Awesome entries keep rolling in our first FamousBloggers CommentLuv contest. You can search Twitter for #FBCLcontest to find all the Tweets that use that hashtag. Not familiar? Read How to Use Twitter Hashtags.
Use the hashtag #FBCLcontest on your Tweets.
Last week we profiled the first six Blogging Contest Entries and offered tips on how each entrant can promote their entry and get their readers involved.
The big news last week was our announcement that there will be twenty winners with a minimum cash prize of $100 each!
First place wins $750 ~ Second pays $300 ~ Third $200
Fourth through Tenth place prizes – seven of them – of $150 each
Eleventh through Twentieth place winners – total of ten - $100 each
Let’s do the math. Twenty total prizes minus fourteen entries published so far means we can publish six more before we run out of prizes. While not every blogger who enters will take home the cash, a large percentage are guaranteed to win.
Hey! Don’t the odds of winning look REALLY good? What are YOU waiting for? There is still time to submit your entry. Make up your mind to go for it today!
Have you seen the banner below in any blogs?
Increase your chances of winning by adding one to YOUR blog. If you don’t know how contact FamousBloggers or GrowMap and we’ll give you a hand.
Click the banner above to get the code for your blog and/or save the image and and add it manually. I recommend linking it to the page where your guest post is published.
Do not let not knowing how stop you. We will give you a hand and then you’ll have a new powerful skill to use in your blog!
Deadline July 7 ~ the sooner you enter the more time you have to promote your entry!
REMINDER: If you have already entered be sure to read How To WIN. If you’re serious about grabbing some cash don’t forget that you can earn BONUS Blogging Contest points by writing about any sponsor(s) of your choice.
NEW: If you wish to write bonus posts about a sponsor but feel they do not fit in your blog, we will publish your guest posts about any of our sponsors at GrowMap encourages bloggers to support small local and online businesses.
I will be writing much more about each contestant here and elsewhere but there are three whose efforts I want to mention as excellent role models others may wish to emulate:
Website Designer Eve Lester has set an excellent example for other contestants in these ways:
- Her blog sports the I am In the Contest ~ Support Me to Win Hard Cash Prizes image shown above and links to her contest entry.
- Creativity and Titles are VERY important for attracting attention and her Don’t Be THAT Guy contest entry already has 159 comments!
- She was the first to write a bonus post on Social Media Marketing for our contest sponsor Social Implications.
The work that had to go into SEO and Social Media Blogger Kristi Hines‘ entry goes above and beyond what anyone else would write. She wrote FIVE comprehensive how-to articles on How to use CommentLuv for Article Marketing to link to her entry.
Each one of those shares experience few others have with step-by-step instructions even new bloggers can use. None of us – not even me – would have gone through what she did to get those articles up on Squidoo and HubPages for our use.
Kristi also has a very large banner in the top of her sidebar (right column) promoting our contest.
If we have a prize for most creative Tweets so far it would go to Stephanie Suesan Smith. She sends a new Tweet on How to Get Comments in YOUR Blog that puts a smile on my face each day and that means her Tweets gets RTed to my almost 12,000 followers each time.
I do not want anyone to think we’re favoring those three contestants. I will promote for EVERY contestant, scheduling many Tweets for each entry. The more additional Tweets you send me the more RT opportunities you get.
I will be writing about all of the contestants and sending out many more Tweets on their behalf AND I have offered to RT Tweets for any contestant who adds @GrowMap to what they Tweet.
1) Answer all the comments in your entry. Each reply gets a point and if you use subscribe to comments that will bring people back to comment again.
2) Add @GrowMap to any Tweets you want RTed.
3) For more tips look at the bottom of my How Many Winners post and at the bottom of the list of all contest entry posts.
IMPORTANT: Be sure you have published your post that includes links to our Contest Sponsors. This is a requirement for being a winner because they donated the CASH!
NOT PARTICIPATING? We are seeking experienced bloggers to assist in judging the entries and tabulating the points.
- Use Hashtag #FBCLcontest to search Twitter
- Complete Contest Rules and How-to
- Ideas for your post entry
- Shortcut to grab Sponsor Links for the post you publish about the contest on your blog
- Looking for the I am in the Contest Banners? They’re on the How to Win page.
- Looking for all the contest entry posts ~ Find them in the Blog Commenting Folder
- Get help
Twitter: junevaa
Great job!
macist´s recent blog post ..Worst Miss 2010
Twitter: simpleblogger
Dam the prizes where awesome. I hope to join in on the next contest for sure!
A.J.´s recent blog post ..Free SEO Beginners Guide by SEOMoz
Twitter: commentluv
there’s still time to enter this one!
Wow the prize is really amazing, but unfortunately i can’t participate, will try in the next one. Anyways you guys are rocking!!
Vipin´s recent blog post ..Romantic SMS 29-6-2010
May I still join? need that prize lol.^_^
James´s recent blog post ..AFL Football Forum Explosion
Twitter: commentluv
you can still enter!
Twitter: melvinblog
Hey man, lets say I published 15 high quality articles, does it mean i can win more than one time?

Melvin´s recent blog post ..Joining Blog Contests- What’s Your Motivational Factor
Twitter: GrowMap
Hi Melvin,
No, it means you would have a better chance of winning the top prizes. Points for multiple entries are combined to determine who wins. Right now the leaders for at least the top three spots have submitted multiple posts so they are more likely to win.
Points are awarded for articles about commenting and for optional articles about the sponsors as explained in this post.
If a blogger would like to write a post about one of our sponsors but feels that post would not fit well in their own blog I am even willing to publish those posts as guest posts at
My blog promotes the ideal of supporting local and online small businesses and assisting bloggers in ethically making money as well.
GrowMap´s recent blog post ..Support Small Businesses
i also wan to wiN! wht should I do?
Chien Ming´s recent blog post ..Leo Farewell at Paradise Hotel
Twitter: GrowMap
Welcome Chien Ming,
Everything you need to know is in this post. Go to How to Enter FamousBloggers CommentLuv contest post for the complete rules and what to do.
GrowMap´s recent blog post ..How CommentLuv Grows Businesses and Blogs
That’s pretty cool, I am still working on getting the blog section designed and setup. Oh well, maybe next time if there is a next time. I have added this to my favorites to check back in after my blog is ready. Thanks!
Twitter: medicalmcqs
I do not see the tweet button on my entry. How can I tweet my post.
Nice and detailed explanation to the process of winning.