I’m too busy to write stuff and it’s bloomin cold! I’m fed up of snow and the trauma it causes to our deliveries which tends to make me grumpy (bah humbug) so I thought I’d lighten their mood a bit with some pictures of cute cats in the snow…
There.. don’t you feel better about the snow?
hahaha this is TOO funny – especially the cocaine cat
this was def a much needed break in my day!
happy new year!
zoopco´s recent blog post ..Domain Scam Email – Partner With Paul
Twitter: commentluv
they all made me laugh when i saw them too, glad I’m not alone in my weird kitty humour
Twitter: johngarrettx
HAHA!! those are great, Andy. yeah i definitely needed this myself
Winter is tough to deal with sometimes. Where are you located? I’m in frozen Wisconsin, USA. oh the torment. i also hate how it just slows you down dealing with all the snow and cold. some days it’s difficult to be productive.
If you check my comluv link I made a comic about Old Man Winter recently (i’ve been on a bit of a rant lately, I’ll admit). summer cannot come soon enough for me!
John Garrett´s recent blog post ..Hypertransitory- The Comic – Episode 2 – Winter
Twitter: commentluv
it’s been pretty cold over here in the UK too, luckily (I’m touching lots of wood things), it’s not been too bad for snow where my shop is so deliveries have not really been affected that much. fingers crossed it stays that way!
Only four more months until normal weather – Hang in there!
Ryan´s recent blog post ..In Debt We Trust Documentary
Twitter: commentluv
yep, I hope it hurries past though. I used to love winter and now I despise it!!
Likewise, not really into snowmen or winter sports… thanks for the comment over at my blog and the heads up on updating!
Ryan´s recent blog post ..How Much Credit Card Education do we Need
Twitter: lavenderuses
Great pics Andy. While the UK, Europe and the US get snow bound we here in Perth Oz are sweltering with our really hot summer weather. New Years Day will be 37C (100F) and the following 4 days will be 40C (104F) so the air con will be working and I’ll be staying indoors.
As I lived and worked in the UK for many years, I do remember how cold it could get. Even got snowbound at Heathrow one year when I was headed home to the sun on hols! The snow seems to be starting even earlier these day eh??!!
Happy New Year Andy and thanks for creating such an amazing community that I so love being a part of. May 2011 be all you hope for and more.
Patricia Perth Australia
Patricia´s recent blog post ..At Lavenderuses Safety First Means…
Twitter: commentluv
I saw the weather in Oz on the news, mad to see people with santa hats on with sweat running down their noses! haha, my brother is in Sydney so I hope to go out there to visit some time.
thanks for coming by!
very great pics, i liked all of them, poor little kitty cats lol
thovis´s recent blog post ..Peacebloom VS Ghouls – The Strategy Guide
Andy – These cats look too adorable, especially the cat with the sweater and hat on. I have two cats myself and they would do their very best to avoid the snow at all cost, so I’m a little surprised seeing the cats looking so comfortable in it. I thought the cocaine cat was hilarious by the way.
John´s recent blog post ..Tips For Effectively Treating Underarm Sweating
Twitter: CoachNotesBlog
Hi Andy – I’m in the mountains (USA) and we’ve had more than our share of snow over the past few weeks. Getting a breather the last several days but it really seems like Old Man Winter is taking a deep breath just to gather strength to bombard us again shortly.
Kitty tale … I don’t have any but the neighbor has several. On every night that it snows, the fat tabby climbs the many stairs to my porch, walks from one end to the other, and walks down the other steps. He doesn’t seem to do anything else. Just trek across the porch on his way to … where? And I can’t figure out why he takes this lonely, cold hike in the middle of the night, when he has a nice warm home just across the way. *shakes head*
Great pics, Andy! Thanks for the cheer.

CoachNotes´s recent blog post ..Dance A Jig- Build Your Own Unscientific Blogging Scorecard