is the food that you HAVE to try because Aunt Cheek-Pincher made it “special” and you’ll hurt her feelings. For that stuff, just take a teaspoonful (or none, if you can get away with it) and move it around the plate a bit! Even if the stuff you picked for seconds is junk, at least you’re taking in fewer calories overall and it is just ONE DAY out of 365. Notice I am not recommending eating junk on a regular basis. Bad advice. Bad. Bad.
2. On the days that aren’t a food-laden holiday, but might be more of a busy, leading-up-to more stress and lots of chores kind of day, there are still ways to help yourself. If you’re going shopping, take each purchase to the car, then go back to the next shop, rather than holding on to all the bags. That little bit of extra walking <em>counts as exercise!</em> And as you walk to the car, do a little bicep curl holding those bags. Dorky? Maybe. But having toned arms is pretty cool. I am not advocating buying more stuff just to have more to pump, although…..
3. I hate the word self-control. Why? Because it sounds like a panty hose ad. I prefer to say “self-choice.” This is a hectic time of year and it’s not easy or fun to prepare healthful meals all the time. But you can only eat what you bring into the house, right? So whether you grab something to-go or do a quick and easy meal prep, decide before you buy. For example, if you know you’ll be out late shopping, pick out the night’s dinner before you head out. It’s so much easier to make good choices before you’re grumpy and tired (yeah, I’ve done mall shopping with little kids).
4. Consider making yourself a mental graph. When you start to get too tired or busy to take your walk (or whatever your preferred type of exercise is), ask yourself, “On a scale of 1-100 (1 being low and 100 being high), how badly do I want to give up the exercise?” Then ask yourself how you’ll feel afterward if you <em>do<em/> the exercise. For example, “I want to make sure the couch doesn’t get lonely” ranks a 75 because you really are tired, versus “I’ll feel like a 99 after I exercise.” Then it’s easier to make a conscious, deliberate choice because you’ve ranked your priorities.
5. Ask for a loyal friend as your holiday gift. Or get one on sale. It’s far more fun if you have a friend who will hold you accountable (“Oooh, are you really going to wash down that meal with a PopTart?”) and walk with you.
Bio: Alexandra Williams, MA, is the co-owner (with her twin sister) of Fun & Fit, a humorous fitness advice blog. She has been teaching, presenting and writing about fitness for over 25 years (since she was 7 and 1/2)! Currently on staff in the exercise studies department at UCSB, she is also a contributing editor and writer for IDEA Health and Fitness Association’s many publications.
Twitter: barbaraling
Love the idea of self-choice!
I’m very basic – I generally let others eat and make myself a nice bowl of holiday soup. It treats my midsection very well indeed.

Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach´s recent blog post ..Zero in on your very BEST Holiday promotion – Day 4 of 25
Twitter: healthvotes
Good to see you here on comluv, Alexandra Williams and Kymberly Williams. I like the idea of keeping healthy foods at home, the more fresh foods you have at home, the less vulnerable you will be, towards an unhealthy but easily available fast food. The cheek-pincher relatives always gets me to eat whatever they feel good, however unhealthy it might actually be. But as you say, respect their feeling and most of all, it is still just the one day.
uttoransen´s recent blog post ..Health bloggers – Do you Apply What you Read
Twitter: familybounce
Good call on scoring doing vs not doing exercise in point 4. I have never thought of it in that way before. In fact, I try not to think at all about exercise, I just do it as routine. If I think about it, I don’t do it. Even if I feel tired, I just drive to the gym, walk in, then think about it.
Hey Alexandra, great to see you writing guest posts over here at Comluv! I’m sure that Jon from EET would take issue with your comments about not recommending eating junk food on a regular basis.

Jarret´s recent blog post ..How I lost 10 pounds in 6 weeks eating junk food every day
Twitter: lavenderuses
Hi Alexandra
Great to see you over here guest posting. Some helpful hints for those who over-indulge during the holiday season.
I can never figure why when we know it is a certain date on the calendar we need to eat twice as much food!!! Or is it just that there is so much yummy food on offer?! The temptation is just too great. I hate the feeling of overeating so I am pleased to say I so don’t get into all the over-indulgence thing. Sure enjoy a few treats but that’s about it.
A saying my Mother has always used as a gentle reminder: “A minute in the lips, a lifetime on the hips”! Too much like hard work to take it off after the event eh lol
Patricia Perth Australia
Patricia´s recent blog post ..So Little Time- So Much To Do
Self indulgence is all good – but exercise and good living all the time is best!
thewholetruth´s recent blog post ..An Instant Christmas Tree
Twitter: songberries
What great tips! I’m doing a Get Fit For 2011 Blog Event right now and I would love to share your post on my blog with a link back to you. Would you mind?
I have been using some mobile apps for recipes and planning my meals. It has really been helping.
spacechimpmedia´s recent blog post ..Local Search Marketing
“Ask for a loyal friend as your holiday gift. Or get one on sale.”
I didn’t understand this part. Get a friend on sale?
Martial Development´s recent blog post ..Holiday Recipes from Amateur Mixed Martial Artists
That is a light-hearted joke. Thanks for asking!
alexandrafunfit´s recent blog post ..Get Fab 6-pack Abs- Part 2
Nice Article Alexandra! Self-choice really sticks with me. I’ve noticed with myself and my patients, if you can plan ahead, you’re preventing a storm of “sick” feelings when you’re hungry and just want to reach for the nearest piece of quick sugar. So knowing there is something healthy there for you to grab on the go takes the thinking out of it!
Christopher´s recent blog post ..Thought Farming- Planting the Seeds of Your Life
Thank you to all who have commented so far. Your comments have been insightful and informative. I love to learn from others. I’m not much for junk food, have an organic garden, teach exercise and laugh with my friends (which includes my twin sister) so I am approaching the holiday season with joy in my mind, along with a conscious decision not to eat stuff that will make me feel bad later. Somewhere in there I’ll only spend the amount of money on gifts that feels comfortable to me!
alexandrafunfit´s recent blog post ..Get Fab 6-pack Abs- Part 2