Do You Need Ways To Stop Procrastination?

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Ande Waggener is an author and the creator of, a site that helps you get back up when life slams you down with failure, rejection, disappointment, and other setbacks. She holds a B.A. in Psychology and J.D. In spite of many triumphs, she’s had many “splats,” and she shares the lessons learned from them on her site.

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Procrastinating is bad.  Action is good. You must find ways to stop procrastination, right? Not necessarily.

Sometimes procrastination, as the word suggests, is more of a pro than a con.

Here are three ways procrastination can serve you instead of hindering you:

Procrastination Ages Ideas

I love a good wine-especially a nice aged merlot or syrah.  I don’t know much about wine but I do know that if the winery was to make the wine and then stick it in a bottle the next day, it would taste pretty lousy.  Some things just take time.  They need to sit for awhile

Take my Up From Splat website, for instance.  I’d been wanting to get focused on one specific project for months.  I’ve bounced around from this to that, but I just couldn’t seem to get myself into useful motion.  I spent a lot of time reading novels and walking my dog “¦ procrastinating.  But it turns out I needed that time to let my various options age a bit so once I got an idea that inspired action, I was revved up and ready to go.

Procrastination gives your ideas time to meld themselves into a workable whole.

Procrastination Facilitates Alignment

The second way procrastination helps you is it gives you time to align with your action.

Any action taken out of alignment is wasted.  If you’ve never heard of Abraham-hicks or law of attraction, alignment just means that you don’t have resistance to the idea.  You’re not in some negative state of emotion about it. You don’t have fears that it won’t

work or doubts that you can do it or resentment that you have to do it.

The only actions worth taking are the ones that feel really good-as in the whole of you is on board with the idea.

For instance, have you ever started a diet or exercise program and gone off it right away?  Why couldn’t you stay on the diet?  You weren’t aligned.  I’ve wasted a lot of effort trying to push myself into diets when I resent the fact that I have to diet.  Diets work when you procrastinate long enough about losing weight that you finally let go of resistance about it.  When you feel positive about a weight loss plan, it’s time to start action.  That’s when you’ll find it easy to stick with a diet.

Procrastination Keeps You Out Of Trouble

Let’s say you’re thinking about buying a new house.  You want to get started on a house hunt but you can’t seem to get in motion.  You have no idea why you’re not moving.  Well, what if your higher self-that part of you that’s plugged into divine knowing -knows that the right house is coming on the market next month.  If you push into action now, you’ll miss out on your great house.

Sometimes, or rather, often, the unconscious part of you knows a lot more than the conscious part.

If it goes on for too long, procrastination can hold you back from reaching goals.  But it also can be just what you need.

Doing nothing isn’t always doing nothing.  Sometimes it’s the most important thing you can be doing.  Sometimes the last thing you need to do is find ways to stop procrastination.

So go do nothing and feel darn good about it.

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