A bag full of plugins
I’ve written numerous plugins for clients, my own sites and some just for fun in my time. I’ve even released a couple, maybe you’ve heard of CommentLuv or Twitterlink comments?
I would love to release the other ones I have in my bag of plugins but, the biggest problem I have with releasing a plugin to the wild is the sheer amount of time it takes to support the users of the plugin! Not only that, there’s the constant updates that are required to keep it up to date and bug free and modifications to WordPress always add a bit of fun into the mix.
Free(mium) Luv?
A discussion with someone in the comments of this site reminded me of a thought thread I was having with myself the past few months and that’s what to do with CommentLuv and other plugins.
I would dearly love to work on them full time instead of that pesky thing called work (and the other pesky thing like running a business!) but I really cannot justify the time it would take to implement the changes I have planned for commentluv unless I can show my family that it’s worth it.
I think it’s time I tried an experiment, I’ve been hankering to make a premium version of Commentluv for some time. One with dofollow, custom css, keywordluv, custom messages, fully customizable, own css and more features but to do that, I’d need to rewrite it all from scratch.
To justify that, I’d really want to freemiumize it which is basically providing the regular one for free but charging a nominal fee for the super duper one, a charge that gets the customer free updates for life and access to premium support.
Dipping my toes
To even consider going to all that trouble without actually knowing if it’s going to work or even worth preparing the database, download pages and the other infrastructure required, I figured I could test the water first with some my other creations. Plugins that I know people want and may just consider paying say, 15$ for (?).
Things like the guest poster notify plugin, a nifty dashboard tweeting widget or even a configurable sidebar login widget. How about a premium version of twitterlink comments that tweets to your twitter account the @username of the person whose comment just got replied to? If they were at a reasonable price and you knew that you’d get guaranteed updates and priority support then would you consider paying for a plugin?
Feedback welcome!
Please let me know in the comments what you think of this idea, I really need to find a way besides advertising that can keep comluv.com afloat and paying for itself and at least a little bit to buy my missus a dinner now and then. It’d be such a shame for it to all go in the pooper chute because it got to expensive to be a hobby any more.
It goes without saying that all the things that are sold will be sold using the credits system already in place here at comluv.com which means they’ll all be compatible with the affiliate system too. If you’re not interested in buying a plugin, maybe your readers would be and then you’d get a 20% kickback..
Twitter: DennisEdell
Hey man, knowing the coder you are and the support you already give for free, I would absolutely pay for more…without question.
Let me know if you need help promoting this question.
Dennis Edell´s recent blog post ..Welcome! Part 3 – DennisEdellCom – Now & Future
Twitter: commentluv
thanks for coming by Dennis! I would love to get some more data on peoples opinion of this! how would you go about it?
Andy Bailey´s recent blog post ..Find out just how long you spend waste on email with Chrometa
Twitter: DennisEdell
Not a problem. A well written/promoted blog post should bring some nice feedback. My community can be quite responsive if it looks good.
Without duplicating your entire post, I’d take some fine points, throw in my own tet-a-tet in, around and ending, then link back here for the full scoop.
if you wanna write me up something separate, a “plug” of some sort, that could work also. Either way.
A nice graphic might add a little punch also if you wanna make some up. i can put one right in the post, and keep another in my sidebar for a while;leading back to this post.
Dennis Edell´s recent blog post ..Testing GASP – A Brand New Anti-Spam WordPress Plugin – part 1
Twitter: commentluv
thanks, good ideas. I’ll get on them when I get some free time (hah! free time, as if!) I’ll put something together tomorrow or next day after I help my bro-in-law move house.
btw.. raise the font in the comments display or in the comments form?
Twitter: DennisEdell
Both, but the form is even smaller.
Dennis Edell´s recent blog post ..Testing GASP – A Brand New Anti-Spam WordPress Plugin – part 1
Twitter: commentluv
ok Dennis, how is that now?
Twitter: DennisEdell
Much better, thanks

Dennis Edell´s recent blog post ..Testing GASP – A Brand New Anti-Spam WordPress Plugin – part 1
Twitter: DennisEdell
Could you raise the font a bit on these comments? Thanks!
Dennis Edell´s recent blog post ..Welcome! Part 2 – Your Online Business is Dependant on Your Business Blog
Twitter: npxpcom
How about Free and Pro version of a plugin, does it work? Or maybe a new concept altogether.
Something like Post2Host! Make a forum or something or even a blog and giveaway plugins in return of posts?
Kamal Hasa´s recent blog post ..Why Does Google Offer SEO Advice
Twitter: hotelsfairy
Hi Andy
The idea sounds great. We’d definately be interested in a premium version of commentluv and the premium twitterlink plugin sounds interesting too.
Good luck with it!
Tom at Blackpool Hotels Fairy´s recent blog post ..The World Famous Blackpool Promenade
Twitter: websiteweekend
Definitely I’ll pay. And more than $15 too. Make it a subscription-based sale as well.
Seriously, people have to start paying for this stuff. I’ve donated to several plugins, and I’ll be donating to more in the future. I’ve also bought premium plugins.
I’ve had people donate for hRecipe too. Just this morning in fact. It feels good.
doolin´s recent blog post ..A Little Lesson on the Value of Experience
Twitter: commentluv
Thanks for your feedback Dave!
I have a few options I would like to explore. One of them is a charge for the plugin and a small subscription charge for updates and support, both will use the credits system so that guest posters and those that write good tutorials can buy them without having to actually pay.
Twitter: Bytefulcom
First of all, I can definitely see this being your main source of income in the future, Andy.
And a premium plugin is a good start. Just don’t start charging for something that used to be free, because that’s reducing your growth factor intensely.
However, if you make a premium plugin with new features alongside the existing free plugin, that’s a GREAT model, and it’s worked for lots of other products too. The free plugin will always be around to introduce people to CL, and those who really want more advanced features will get the better one.
It’s the perfect plan.
I look forward to seeing you take over the world,

B.Traveller´s recent blog post ..How to Increase your Power through Travel
Twitter: writerromana
Maybe only the yes people are posting their responses to you, but if so, count me in! When you have a high quality plug-in that is bringing real value to your users the way ComLuv does, you can bet that many would be more than willing to pay for a premium version. And, much as I hate to admit, yes, I too would pay more than $15.
Maria Elizabeth Romana´s recent blog post ..Gold Medal Book Award 99 Cent Sale!
Twitter: commentluv
Thanks Maria! it is something I would like to explore some more. In the meantime, i am updating a few of my own use custom plugins to maybe be part of my freemium portfolio!
Twitter: mjc308
I would be pushed to pay $15 for a plugin – maybe as long as there was a fully functional try version first, but I often donate for things I like
I’ve only just started using comment luv, (despite having actually registered a while ago), but I like it!
I don’t actually like your newsletters much though. This is the first one I’ve actually read any of – and that was because the title of this post in your In this issue list caught my eye. I usually just delete it though.
I really installed comment luv for the links to the commenters last post. I’ll have to get around to reading about what else it does.
rabble´s recent blog post ..A Letter
Twitter: GrowMap
One plugin that some bloggers should be willing to pay to keep working is the new GrowMap Anti-spambot plugin you just wrote because of the huge amount of time it saves them.
Have you seen all the comments on Twitter and my blog about the joy of being “spam-free” – especially when your blog gets popular and dozens to hundreds to 1000+ spam a day are the norm?
I went from actually having other bloggers volunteer to clean out spam and dreading logging in to see 1000+ spambot generated comments a day to immediately being able to immediately see 12-45+ real comments.
And even better, my commentators no longer have to worry about being mistreated by the other commonly-used anti-spam plugins. Thank you, Andy, for this plugin. And thank you to everyone else involved in making it publicly available.
GrowMap´s recent blog post ..GrowMap Anti-Spambot Plugin Now Available at WordPress Plugin Repository
Twitter: DennisEdell
Comments on it are growing all over, including DEDC, but honestly i wouldn’t advise trying to charge for it.
With so many other commonly-used anti-spam plugins available for fee, it wouldn’t make sense.
Even if they aren’t as good, people are gonna go for free over paid almost every time, especially with this one being so new and the others tested and proven…for what their worth.
Dennis Edell´s recent blog post ..Welcome! Part 5 – The Initial DEDC Network Revealed
Twitter: commentluv
I agree Dennis. I think this one is simple enough that it doesn’t need to be premium, it’s also useful enough that it would be more value as a way for me to advertise my other plugins by adding some text to the settings page.
Twitter: DennisEdell
Now that’s a very good idea.
Dennis Edell´s recent blog post ..Welcome! Part 5 – The Initial DEDC Network Revealed
Twitter: commentluv
Gail: thanks for your feedback. I think the anti spambot plugin might be more useful as a ‘foot in the door’ to show bloggers how useful my plugins are. I’m really glad it’s doing it’s job on your site.
Twitter: ChristineLeiser
Absolutely! If there’s a plugin, or a theme, or really anything that will make my life easier and my blogs better, I would have no problem paying for it. I don’t think $15 is unreasonable for something like that. I appreciate all that you do and feel that you should absolutely be compensated.
Christine´s recent blog post ..Mmmm- Crockpot Pot Roast
Twitter: commentluv
Thanks for your feedback Christine! I would only need to make a nominal charge to make it worthwhile. I want to make it small enough so that someone wouldn’t hesitate too much but make it big enough so it shows the value of the plugin.
Twitter: Anklebuster
Andy, great job pulling all this together in the newsletter. I know that’s a chore.
Here’s my take on the fee-fi-foe freemium model:
You have the well-deserved reputation. People who recognize value will pay.
I really think you are asking the wrong question. You should be asking yourself, “How can I turn my plugin skills into an automated widget factory?”
Think of the prefatory remarks you made before posing the question to us:
*I would love to release the other ones I have in my bag of plugins
*amount of time it takes to support the users of the plugin
*constant updates that are required to keep it up to date and bug free
*modifications to WordPress
*I would dearly love to work on them full time
*I can show my family that it’s worth it
You are looking at a classic e-myth dilemma: the gifted craftsman who wants to become an entrepreneur (note that I’m not calling YOU a wannabe, I’m just saying that this is what confronts anyone who aspires to profit from their creations.)
Essentially, you have to decide which parts of the craft can be replicated, outsourced and/or automated and which parts require your personal touch.
Some of it seems obvious, such as outsourcing support. Others would depend on the amount of control you wish to retain over the creative process.
Finally, from the financial perspective, I suspect that, by catering to the ginormous WordPress target market, one or two “hits” will give your family the cash flow to remove all obstacles to your doing this the way you really want to.
Everything else is details.
Mitchell Allen´s recent blog post ..Gee Whillickers
cool, i like this
sari´s recent blog post ..Slow Rock 90 Inka Christie & Poppy Mercury
I just did a complete redesign to my blog and added Comment Luv after reading about it. Already i can see the value for bloggers to have this plugin installed as I have noticed multiple clicks on the few people who have used it when leaving a comment. It’s kind like a form of Comment Karma :^)
Getting more traffic is the key to any blog or website and Comment Luv is a welcome addition to my new blog design. Adding a premium version that could increase traffic to my site would be a no brainer. While free is nice, you often get what you pay for. If the features on a paid version of Comment Luv helped generate any substantial amount of traffic, then $15 would be a small price to pay.
Good luck with the project!
Ken Kaminesky´s recent blog post ..National Art Museum of Catalonia in Barcelona- Spain
I have used CommentLuv quite a bit in the past, and now will again, since the changes. All of your hard work has been enjoyed FREE for a long time now, I think having a paid alternative is a great idea, but for me, a monthly subscription is not as favorable as a one time payment, that is where you could maybe offer all three choices, free, upgrade (1 payment) and super duper upgrade (monthly). If each level offers more and more goodies, that should work, count me in, I’ll help as much as I can.
CarpetGuy´s recent blog post ..Who is pulling the strings in Washington