You read that right! As a Christmas gift to all you CommentLuv users, I am gong to give EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.OF.YOU a FREE 5 dollar package of ComLuv credits. Woot! read on to see how to claim yours
Over 33,500 members each receiving 5 dollars worth of credits is the equivalent of 165,000 dollars. OMG!
Spend them!
You can do lots with your credits, here’s a list … (you have been good boys and girls haven’t you?)
Featured Site Spots
Feature your site with 5 dofollow keyworded links for a couple of days on the PR6 homepage.
The homepage is the most visited page on this site and there’s a reason people keep buying featured spots, they not only get you click thrus but they also get you noticed. Google indexes this page multiple times a day and it really helps to get your site noticed if you’re way up there before the fold when Google comes knocking.
Click to Buy a Featured Site spot
Default Links
Default links are static links that always appear on your list of returned posts when you comment on CommentLuv enabled sites. It’s a wonderful way to always have your favourite post available when you comment. It could be your about page or your favourite popular post.
You’ll even have a credit spare after
Click to Buy a Default Link
Give them away!
If you’re feeling the Christmas spirit then you can give yours away to other ComLuv users. It’s as simple as visiting the dashboard credits area and entering their username into the field, choose how many you want to give away and click ‘send’ .
Click to visit the credits area
Who gets credits?
Whoever is a registered member of when this newsletter goes out (same as when the post gets published) will be able to claim their credits. You have to hurry though! you only get until Christmas day to claim your gift.. so be quick for goodness sake!!
Why give them away?
Because it’s Christmas and I didn’t have time to go out and get you all something. hahaha
Seriously, I am very very busy working on some very important stuff this month and I’ll be even busier over the next few months while I get my side project ready for launch which means I’m not going to be around very much so I thought I’d give you something to remember me by while I’m gone…
Thanks for the gift credits,Andy! Happy Holidays to you and the staff

eihdrag´s recent blog post ..300 Payment for Full Time Virtual Assistant Job
Twitter: dragonblogger
Thanks for the credits, happy to have some extra to test out with featured ad purchase.
Justin Germino´s recent blog post ..Are You an Askable Blogger
Twitter: commentluv
happy to provide! hope it works out good for you..
are you going to complete your guest blog post? it looks like it might a corker!
Twitter: phitzone
Claimed those wonderful gifted credits, AND purchased 3 days of the #1 slot. Love it! Thank you!
phitzone´s recent blog post ..You Don’t Have to be a Gymnast to be Flexible
Twitter: commentluv
I see your site featured, great! hope it gets you some traffic.
merry Christmas
Twitter: 71mm0
horray! Thanks mr. Andy. FYI, it’s 12:19 AM now in Indonesia!! Thanks God, I am not sleeping

71mm0´s recent blog post ..Mobil Keluarga Ideal Terbaik Indonesia
Twitter: nandimaan
Ya got this.superb dear at this Christmas eve.Thanks.
freemoneymaker´s recent blog post ..How to make sitemap-make and submit to Google webmaster
Twitter: tonyknuckles
Thanks for the credit hookup…have a great new year!
tonyknuckles´s recent blog post ..Where the jobs aren’t
Twitter: BasicBlogTips
Now that’s what I call a Christmas gift! Thanks mate. You know me, I’ll certainly put it to use asap!!
Ileane Smith´s recent blog post ..Blogging Through The Christmas Holidays
Twitter: commentluv
I’m sure you will! thanks Ileane
Merry Christmas from the Netherlands!
jurino´s recent blog post ..Collections and keepsakes
Twitter: LoveThatBug
Thanks very much, Andy. It is a lovely idea and full of Christmas generosity.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!
lovethatbug´s recent blog post ..Nov 10- The Best Probiotic
Twitter: commentluv
Glad you like it. Happy holidays!
Thank you!
I’m also giving away,,, for every new Facebook fan I’ll donate 50 cents to my favorite non-profit agency, the Environmental Working Group!
Merry Christmas!
)) Enjoy!
bebepure´s recent blog post ..Belgium Bans Toxic Children’s Puzzle Mats! France to Follow…How About You
Thank you very much! I`ll spend them wisely
Happy Holidays to you too

wplatte´s recent blog post ..30 Great Premium WordPress Themes of November 2010
Hi Andy,
Thank you very much for the free credits Christmas gift! We all appreciate it very much.
Merry Christmas!
Vincent Parker´s recent blog post ..Pyramid Scheme Companies – Is GDI One Of Those Pyramid Scheme Companies
Thanks for the credits Andy!
Hope you and yours will have a nice holiday!
Andy, that is so generous of you. Seriously, I know 5 credit may not sound like much from user’s point of view, but looking at it from your point of view, as you said thats the equivalent of about 165,000 dollars. Hats off to you man, this is very nice of you. Happy holidays.
satrap´s recent blog post ..55 Get Paid To Write Websites
Twitter: commentluv
haha, I nearly choked when I realised how much it worked out at! Luckily, it doesn’t cost me anything to give away credits, although there may be a long wait before anyone can pay for a featured site spot if everyone uses their credits to buy one!
Twitter: gilbertocintron
Thanks for the gift Andy. May your year end with a bang and your new year begin grand.
Gilberto Cintron
gilbertocintron´s recent blog post ..My New Facebook Fanpage
What a sweet treat, Andy. Very generous of you. Haven’t been around in a while, but love what you’ve done with ComLuv.
p.s. I claimed the five and plan to use them.
Missy´s recent blog post ..Top 7 Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Site
Twitter: sweetsfoods
Hi Andy,
Thanks a lot for the free credits Christmas gift! I’ve purchased a default link.
I much appreciate it Andy
I assume that my default link will be available in several minutes after refreshing cache, right?
Happy Holidays!!
All the best,
sweetsfoods´s recent blog post ..Guest Post on BizChickBlogs – Best of the Week in Blogging- Social Media- Food- Facebook and Internet Tools
Twitter: commentluv
That’s correct, as soon as your cache time runs out you will see the link
Twitter: BlazingMinds
Thanks Andy, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Karen´s recent blog post ..10 Things I Discovered In 2010!
Thanks for the gift credits! Now what to do with them? Checking it out. Hehe
babasfarmlife´s recent blog post ..Ending Tonight!
Twitter: CharlesCS
Yay, thank you for the gift. I will spend wisely.
chuckusa´s recent blog post ..Lisa Reviews Giveaway – a great site- a great contest
thank you
peppyday´s recent blog post ..Another Low Budget Nokia 3G phone!
What a lovely treat and what a lovely man you are.
Spent it in five seconds flat.

pworks´s recent blog post ..Too Much Ram
Thanks andy for the christmas gift =] very excited to see what your new project is.
sittersource´s recent blog post ..Facebook giveaway winner is…
Twitter: commentluv
you’re welcome!
oh, and the project is a real doozy!
Twitter: alexanderthegry
Thank you very much Santa Andy,
I claimed my points and I will use them.
Thanks again ,Andy and have a very nice Christmas!
jocurileus´s recent blog post ..Hannah Montana fotografii
Twitter: mcdpoker
Thanks for the gift andy, very festive of you!
mcdpoker´s recent blog post ..What Is The Poker Is It A Game Or Profit
Thank you, and Merry Christmas to you!
artofthefirebird´s recent blog post ..So many ideas- so little time…
Thanks Andy!
Great motivation for a new CommentLuv-er like me to dive in deeper and discover the power of your network and cool services.
Wishing you a happy and enormously prosperous 2011 and wonderful festive season!
ridingtoyfan´s recent blog post ..All Aboard! … Let’s Take A Ride On The Fisher Price Thomas Tank Engine Train By Power Wheels
What a nice way to say Merry Christmas! Thanks!
lynnibug´s recent blog post ..The Story of the Nativity 20
Thanks for the gift – much appreciated. Happy holidays!
bespoketrips´s recent blog post ..The Chemmy Alcott interview
Thank you Andy
You are a very generous guy
Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy Holiday
More success in 2011 and beyond for you
Ouli´s recent blog post ..How Warm is you Christmas
Twitter: faris_jayz
Thanks a lot for the gift!!!

faris_jayz´s recent blog post ..ShareCash Payment Has Arrived!!!
Thanks for the credits.wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year

theshadow´s recent blog post ..MobileThemesWorld 1st Anniversary Giveaway
wow – tharts all I have to say!!
thank you so much for this GREAT news!!! have a very merry Christmas and thanks again!
zoopco´s recent blog post ..Latest TV Domain Auction
Twitter: ziggy1962
Thanks for the credits. I’m still trying to figure everything out on this site.
Thanks Andy, i’m a new member of ComLuv community and i’m really happy with your X’mas gifts.
Good luck & Have a nice holidays, Andy

vanductai´s recent blog post ..Airport Travel Tips- Reducing Waiting Times
Twitter: geekbabe
Andy, I just finished purchasing credits, what a lovely surprise to log in and see this gift, you are so generous thank you!
shoppinqueen´s recent blog post ..Joyous Yule! Winter Solstice