New Year Resolution
2010 is quickly coming to an end and it gives every one of us 2 things to consider.
- #1 – we look back on 2010 and think about everything that happened, what we did and how we can improve.
#2 It gives us something to look forward to – 2011.
The one thing that MILLIONS of people do is create a new years resolution list – I won’t lie, I make one too, however the one thing that nearly everyone forgets to do is simply – follow your list..
Top Resolution
One of the best known resolutions is related to personal health. Personally I feel that everyone says, I’m going to work out. I’m going to lose weight. I’m going to do this – that – etc. The sad thing is that most people wont follow through or will work out for a few weeks then call it quits. This is perfect for gym owners so get paid $XX each month – but bad for the person not utilizing his/her membership… Which brings me to my next point…
Make REALISTIC Resolutions
If you are going to make a new years resolution – make it something that is achievable and can be accomplished.For example, I usually make 2 lists. The first one focuses on PERSONAL goals, the second focuses on goals related to my hobbies such as my blog and online selling. I suggest you follow these short, easy to remember tips for creating a successful resolution list:
- DONT just create a list of things that you never plan on doing.
- Make short easy to remember goals that will benefit you AND will be accomplished.
- Create a large list.
- Spread out these goals over a year.
Here are some of my personal goals that I WILL accomplish in 2011.
Personal Resolution
Go to the gym 2 times a week. Get to work 5 minutes earlier each day. Focus more time on building a better family relationship. Start looking for a house.
Other Resolutions
Purchase a premium theme for my blog. Create an email list on my blog. Join Twitter. Develop 2 more domains that are parked now.
Those are some of my goals that I will work towards accomplishing. Each goal can be measures and can be completed with some effort. Those are the goals you want!
I am really looking forward to comments! What are your new years resolutions? do you follow them? do you ever give up? what are some things you want to accomplish in 2011?
If you want to read more about my 2011 goals and my new years resolution or see the progress please check out my blog!
Twitter: andrewrondeau
I want to create a product a month in 2011.
Of course, some will be small products but that is my plan.
Oh…and continue to go to the gym 5 days a week.
Andrew´s recent blog post ..Blogging Little Crackers- Do Not Get Your Blog Banned
A product a month is one serious resolution!
best of luck to you!
zoopco´s recent blog post ..Parked Domain Ranks HIGH In Google
Twitter: andrewrondeau
Think I am going to need all the luck in the world!
Andrew´s recent blog post ..Little Blogging Crackers- Get Backlinks On Autopilot
Twitter: yourmarketingfriend
Wow, is it 2011 already. I just got used to writing 2010, funny how that works.
My business partner and I are in the process of making some resolutions for our business. We actually wrote an article about the resolutions people should make if they are deciding to get affiliate marketing training and start a new business with internet marketing. Check it out.
yourmarketingfriend´s recent blog post ..Is it Possible to Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate
Having business reolutions are an absolute must – they can be used a tool for meeting goals and achieving success. Nice blog – good article!
zoopco´s recent blog post ..Parked Domain Ranks HIGH In Google
Twitter: mycleansmile
Hi Zoopco. I am going to make a list before the end of the year. I think for 2011 my personal goals would be: become calmer and more centred, go to the gym 4-5 times a week every week, get a regular part time job, be more financially disciplined.
Hobby/Business goals: make that first sale on my website, make my website more user friendly and have better content and be enticing for the visitor, get more traffic (targeted), utilise Facebook, write more articles, rank on page 1 for some of my keywords, set up another site once my first site has proven it usefulness.
Twitter: yourmarketingfriend
Yes get more people on that list… that is a BIG one. I think that I will make that one of my goals as well. Any ideas how to get the ball rolling on that?
yourmarketingfriend´s recent blog post ..Is it Possible to Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate
I am currently trying to figure out that one as well. If you go to my blog, I provide readers with the option to subscribe via email or to my RSS feed which is done through google’s feedburner. All you need to do is create an account and then use a widget which allows people to sign up.

As soon as I change my layout and redo my blog I will let you know
zoopco´s recent blog post ..Latest TV Domain Auction
Twitter: lavenderuses
Hi Zoopco
I have written out my goals for my blog for 2011. Will share them as a post on my blog. That way I will be really motivated to get them going and keep going til they are accomplished!
One goal is going to happen. Getting a geek friend to set up my autosresponder so I can build my list for my newsletter I will offer to my readers. Excited about that. The other goals are all do-able, so looking forward to progressing with my blog in 2011.
Patricia Perth Australia
Patricia´s recent blog post ..At Lavenderuses Safety First Means…
I have a terrible time keeping resolutions since I always have new ideas and tend to not complete projects. Maybe I just add too much to my list and set myself up for failure or maybe I should just go to the beach less

Waikiki Beach Bum´s recent blog post ..Aqua Waikiki Pearl