5 Blogging Mistakes You Must Avoid

Amrik Virdi
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Amrik Virdi
Amrik Virdi
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Now-a-days, the most common activity on the internet is Blogging. Every day new blogs and new bloggers are coming up. It is simply great for the blogosphere. Being a blogger, we must feel proud about it.

Some of the bloggers make some common mistakes in their initial stage or even in some later stage. Today I am going to discuss 5 blogging mistakes which must be avoided.

Lack of Quality Content

People love to visit your blog because they love the quality of your content. A blog without good and interesting content is good for nothing.

So, bloggers must concentrate on the content, rather than giving emphasis on other factors like SEO, building backlinks, etc.

Yes, SEO and backlinks are important. However it can be useful only when the blog has quality.

Expecting Returns without Hard Work

Some bloggers want quick success. They want traffic, money, backlinks, exposure and what not. They want all these from Day 1 of their blogging career. It is simple impossible.

If you look at the successful bloggers, you will find that they have worked really hard in their initial stages to get success. However they did not stop at any moment. They continued to work hard in order to hold their success and achieve even more.

Thus you can easily understand the importance of hard work. Do not expect success without any hard work. If you work hard, success will definitely come; maybe it can take some time.

Blogging for Money

alt="" width="300" height="165" />Many Bloggers start blogging just for making money. Money is definitely a part of Blogging, but it is just a part. If your aim is just to make money, then my advice would be to leave it. You should concentrate on the content, quality, design, etc of your blog. Try to become the best in your field. If you can get traffic, money will automatically come in. Advertisers approve those blogs which have great content and good amount of traffic.

Not Engaging

What is the difference between a blog and a website? In a website, readers cannot engage with you; this is possible in a blog. The comments section is the most important part of any blog. After reading your article, a person can use the comments section to appreciate or give some feedback. It is the duty of the blogger to interact with them. They should reply to them.

Each and every blogger has a Facebook Page for their blog. However most of them just use it for promoting their new articles. This is a big mistake. People will term you as a spammer if you just promote and never engage. So do not always promote; sometimes interact with them.

Being Impatient

Some bloggers want traffic, name and fame from the starting phase of their blogging career. If they do not get it, they become impatient. Some of them even leave blogging.

It is simple impossible to get traffic and exposure very quickly. You cannot get success overnight. You have to be patient. Just concentrate on quality of content.

Also implement some SEO and promote your article on social media.

What next? Feel free to comment below.



  1. It truly is all about engaging and building relationships, it seems so odd at first to try and go build relationships online with seemingly random people, but after a bit over a year and then some of all this blogging, it really makes alot of sense, I feel like I have global friends now who can assist me on the numerous challenges that arise with running a few websites, each with their own expertise etc.

    Great article, thx ^^

  2. Amen to quality content and time! When I write I concentrate on content, not keywords. I am of the opinion that keyword phrases used in good content will with time rank without even promoting any; just my opinion though!

  3. Twitter:
    Consistency. I think bloggers must have this.
    Rich Amor recently posted..Perawatan Kulit Harian untuk Berbagai UsiaMy Profile

  4. Twitter:
    It’s true that you can get wildly impatient waiting for traffic. As far as engaging on a Facebook page I think is old hat. Google+ or Twitter is where it’s at. Take it one day at a time. Don’t give up and never surrender. Be yourself, no one is you and only that will stick out! Hope this helped someone. Thanks for reading! – Scott Craighead
    Scott Craighead recently posted..Top 10 Best PS4 Features and Reasons To Own One!My Profile

  5. Twitter:
    Hi Amrik,
    All of the points you have shared are the fundamentals of blogging. I totally agree with them. Thanks for sharing.
    Suhas recently posted..Excellent screen capture utilities and tricksMy Profile

  6. Mahesh Charjan says:

    true , All above mentioned things are really very important for any blogger to be successful. I have almost followed the all things. I hope this will help for more improvement.

  7. Twitter:
    Really nice blog post. I am a new blogger and your tips will help me very much. I should try to avoid these mistakes.
    Gautam Biswas recently posted..How to install Windows 8 from USB flash driveMy Profile

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