I’ve been wanting to rewrite the URL registration pages for a while as well as putting the most used links and tools on the front page. I tried to just change the css for the daily visit list but like most things geeky I do, it turned into a mammoth project.
I do my best work when I’m hacking someone elses to do what I want and I’ve done it again this time, just the cosmetics of the theme like adding more panels and adding some daughter template files.
All the rest is custom code and it’s coming along nicely. I have most of the front page done and coded some new visit lists for new members and for most commenting members and once that’s done, I’ll get started on the URL registration and member pages.
There’s still plenty to do but I’m pleased with how it’s going so far and I’ve made some tremendous improvements to the queries that I use to collect stats so I can make a start coding a searchable, sortable CommentLuv site directory. woo hoo!
Twitter: Bytefulcom
That looks cool, Andy! It’s good to see that you’re still having fun implementing new features.
Btw, what did you think of the Gold Badge I sent you?
(Oh yeah, and you may want to update the copyright at the bottom of the page. And the badges on the badge page.)
But anyway, it’s great to hear you’re still whipping up new code. Ahhh, the smell of fresh code in the morning…
B.Traveller´s last blog ..How to Get Paid to Travel 1,000 miles: Craigslist
Twitter: commentluv
I did get your gold badges. thanks!
The copyright and other stuff will get updated very soon! I am nearly finished with the new theme now
Twitter: FamousBloggers
Congratulations for the new theme Andy, I am sure it’s going to give more exposure to ComLuv members and CommentLuv enabled blogs!
hishaman´s last blog ..What’s the Relationship between Money, Blog Comments and True Love?
Twitter: commentluv
Thanks hisham! I saw your banner ad submission too, thanks! it all helps to keep the cogs turning
Very cool.
What’s nice about your site, paying for credits is so easy. I realized about five minutes after I did it – geez, I just paid $5 without even blinking. Haha. Still it’s great – just wish we had more UFO activity around here…
Thanks for a great plugin!
fuzzylogic´s last blog ..“Phoenix lights” UFO anniversary the 13th
Twitter: commentluv
well thanks for saying so! feel free to make UFO blogs here if you want to see more
Twitter: thatgirlisfunny
Hi Andy,
I found a keyword phrase on a blog post from an expert blogger (howtospoter)that allows me to find comluv enabled blogs easily. I’ll include it here for people to try out:
The new look is divine! I really love it – looks quite modern
“title=”CommentLuv Enabled”” stay young (keyword example, pick your own word – include all the quotation marks)
Google returns a list: some posts are live, some are no longer available, some don’t have comluv anymore
I found it really useful. Felt like I was keeping my valuable commenting time in the family and being most effective by finding relevant and useful posts.
HowToSpoter is how he spells it.
Cheryl from thatgirlisfunny´s last blog ..Guess Who’s Doing the Tough Guy Challenge? Hayley plus friends – Week One
Twitter: commentluv
Thanks! I took a free template and made it mine over a period of 5 nights of coding
I’m surprised you don’t use the commentluv search engine on this site, just put your keywords in the box at the top and press enter. It will only bring back sites that have that keyphrase and that have given out some love in the past 2 weeks so you know for sure they have commentluv installed.
It gets it’s sites from all known and active commentluv sites across the world!
Twitter: AgentDeepak
The New Theme looks cool. It is clean and simple.
Agent Deepak´s last blog ..Interview with Melvin Dichoso – The Versatile Young Blogger
Twitter: BasicBlogTips
Hi Andy,
Congratulations on the new theme. It’s very handsome
I have a question about the CommentLuv visits list and the Top 5 CommentLuv Sites. I know of a couple of CommentLuv blogs that have many comments (more than the blogs showing on this list) is there a reason they are not showing up? Would you like examples of the blog urls?
I haven’t seen a change to this list since you changed the theme and I’d love to see some of my friends blogs on the list.
Ileane´s last blog ..Chrome Extension For Improved Readability
Twitter: commentluv
Thanks, I was pleased with it when it was finally done!
To get on the lists, your site needs to have a description, keywords and name entered. Existing sites may not have the meta data stored so will need to update their description by visiting the member page and editing their site.
you can see more things here about the visit list