Out with the old…
I’ve finally gotten around to clearing the old commentluv.com domain out and rehousing it on a new server in readiness for when the new plugin is ready for the world.
As you can see, I haven’t put anything up other than a landing page and an opt-in form for now because, well, the new plugin isn’t ready yet! You can click the image above to head on over there and enter your details to be notified of updates to the plugin and be one of the first people on the planet to try it when it’s ready.
Don’t send them away!
Once the last version of the original CommentLuv has been updated to v2.818, I will start building the next version (free 2.9) which removes the need for your users to register at comluv.com
Instead of sending your readers away to another site, you can keep them on yours and encourage them to register on your blog if they want to unlock the 10 last posts.
Of course, you don’t have to require them to register, you could just give everyone 10 posts to choose from when they comment but, if there’s one thing I’ve learned after 2+ years of running this site it’s that people want 10 posts to choose from when they comment! 40,000 of them registered here to get it so there’s a good chance that they would do it at your site too.
Stay tuned!
It’s going to be a lot of work for the new version of CommentLuv because I will be recoding it from scratch to take advantage of all the things that I’ve learned about the inner workings of WordPress since I made it and some other fancy pants things that I have been wanting to add for some time.
Sign up to the newsletter to keep up to date with the progress of this new version and you’ll be among the first people on the planet to have it on your site!
Enter your details below to join the list of early birds!
I would love for commentluv to be compatible with Disqus. I can’t use Intense Debate on my blog, it’s not compatible with the template.
Kathie´s recent blog post ..Easy Anniversary Decor
Twitter: commentluv
sorry, there’s no chance of compatibility with Disqus due to the way they use iframes to display the comment text area.
Twitter: BlazingMinds
Hey there Andy, love the update on the plugin, I specially like the idea of being able to select who will or wont have a “nofollow” tag, very nice, very nice indeed

Karen´s recent blog post ..Need To Get Your Blog Seen Then Try Blokube Review
Twitter: commentluv
yes, I finally caved and added the dofollow option!
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..What the Google girl told me – Video tutorial Part 1 with closed captions
You should really try to make CommentLuv for Disqus! It would make it so much better!
Gabriel709´s recent blog post ..Why I Chose Disqus Instead of IntenseDebate