How Can You Really Make Money With Your Blog?

Efoghor Joseph
Efoghor Joseph Ezie is an author and small business manager. He loves talking about business, SEO, blogging, social media, affiliate marketing, etc.Efoghor is the owner of, where he teaches young entrepreneurs on how to reposition their businesses.
Efoghor Joseph
Efoghor Joseph
Efoghor Joseph
Efoghor Joseph
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Make money with your blogThe straight forward question I would love every blogger to answer after reading this blog post is “can you make money with your blog?”. If you never thought about this before, I am sure you would have a conviction after reading to the very end of the last line of this article. So put on your seat belts, remain focused and avoid anything capable of distracting you while you read.

A lot of bloggers are just doing blogging for the fun of it. Some are into the business because someone else has shared his testimony as to what he was able to achieve financially with his blog. In a nutshell, those guys are here to experiment; they want to see if what they were told was true. They are not too sure if they got the right information. They are also not sure whether it is really possible to make money with your blog.

Blogging keeps attracting a lot of people who are even convinced within themselves they are not good bloggers. They adopt every unthinkable survival tactic like content scraping, plagiarism, blackhat techniques, keyword stuffing, etc. to fit in and try to make a living in the blogosphere. Unfortunately they forget the fact that whatever you do in the wrong way would fade away sooner or later.

Why are you desperate to make money with your blog?

The economic hardship, coupled with the high unemployment rate has made a lot of people become desperate to survive at all cost. The fact blogging has become popular in recent years and has turned several people into millionaires has made everyone feel it is a place to make decent money, with or without hard work.

Come to think of it, it is not every blogger that made money online that actually made such money through the “whitehat” method. Some made theirs the other way round. Their own testimonies have not really helped matters. However, with Google’s frequent change of algorithm, hard times await those bloggers who want to earn decent money without total commitment.

How do you make money with your blog?

Having looked at both sides of making money, it’s time for us to get down to real business. So sit up properly because the plane is about to ascend into higher altitude (lol). You want to earn some passive income and take care of your numerous financial responsibilities, right? Then let’s look at how you can build your money earning empire from scratch to the top:

1. Blog about your passion: Did I say it is possible to make money with your blog? Yes, I did! To start with, passion is critical to your financial success. To be able to start and then remain committed and focused, it is important to blog about your passion. Hard times would certainly come during the formative years of your blog, but it is the passion you have in your chosen niche that would keep you going. It is the passion that would keep the true blogger writing without being frustrated when the money does not come as expected. Passion would provide the impetus, the desire, the motivation and the inspiration to keep going.

The Rules of Passion

The rules of passion to observe here include:

i.Be passionate about your niche.

ii.Never blog about what you have no passion for.

iii.  Add passion to your writing tone and style.

iv.  Accept all temporary setbacks with passion.

v.  Treat your blog readers with passion.

vi.Answer all questions with passion and vigour.

If you add passion to every aspect of your blogging, the sky would be the starting point of your blogging success.

2. Blog regularly: You are in the process of building a financial empire with blogging. The money is not going to come immediately. The potential to make money is already there. The money is locked up in your content; the more you write content and provide lucrative business ideas, the closer the money comes to you. The regularity of your writing and the quality of the content would bring the cash out faster than expected. So update regularly with the whole of your heart.

If you blog about a particular topic and it brings you a thousand visitors, don’t sit back to pop champagne. Never rest on your oars because failure to continue with the updates would make the visitors dry up in no distant time and return you to the status quo. Forget about money for now. No Google Adsense, no affiliate products, no e-books or anything else should be promoted on this blog yet.

Observe the following rules here:

i.  Blog regularly


style="font: 7.0pt 'Times New Roman';">   Keep maintaining the regularity

iii.   Keep your schedules on the same time everyday (make the search engine robots able to predict your updates.

iv.  Don’t get carried away by momentary success. Update more even in the midst of success.

As you maintain the rhythm of blogging regularly, both humans and search engines are able to predict you, and they keep coming to you to be fed with the latest information. This invariably increases your traffic exponentially.

Guest post

3. Build in interactivity: Success in blogging is all about interactivity between the blogger and the blog readers. So if your dream is to make money with your blog, you need to engage with your blog visitors/readers. There should be communication between the two parties. Answer their questions, clear their ignorance and help to alleviate their fears. If possible address them by their first names each time you want to answer their question.

Check the URL on the comments they leave on your blog and pay them occasional visit to inquire after their health. Find out if they still have any fears after they visited your blog. If there is still any, take care of it.

4. Promote your blog: You have built a beautiful blog with quality content. It is now time to promote the blog and let people know about its existence. How do you do this and ensure you get a fair share of Google traffic and traffic from other sources?

i.  Add social buttons to your blog

ii.  Add facebook fan page likebox

iii.  Join social media like facebook, twitter, Google+, pinterest, stumbleupon, etc and make sure you are active on the various platforms. Join various niche groups on the social media too. Give them your link each time the blog is updated.

iv.Join forums: Look for quality forums related to the blog niche and use your blog URL as your forum signature. Be actively involved in group activities and discussion. Make sure to help others.

5. Employ hands: Your blog has gained recognition and traffic has improved tremendously. You must at this stage employ capable hands to help run it. Get hands to write regularly as you may be a little bit busy in the social media and forums at this point. Motivate your employees by providing them incentives that should spur them to write quality content on a regular basis.

6. Maintain a high standard: High standard is needed now to make everyone know what you stand for. What kind of guest posts should be accepted? What is the quality of post and word count to accept? How often should you upgrade? What kinds of back links should you build? All these are necessary in order to earn the respect your blog deserves.

7. Build links: Build more links to maintain a steady flow of human and organic traffic. Engage with fellow bloggers as well as with your regular blog visitors or customers. Keep the links and relationship going and you would be surprised the kind of positive result this would bring.

8. Add products:  Having created and maintained a high standard blog, it is time to add products to it. Now if you have been dozing, you need to wash your face with cold water. This is the main reason you have passed through all pains of providing a beautiful blog, adding content, etc. If you fail to add products, then there would be no way to make money with your blog. Consider what should add money into your pocket. Your blog is now ready to be monetized. Think of Google Adsense, e-books, promoting affiliate products, selling ad spaces, etc. in order to make money. At this stage, whatever you add to your blog is bound to earn you decent income without sweating. So you should heave a sigh of relief. Money should start coming in from different angles now. Whatever works well, make sure to implement them and discard those that are not working well. Watch the income flow in steadily.


Bloggers can really make money with their blogs if they learn to follow the step by step guide in this post. Blogs will never earn you a dime if you don’t take the time to build it into a money earning tool. Dedicate your time and resources into setting up a system that works and then the money would come.

Did I forget anything? Please share your opinion with us. We love to hear your point of view. You must not agree with me on all points. Add your own voice. That which you have might be a source of inspiration to someone. God bless.

Image source: Freedigitalphotos 


  1. Twitter:
    I’ve always said the easiest way to make money with our blogs is to sell a product or services. If you make a good reputation and market hard you can make a success of it. You share a lot of great examples and suggestions within your post here.
    bbrian017 recently posted..Here is a Method That is Helping Business Teams Commit To ChangeMy Profile

  2. Twitter:
    Brian, good to meet you here. Thanks for being the first person to leave a comment on this post. It is true that the easiest way to make money on our blogs is to sell our own products.

    Unfortunately, so many bloggers do not have products of their own, and so they choose to stay without selling anything. . In that case, I would rather say it is better to sell other people’s products than stay without making any money from your blog.
    Efoghor Joseph Ezie recently posted..Sole proprietorships – Advantages and DisadvantagesMy Profile

  3. Badmus Shamsudeen says:

    Nice post.
    I will like to add some points too which will be about being available.

    It will be a good idea if you are 100% available at your blog to reply your readers questions and suggestions from your comment field because it makes them feel being listened to.

  4. Twitter:
    Some great points in your article, especially about maintaining quality. I would see this as one of the most important aspects of your blog. If you look after the quality of your content then the rest is ‘almost’ going to look after itself. “A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large.” – Henry Ford. Blogging regularly or consistently for me would be next in importance and is the key to success and building momentum.
    Alex Zemkus recently posted..Marketing Strategies: Inbound vs InterruptionMy Profile

    • Twitter:
      Thanks Alex. Quality actually comes first (Don’t mind my arrangements) because it is the greatest ingredient that would make your blog attractive to your readers. If you keep quality as your priority, your readers would never want to leave you. Even the new visitors would also love to return.

      But so many bloggers today don’t pay attention to this. They are either after generating traffic, backlinks or income. By so doing, they starve their readers of the vital ingredients – quality.
      Efoghor Joseph Ezie recently posted..What Happens To Your Business or Blog in The Event of Death?My Profile

  5. Twitter:
    Once again Efoghor, a fabulous post! I actually can’t think of anything you left out other than just variations depending on the blog.
    Thanks for the inspiration and here’s to everyone’s success!
    Robert Tuttle recently posted..Blogging, Working Toward the American DreamMy Profile

  6. Twitter:
    Thanks some really great tips. blogging industry has involved as a kind a new successful thing your the youngsters out there.
    myles recently posted..Root & install CWM in Samsung Galaxy Mega GT-I9152 | SimpleMy Profile

  7. Twitter:
    I agree with you. When we write what we are passionate about, it seems to be very easy to write and interact with the readers on their follow-up comments. But, the generation of traffic in the blog takes some time and thus making money with the blog too! So, just be a bit more patient.
    yogesh pant recently posted..New ideas for blog postMy Profile

  8. Twitter:
    Hi Efoghor,

    You really explained step by step process to make money from blogging. The most important thing is to produce and publish well researched content on regular basis, that’s what going to build your authority and convince them to buy any product or service which your recommend.
    Aasma recently posted..Mobile Recharge Software IndiaMy Profile

  9. Hello Dear

    i am totally agree with your point and passion is must for every work really and regular update on your blog really and mos important point is share your on social media site really this is amazing and interesting way so thanks for sharing me :-)

  10. Twitter:
    Of course you can make money with a blog. Even beginners can start making 50 cents daily with Adsense
    Leslie Edwards recently posted..How To Become A DJMy Profile

  11. Twitter:
    I think affiliate marketing is a better way to earn money than Adsense..
    Ansh Gupta recently posted..Free Tools To Recover from Google Penguin 2.0My Profile

  12. Twitter:
    Blog is a great way to earn money from Home.Earning with blogging is a good practice and if you learn regularly you may earn money from Blog.If you know something about something different and need to discuss to others its good to write a blog and published that on internet.
    Jonathan recently posted..2 conseils pour réussir dans un travail à domicileMy Profile

  13. Twitter:
    All great information for bloggers. Thanks for sharing these tips.
    Greg recently posted..How Social Media Can Help your BusinessMy Profile

  14. Twitter:
    Hi Efoghor,

    This is a comprehensive article about how to make money with your blog. I don’t think you forgot something important. The only thing left for me is to present my opinion about some of the points you made:

    1. “Never blog about something you are not passionate”. How true. In 2012 I created a blog in the weight loss niche. I don’t like that niche but everybody said: “It’s a profitable niche. Do it”. So I started blogging. I wrote about a lot of things: weight loss, nutrition, exercises, supplements, food and so on. After 3-4 months I started to yawn in full force. After 6 months I started to feel depressed. After 10 months and about 240 article written, I died and they buried me.
    It was a total disaster. I will never blog about something I don’t like. Ever!

    2. Address the commentators by their first name. This is a very good idea and I apply it on a daily basis. Very useful for engagement.
    3. Occasional visits ? Ask them about their health? Never thought of. Interesting. I will apply it. thanks.
    4. Use the url as a signature. Good point. I like it.

    The most important thing is the idea of a system. Yes, you need to set a system that will cover everything that happens on your blog and beyond. If you work erratically, you will earn occasionally. If you work systematically, you will earn systematically.
    Well Efoghor, I don’t know who you are but this post is enough for me to decide. I will find out. I have already bookmarked your site and I will start studying it. I think I won’t be disappointed.

    Thank you for the time and effort you took to write this post

    Have a nice day
    Silviu recently posted..How to Test Your Homepage in 5 SecondsMy Profile

    • Twitter:
      Silviu, Thanks for the thumps up you’ve given to my write up. You really make me feel flattered.
      Like I said, writing about a niche where you have no passion would easily bring frustration. But passion would sustain you and keep you going even when there seems to be no hope. Thank God you shared your experience with us. I would rather say it was a pity you went through such a horrific experience. A lot of people actually pass through similar experience and end up with heartaches. All the same, it’s good you found your out and eventually went into a place where you would be relaxed blogging for passion instead of making money your priority.

      I am going to pay you a visit to see how much progress you are making in your new niche and also see how I can encourage you in my little way.
      Efoghor Joseph Ezie recently posted..How to Use Outsourcing to Cut Down the Overheads of Your BusinessMy Profile

  15. “All you need is love, love, love” :) – so, pasion is the secret. I prefer Google Adsense and it’s really working nice.
    Jorjette Celestine recently posted..Home Treatment for ColicMy Profile

  16. Twitter:
    Hey Efoghor,
    Another awesome post from you and Thanks for sharing this post with us. Totally agree with you that these days many of blogger start blogging for just making money but for making money online required lots of hardwork and patience. All the points you mentioned are really important and it help all the newbies. Adding product is really very important step and products really help in making money.
    Sudipto recently posted..Best Android Phone Under 20000My Profile

  17. Twitter:
    The best way make money from blog is start with our perception. Do we really think what we provide within our blog useful for someone else? That’s a start. The next thing to do is by learning how you can make money from it (make your own best prediction. PPC ads, direct ads, selling product, affiliate or whatsoever). Then, do it as if you will reach overnight succeed and keep writing as if million audiences waiting your updates everyday.
    Okto recently posted..7 Pinterest Ideas to Consider When You Build Up Your Business BoardsMy Profile

  18. Twitter:
    Yes, I believe on your post. Before thinking for money, we need to understand how to make successful blog and how to write understand and love share,
    Chetan recently posted..Detox & Digestion with DigesteaMy Profile

  19. Mitch_Akl says:

    thank you Efoghor, for sharing your interesting thoughts, although i do find all the points you make here very informative and helpful but i was expecting more detailed tips or ideas or steps on how to monetize the blog after it’s success.
    can you please share some good programs or methods for this point , i only know of Google-adsence and selling ppc ads on the blog, i know there’s a list of alternatives to google-adsence but none shared a positive feedback about any another replacement so far, but as far i know they’re all selling ppc ads on the blog !
    would you recommend any other form than selling pay per click ads/ ?
    many thanks!

  20. Twitter:
    Great points on how to make money with a blog. I think passion and hard work as well as sticking with high standards at all times will do the trick and you can make pretty good living.
    Elena recently posted..How ID Theft Can Turn Your Good Credit Into Bad Credit!My Profile

  21. Twitter:
    I do not agree with this “Never blog about what you have no passion for.”

    My advice is just give it a try, passion may come as time pass.

    Best regards from I. C. Daniel
    I. C. Daniel recently posted..Ropa NawaRo Maus – LS 2013 ModsMy Profile

  22. Twitter:
    hello joseph, nice article. yes first we should try to find out the potential of our blog and this depends upon our interest. i mean we should try to find our passion and then we should write about it. then only we can earn money with our blog
    prabhat recently posted..UC Browser 9.0 Download Free (Latest Version) For Android/Nokia/iPhone/Java/Symbian/BlackBerryMy Profile

  23. Twitter:
    Okto, You are right. Once you have located your niche, you need to put your best to make your blog succeed. It is not all types of monetization methods that work for all blogs the same way. You have to figure out the best for your own blog.
    Efoghor Joseph Ezie recently posted..Interview with Oluwaseun Babajide; a Mathematician and Blogger – BSGIS 11My Profile

  24. yap, i agree. We can make money with blog. As long as you do your work wisely.

  25. Twitter:
    What people think i don’t know but i think if you have no skill then you should not waste time to earn money internet.You can earn money from internet if you can invest if you have to skill your invest may increase money but you should take this wisely.
    Jonathan recently posted..2 conseils pour réussir dans un travail à domicileMy Profile

  26. Twitter:
    You are definitely right, making money from blog either from AdSense or affilliate product or selling ad space really requires a lot of work and commitment most especially during blogging hardship and when there seems to be no way forward, the only thing that can sustain it is passion coupled with committement
    adesanmi adedotun recently posted..One great fact why you must start a blogMy Profile

  27. Twitter:
    I am more eager to earn decent cash to run my blog successfully and has been working sincerely on it. Posting daily is a better method to improve your search engine rankings.
    himanshu recently posted..10 best free antivirus for android on your smartphoneMy Profile

  28. Twitter:
    I love ove the fact of Blogging for money online, Truly admirable and selective pertaining remarks.
    Gautham recently posted..Download Opera 15 for Windows 7 and 8 | MacMy Profile

  29. Twitter:
    This is an amazing article which it explains how to utilize your blog to the fullest…
    I specially like the segregation of the topics …such skilful explanations at the same time short and descriptive..
    thanks for this one
    Krishna recently posted..Norton Antivirus & Internet Security 21 (2014) Download Full Version OfficiallyMy Profile

  30. This is an mazing article (and blog) with a lot of advice. I think I will have to come back here often and go into each section in detail. Thanks sir
    My problem is that I can’t seem to engage my readers. I blog often and although I can get 200 readers a month, no-one seems to want to say anything about what I write.
    get me a help please .
    Tushar recently posted..Learn about ADSL2 and why it is getting cheaperMy Profile

  31. Twitter:
    Tushar, I just visited your blog and have the following observations (with no bad intention):1. Your blog has barely 20 articles (with the first one made on 13th Jan 20132. Out of the less than 20 articles, there is already guest post3. Your blog has PR44. Your blog has few comments5. Your posts have no call to action6. As at the time of last PR update there was only 1 post on your blogMy Questions for You:1. How did you get a PR4 with only 1 post that had no engagement?2. Where does your traffic come from?3. Did you engage in any Blackhat SEO?My Suggestions:- Write more quality posts- Stop accepting guest posts for now until you find your voice with your readers (until they are able to know your distinct style of writing)- Tell your readers what you want from them (they should be told to drop their comments, observations, opinions, questions, etc at the end of each post)- Write like you are discussing with your readers; minimize optimizing for search engines. people read and make comments, but search engines don\’t.- Give your readers incentives to motivate them.- Avoid all kinds of Blackhat SEO practices. Your readers are intelligent enough to detect most of them and run from your site.I believe those few tips would help you.
    Efoghor Joseph Ezie recently posted..How to Detect a Spam Comment on Your Blog and Unmask the Person Behind It.My Profile

  32. Hi Efoghor,
    Thanks for inspiring to make money using blog.
    Can please suggest me with some examples like what are different products I can sell on my tech blog.
    Thanks in Advance.
    Kushal Azza recently posted..Paypal account pay and receive through Indian Bank AccountMy Profile

    • Twitter:
      Azza, I can see that your site is already monetized with Google Adsense. However, there are other things you could do like:
      1. Software review or affiliate marketing
      2. Web design
      3. Website/blog customization for clients
      4. Sponsored links, etc.
      5. Direct advertisement

      As a tech based site, you can actually make money from numbers 2 & 3 if you have the knowledge of web design since that is what you write on.

  33. Twitter:
    I believe unique/quality content along with regular updates are important as you mentioned. One thing I have seen is when a blog is not updated often, search engines crawl the websites less often and can considerably affect ranking. I am sure google has date of the article as one of the parameter for rankings its pages.
    chang recently posted..Pinger loginMy Profile

    • Twitter:
      Chang, thanks for your contribution. You are quite right in your observation. One thing readers love online is to be served current information, not stale news. So if a blog is ranking high and refuses to update for a long time, those close to it could overtake it if they are serving the people current and useful information.

      It happened to one of my blogs. It was ranked PR2 when I was updating it regularly. But later, I got busy with too many things and couldn’t update it. The PR dropped to 1. When I resumed, it climbed back to PR3 which it still maintains now.
      Efoghor Joseph Ezie recently posted..PageRank Update: Is Google Going to Scrap PageRank?My Profile

  34. Twitter:
    I remember that awesome day when i earned my first 1$ from blog the joy of earning at little age is much sweeter than earning at age of 25.
    himanshu recently posted..How to backup messages on iPhone or iPad using iTunesMy Profile

  35. Twitter:
    Hi Efoghoros,
    Having passion toward what one loving doing is the only way to bring about positive motion, happiness, joy, enthusiasm, and this will give the ability to write more often since it your passion.

    Regularity is a most if you want search engine to keep your blog in mind, and with this, one writing skills will definitely be increased and will bring about writing quality content as well.
    Adesanmi Adedotun recently posted..Setup your own blog in 18 minutesMy Profile

  36. That’s really cool. I didn’t know there are so many ways you can make money with blog. Selling a product or a service sounds great but it really depends on what you have on your content. I write inspirational stories. What do you suggest?
    Kevin Pham recently posted..#995 Take time to enjoy the simple things in lifeMy Profile

  37. Twitter:
    Making money with a blog is getting easy now as Blogging is getting easy day by day and peoples are getting different ways to earn online.So now it’s not a problem but yaa it is for most of the newbies.
    Gautam recently posted..Download Instagram For Pc,Instagram For Windows,MacMy Profile

  38. Twitter:
    Hi Joseph. Thanks for this awesome tips. I agree with regularity but it still hard to implement :). To keep maintaining regularity requires ideas that are always update. Sometimes I can get an idea once a week, it means that I can publish a new post 4 times a month :)
    Uphy recently posted..The Best and Legitimate Paid Survey SitesMy Profile

  39. Twitter:
    These are the really best ways for making online money. Blogging is always a nice option when it comes to make money online. This post is really very helpful and we can use these tips for getting some success in our business.
    Prakash recently posted..Minion Rush for Windows Phone | Minion Rush for Nokia Lumia 520, 620, 900, 920, 925, 1020, 2025My Profile

  40. Twitter:
    It’s very difficult to make money online these days because advertisers are looking for websites having high PR or DA. So, for newbies it will take a little time to get PR and then start making money.
    Atinder recently posted..Make Money Online By Various Freelance Jobs with PeoplePerHourMy Profile

  41. Twitter:
    Blogging can certainly make huge income but if done in aright way. It needs pure dedication and hard work. Only then we can make huge money otherwise its all waste of time.
    Atinder recently posted..How to Make Money BloggingMy Profile

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