The custom search engine has just been updated with the latest and greatest Commentluv enabled sites. The search engine uses Google technology to parse a list of the top 5000 commentluv enabled sites for your chosen keywords and phrases.
Please use the CommentLuv Enabled Sites Search Engine responsibly, thanks!
Twitter: lavenderuses
Hi andy
Just wanted to say thanks for making commentluv available to us. I love it and I love the commentluv community where I am meeting people I would not know about if it wasn’t for this site and your hard work in keeping this up and running.. So many bloggers out there who are encouraging and helping me get my blog to the place I want it to be. Thanks so much. You are appreciated by this newbie blogger.
Patricia Perth Australia
Patricia´s recent blog post ..Growing Lavenders-Are You a Purist
Twitter: commentluv
well thanks for saying thanks!!
I see you’re popping up all over the place on commentluv enabled blogs lately. You’re on a good start to your blogging career
Twitter: lavenderuses
Thanks Andy. I find the commentluv community luv interacting and building community so though I do visit a few that aren’t in our community; mostly I’m building with those who are. Learning heaps and finding people are very generous with their knowledge too. Also, I like to welcome the new members and get them interacting with us too.
You rock.
Patricia Perth Australia
Patricia´s recent blog post ..Lavender Health-Lavender in treatment for hair loss
Twitter: blogreaction
Thanks Andy. I love the search engine and it comes in very useful for finding related blogs and just plain good blogs to follow. You’ve made an amazing plugin and site to make it all work, and I greatly appreciate the work you put into it.
Aaron´s recent blog post ..blogReaction Introduces Revenue Sharing on Free Blogging Platform
Twitter: nandimaan
Hi andy thanks for this service,I was just missing that.Now we can go to any commentluv site with own niche just by one click.
FreeMoneyMaker´s recent blog post ..A Award from my blogger friend
This is really great. I was actually in the middle of implementing this functionality myself while I stumbled upon it. You saved me couple days of work

darthdeus´s recent blog post ..Business Model No1 – 7 Steps To Website Flipping
Twitter: healthvotes
the comluv search extension is excellent, i found a lot of comluv enabled blogs on my niche, now time to start reading those blog posts and make comments on them

uttoransen´s recent blog post ..How To Lose Weight Using Diet and Exercise