What is a privacy policy?
A Privacy is placed on a website to inform visitors about how the website deals with their personal information.
The privacy policy basically outlines what visitor information you collect such as personal details collected upon registering or making a purchase; transactions carried out on your website; how your customers use your website ( pages they visit and length of time visited) and even information such as IP address ( the address identifying your computer on the network.) geographical location and browser type.
Why do I need one?
With an increase in junk mail and identity fraud, your customers may be particularly keen to maintain their privacy in terms of what you intend to do with any information obtained, whether personal, financial or a record of their shopping habits on your site.
When you run a commercial website - especially one that captures information or data about your visitors – you need to have a privacy policy in place to reassure your visitors that you are safeguarding their personal information. Along with your terms and conditions, this usually appears as a link at the bottom of every website page.
What will it contain?
The policy will highlight what you do with this information. For example, you may use it to administer and improve your website for the customer and for your own marketing purposes. If you use cookies ( a text file sent by a web server to a web browser and stored on the browser’ s computer to identify and track the browser), this needs to be mentioned in the policy. Cookies are used to administer the browser’ s use of the website and so that the browser can be recognized when they revisit your site. Your customers can choose to reject the cookies be changing the setting in their browser panel. However this, can have a negative impact upon the usability of the website.
What else to be include in the policy
You will need to explain how personal data will be used by your website. Usually , it is used to improve the visitor’s experience. However, it may also be used to send targeted communications from your website or carefully selected third parties which targeted communications from your website or carefully selected third parties which may be of interest to the visitor. The information may also be provided with statistical information about the users but will also contain that, unless consent is given, personal information will not be passed on to any third parties for direct marketing.
Other points in the policy usually include a section on disclosures and how information will only be passed on if it is a legal requirement or to pass on to the purchaser if you were to sell the web venture.
A detailed policy will also cover information and clarification about international data transfers, security of personal data ( taking all reasonable precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your visitor’s personal information), policy amendments, visitor’s rights and contact information.
Twitter: BlazingMinds
I think any site that sells something, no matter what it is, should have a Privacy Policy, they are websites that will enable you to set the correct wording for a policy on your blog/website and by using these it’s easier to get the information to the user in simple terms.
Karen´s recent blog post ..New Facebook Pages- Good Idea or Bad Idea
Twitter: netchunks
You are right, privacy policy is really important for sites that sell something but well even people who do affiliate marketing should have a privacy policy. In WordPress, there is a plugin called WordPress Privacy Policy generator which make privacy policy generation very much easy
Shiva´s recent blog post ..Get Paid To Shorten Links – Top Paid URL Shorteners
@karen, @ shiva i totally agree with u all privacy policy is must for all websites, as there are alots users concerns that their personal info can be misued or shared with anyone like marketing sites , email spammers & such, its good that site provides privacy policy stating that their info never gonna get shared anywhere.
bloggers´s recent blog post ..Valentine LOVE There s an App for that
This is one item that i dont have on my blog and im still not too sure if i need one
I have found alot of places online that auto generate a pretty good privacy policy – but if you dont sell something or hold personal information then I doubt any blogger would need one
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I’ve heard a great deal about the importance of Privacy Policy especially I think that Google requires you if you are publishing Adsense on your site.
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Twitter: healthvotes
Privacy policy also has an effect on the website’s seo, the search engines trust such sites more that has a privacy policy, about us and contact us pages. Some time back when Google adsense asked their publishers to keep a privacy policy on their blog, this is a must have for adsense publishers, many webmasters started to keep a privacy policy.
I always keep a privacy policy, it is good to keep things transparent with your visitors, and since we got no idea what their data is going to be used for by the 3rd parties like adsense, analytics, or any other ads platform, a privacy policy becomes a must.
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