OMG can you believe it? what a fantastic and awesome contest it has been for everyone involved!!
We had entries galore, comments in abundance and tens of thousands of pageviews and humans eyes on every single article here and at Famousbloggers. I for one am so super impressed by how well the thing went and I tip my hat to Gail (@growmap) and Hisham (@hishaman) who worked their socks off to bring it all together for the grateful sponsors.
Here are our winners and their prizes!
The First Place ($750)
Kristi Hines for: Strengthen Your Article Marketing With CommentLuv Links – Visit her Blogging Tips blog.
The Second Place ($300)
Dazzlin Donna for: 5 Steps To Impressing A Longtime Jaded Blogger With Your Comments – Visit her Online Entrepreneur blog.
The Third Place ($200)
Eve for: Don’t Be ‘That Guy’ when Commenting – Visit Designing with Eve blog.
Places from 4th to 10th ($150)
- Gautam Hans for: You’re only as Good as Your Comments
- Kimberly Castleberry for: 5 Powerful Tactics To Get More Comments
- Melvin for: Soup to Nuts, Driving Traffic with Blog Commenting
- Julius Kuhn-Regnier for: Let’s Make This a Better Place … Together
- James Johnston for: How Simple Comments can Build High Traffic Sites
- Stephanie Smith for: Are You Commenting Wrong?
- Paul Novak for: Don’t Leave Your Blogs Success Up to Blind
Places from 11 to 20 ($100)
- Tia for: The 4 Irrefutable Laws of Blog Commenting
- Ariff for: Why I Love ComLuv
- Holly Jahangiri for: 8 Ways to Get More Blog Comments
- James Pruitt for: The Critical Keys to Start A Conversation With Your Blog
- Onibalusi Bamidele for: How to Build a Rock Solid Brand Using Blog Commenting
- Tracy Warner for: Comment Luv: It’s The Human Condition
- Agent Deepak for: How to Invite Readers to Comment on Your Blog?
- Nick W Bennett for: The Golden Rule of Successful Blogging
- Mirko Gosch for: How Leaving Comments on Blogs Related to Your Site Sky-Rocket Your Business
- Chadrack Irobogo for: How to Triple Your Blog Traffic, Comments and RSS Signup Using CommentLuv!
Want to know how we did it?
Sure, but the table is really huge to fit the page, so click on the image to enlarge and then you can read!
Plz, don’t forget to contact us and send your PayPal information to Hesham, so we can proceed with delivering prizes during next week!
Twitter: WaynesBNP
Congrats to all the winners! Don’t spend all the money in one place!
Wayne Howard recently posted..The Blogger’s Atlas- Volume 1
Twitter: evelester
Awesome!!! Congrats everyone- I can not believe I got third!!! Amazing!!!
Eve recently posted..Used Incorrectly, Social Media can hurt your Reputation
Twitter: AskKim
Congrats Eve! Well done! You definitely deserved it!
Kimberly Castleberry recently posted..TweetMeme and Topsy Make Room For Official Tweet Button
Twitter: jsinkeywest
Congrats to Kristi $750 is awesome and to Donna what a nice person to see win and everyone
We are having the after party at BloggerLUV free refreshments to celebrate 
PS right about now a $100 is nothing to sneeze at so I like the way there was plenty of winners.
Awesome nice work
Congrats everyone
Twitter: denharsh
I have been following many of the guest blogger like Kristi, Kim, Melvin and Gautam and since I know few of them personally, I know how excited they were about this contest and how much they worked for this contest.

1st of all congrats to my frd Hisham for this successful contest and all the winners and participant who made this contest successful.
Harsh Agrawal recently posted..How to Install Thesis WordPress Theme From WordPress Dashboard Beginners Guide
Twitter: DonnaFontenot
Congrats to everyone! Wow, that was awesome!
DazzlinDonna recently posted..Ways To Make Money Online
Twitter: AskKim
Congrats Donna! Well done! You definitely deserved it! Awesome was right!
Kimberly Castleberry recently posted..TweetMeme and Topsy Make Room For Official Tweet Button
Twitter: jonharules
Congratulations to all the winners! I would definitely join the next time there would be a new contest

Jonha | recently posted..Want to Succeed You Need to be Constantly Frustrated- Disappointed and Discontented!
Twitter: commentluv
the new contest will start on March 1st 2011, make sure you come and visit the latest posts!
Twitter: eizil
Congratulation to all the winners and not to forget the people who organised this contest to be so successful. Good job everyone.
Eizil recently posted..Resepi Ramadhan
Twitter: kikolani
WOW! I was on my mobile the last few hours and didn’t know what was going on. Congrats to everyone, and a HUGE thanks to the judges and everyone who stopped by and commented, tweeted, etc. the post.
This is super exciting!!!!
Kristi recently posted..Fetching Friday – Resources Mashup and Timelapse of Eyjafjallajökull
Twitter: AskKim
Girl you knocked it out of the park! Holy smokes! It was a fun run and a pleasure to get to know you a little better through the event. I obviously have a lot to learn from you
Kimberly Castleberry recently posted..TweetMeme and Topsy Make Room For Official Tweet Button
Twitter: ditesco
Congratulations to all winners. It has been an exciting contest and I believe that everyone who participated won. Congrats again
DiTesco recently posted..Bing SEO And Webmaster Tools
Twitter: Ileane
Congratulations to everyone involved. Gail, Andy, Hesham, the judges and each and every one of the generous sponsors and all of the contestants. This was so much fun. Cheers!
I’ll going to the after party over at BloggerLuv!
Ileane recently posted..BloggerLuv
Twitter: jvprime
Congratulations to all winners
hung recently posted..Free 2 Year Godaddy Auction Membership
Twitter: CharlesCS
Good job all. So who’s gonna pay for lunch?

chuckusa recently posted..Hey Chuck, where are your new articles?
Twitter: AskKim
I think Kristi has the pocket change to spring for lunch!
Kimberly Castleberry recently posted..Digg v4 Alpha Brings Two Cool New Features
Twitter: simplehomeorg
Congrats to all the winners! I tell you what..those judges had their work cut out for them. What a fantastic contest to the credit of the great people in charge!
Melinda recently posted..Combat stress by tackling the mess
Twitter: melvinblog
Wow can’t believe its over now. Congrats to all the winners and even to non winners for giving up a good fight.
I gotta say the first placer and 2nd placer crushed it.. They were so far away from everyone points wise.
Melvin recently posted..Can We Connect More in Facebook
Congratulations to all the winners!
The posts, the contest, everything, was great!
Twitter: HealthyOpal
Congrats to all those who entered, there were numerous entries that I enjoyed reading.
HealthyOpal recently posted..Hypertension- Six ways you can lower high blood pressure naturally
Twitter: priv8corner
Congratulations to the winners and to each and everyone that participated!
jtsantos recently posted..A Contest That Defined The Importance of Comments
Congrats to all the winners. I’ve visited most of the entries and feel the judging is great on this contest.
Colleen Lane recently posted..Tumbleweed Music Festival 2010 Howard Amon Park Richland Washington
Twitter: bizchickblogs
Congratulations to all of the winners!
Tia recently posted..How to Write Without Being Overly Promotional
Twitter: Lindsay_Blogs
Congratulations to all of the winners!
Lindsay recently posted..Announcing the Working Moms Anonymous Community
Twitter: AskKim
Woot! Congrats to all of those that knocked it out of the park! Kristi, Donna, Eve, awesome performance! You ladies should be so proud!
So much hard work went into this on the parts of Andi, Hisham and Gail that all I can say is thank you, thank you, thank you!
It’s definitely been a heck of a journey and I had a lot of fun with it and got to meet some awesome folks I didn’t know well prior. That’s pure gold.
So when does the next one start?

Kimberly Castleberry recently posted..TweetMeme and Topsy Make Room For Official Tweet Button
Twitter: mani0993
Congrats kim..:) You came in the top 10. Better luck next time.!
Mani Viswanathan recently posted..Twitter is working on restoring Twitter Lists & Twitter Counts
Twitter: virtuosoblogger
Awesome, won an awesome contest and the competition was so good. Congrats to all the other participations that did an equally good job in writing some of the most fabulous pieces of art.
gautam hans recently posted..Pros and Cons of Do It Yourself Web Design
This contest was great. Congratulations to all the other winners. I hope you all learned as much as I did.
I entered more for the exposure, never thought that one of my entries would be good enough to actually win anything, so even 14th is great for me.
Twitter: AgentDeepak
Congratulations to all the winner.
On my way mailing Hesham my PayPal email.
Agent Deepak recently posted..Blog Monetization – Product Creation
Twitter: junevaa
Congrat! but seem like only beautiful in the big three list, anyway Andy must be a rich man

macist recently posted..Miss Universe 2010 Winner
Well, I had never thought that blogging can make you win prizes like this, but the positive part is that these kind of stuffs definitely inspire bloggers to stick to their profession and keep on writing creatively and more vividly so as to ensure their chances to the maximum for rewards like this.