This post explores six reasons why dads should blog - These days the traditional routine of the man goes to work and mum stays at home to look after the kids have been completely reversed. It has been for many, many years now of course, these days’ dads can get to take on the roll of house husband and mums goes off to work…
Being a stay at home dad can affect your life in many ways, although you can keep yourself busy, you can easily loose touch with your social life, spending time with friends, work colleagues and for some missing the challenges of working life and being able to provide.
So if you’re a stay at home dad for any reason what so ever, do not despair, you have the world at your feet and probably don’t realise it… here are 6 reasons why dads should blog.
6 Reasons Why Dads Should Blog
You have all the time in the world at your disposal…
This a fantastic reason as to why dads should blog. Ok maybe they don’t have all the time in the world, but dads do have a considerable amount of time on their hands, so devoting a few hours each day to blogging shouldn’t be a problem. As a dad you can schedule the hours you spend working on your blog around the duties of being a stay at home dad.
You can learn something completely new…
Another reason why dads should blog is because it’s a unique opportunity to learn something completely new. If you’re already passionate about a particular topic, blogging is the best way to rant about that topic. Not only rant but to learn more about that topic and share your own thoughts, experiences and knowledge about that topic.
You can build an online community…
Staying at home can turn you into a real hermit crab, whether you’re a dad or not… and I’m talking from experience here. So what better way to engage with other like minded individuals than to build a community with your blog?
People flock to blogs for several reasons –
- To learn
- To engage
- To share
You get to voice your thoughts…
The 4th reason why dads should blog is… Blogging is not just about sharing your thoughts and ideas about a topic; it is also about voicing your opinions and personal feelings about absolutely anything you want.
Blogging gives you the freedom of speech in many forms, the freedom to share personal thoughts and beliefs with other like minded people on the internet. And they too can do the same with you.
You get to set yourself a new challenge…
I personally love new challenges, and if you’re looking for a challenge, with potentially huge rewards up for grabs, then this is another reason why dads should blog. Blogging allows you be expand your creativity and engage in new tactics and challenges. It really does help to develop personal skills.
You get to make money online…
Last but not least as to why dads should blog is, you get to make money online from your blog. Of course this isn’t something that is easily achieved by all means, but it certainly has its perks right?
And there are unlimited ways to make money from blogging, but of course that’s another topic entirely.
So if you’re a stay at home dad and have been reading this post out of pure interest, I hope that these are some valid reasons as to why you should start at blog, enjoy.
Twitter: thanhtrungpro
Hey Fabrizio,
I’m not a dad now, but this post has great ideas that many of us can learn to motivate ourselves join blogosphere, and of course, it will help us blogging better in the future. Thanks for the share.
Trung Nguyen recently posted..Dreamhost Coupon: How to Save As Much Money As You Can
Twitter: stevescottsite
If someone has the knowledge and skill to run a blog…why not. Your points are great. If nothing else holds a guy back…why wouldn’t they want the extra money and connections they can get from a blog.
Steve recently posted..How to Get 5293 (Automatic) Monthly Twitter Visitors [Traffic and Conversion #5]
Twitter: JetSetBags
It’s a common misconception that very few men are good at expressing their thoughts to the world… But I am totally for the blogging dads idea. Not only is it beneficial to them and their personality growth, but we, the readers, sure could use some “insider’s” point of view of the secret lives of dads or men in general and how they think.
Hannah Hamilton recently posted..The Best Bag for Every Type of Traveler
Twitter: allierambles
What an appropriate post I should read on my dad’s birthday, lol. But he barely has a cel phone, I don’t see him starting to blog. He still thinks a web is only a spider’s device.
I think blogging dads rock! Another reason to start is there are not that many, you would have such an advantage! AND if you are a single father, the single women just seem to flock to your blog. It’s instant stardom. Through in a few pictures of your cute kids and a puppy and your blog’s traffic would skyrocket.
I sound like I am kidding but it is very true.
Allie recently posted..Blogging Success: Failure Is Success
Twitter: iblog4dollars
I totally agree with you.. If I were a stay at home dad, i would definitely start a blog.. Of course the kids wouldn’t be to excited to bring you to show and tell… “My dad types for a living” LOL…
but all jokes aside, the amount of freedom that can be achieved from having a successful blog is amazing.. Having that time to spend with kids and family is what the world needs today..
I’m still kicking myself that this was going on right under my nose a few years ago and i had no clue at all…
great post Fabrizio.. I hope a lot of single or stay at home dads see this and get some inspiration…

Dennis recently posted..Are You Bradying When It Comes To Your Online Business Success?
Twitter: whichtabletcomp
I agree with you 100% about blogging at getting feelings heard, it also helps to let off steam sometimes. An alternative to blogging is to go to the Pub of course, having said that it’s probably more difficult to make money down the Pub than from blogging, but only marginally ;-p
Graham recently posted..Tablet Computer Reviews
I’m a dad of two young boys and guess what? I blog…
My kids are a great source of inspiration for my blogging.
Ryan recently posted..How Scottish Tartan Became a Fashion Icon
Twitter: rabindra1993
I fully agree with the author.
Blogging also keeps a man updated about his interest..

Rabindra Lamsal recently posted..Get 3 years HostGator Hosting Account For Free
Twitter: nadiadrm
The article is very useful and I will share with my friends.I think they will learn a lot by it.Thanks for your share.
Nadia recently posted..Google Chrome browser launches for Android
Twitter: wpwebhost
Making money online. I think everybody will be motivated by that.
Ricardus recently posted..Crazy Promotion: Buy Elegant Themes and get FREE 1 Year WordPress Hosting by WPWebHost
Twitter: manishak2001
Blogging is a fantastic expression of thoughts by stay-at-home dads and moms. With the ever growing Internet, people can just connect with some demographic of their interest. Blogging is also an excellent tool to make money online!
Mani recently posted..Reasons To Buy Cheap Contacts Online
Twitter: matthewkinsella
I completely agree, I think blogging is a great thing for stay at home Dads to do and it could lead to so many opportunities.
Matt Kinsella recently posted..Paid To Play
There are good 6 reasons. There’s only one unsolved problem: dads with four years old or younger kids don’t have time for that!
Jack recently posted..Where To Start With Home Improvements
Twitter: rencsc
Great Article Fabrizio! I too am a “blogger dad” and I cannot tell you how many doors have opened for me, both personally and financially! Will definitely be following you on Twiter!
I will have my dad read this post. His about 50+ and bored in life! When it comes to blogging, dads usually are not interested. Now i can show him six reasons why he should blog. That there’s a whole new world in blogging and hopefully we can spend more time together, share our thoughts and interest…thanks writer
Twitter: gsaieva
Great post. I am a dad and I was made redundant a while ago. I want to be able to work from home and spend time with my children as they grow up. This is the greatest incentive to make my business work.
Giuseppe Saieva recently posted..Search Engine Optimisation. What is it All About?
That kind of article will absolutely help some of my friends.I really like your point of view about bloging and how people who have plenty of time can voicing their option and personal feelings about anything they want.It’s important people be able to take challenges and do new things in their lives, and of course having the perspective of making money out of this.Excellent post and ideas.
Sara recently posted..How to Plant Flowers in a Wheelbarrow
Twitter: Jajodia_Saket
It would be great if my dad will also blog with me but sad that he don’t get that much time to sit on computer.. But if I will have kids then I am sure they will love to do blogging with me..!!

Saket Jajodia recently posted..How To Embed Tweets In Your Blog Or Website
Twitter: esther98
You forgot one reasons dad should blog – they get to share all the sweet/funny stories about their families and use them as anecdotes to blogging articles.

annelg recently posted..Turn a Room Into a Stress Free Sanctuary
Kids are the perfect source for inspiration when trying to figure out what to write about. Of course not everyone will find this stuff funny, but who cares. Keep it fun for you and the greater the chance is that you will stick with it and become profitable.
Henry G. recently posted..Dating Advice that Works!
Twitter: Burnworld
I’ve been trying to get my brother in laws blogging in their spare time to generate some extra spending cash. But some just don’t get it or understand what blogging is. They think that it’s sharing your thoughts and feelings to the world. I tell them it is in a way but just focus that on something you are passionate about and the rest will take care of itself. I think someday they will jump on board.
Rob recently posted..Five Alternatives to MegaUpload
Lots of men have plenty to say and kids and wives that don’t want to hear it! Blogging can provide an outlet for these opinions.
JadeDragon recently posted..Topix Website for Link Building and Traffic
Twitter: toshibaburton
More & more stay at home parents have no idea about the power of the Internet & Social Networking. The Internet gives you the power to build any home based business right from the comfort of your own home & this beats answering to a boss any day.
Toshiba Burton recently posted..10 Prospecting & Recruiting Tips That Will Knock The Socks Off Your Business
Twitter: Elena__Anne
Blogger Dads! That is a good idea Fabrizio.
Although many fathers go to work and get tired, when they come back home, they are “sinking” in the living room’s sofa, watching tv until they go to bed. They don’t learn anything, don’t cause their minds to think, are not creative, just wasting their time. It’s a pity! Besides, they have to get busy with a topic they like. And when the time comes to retire from their job, they will not feel their life goes to the end.
elena_anne recently posted..Sick Day: When to Put Your Health Before The Gym
Hi Fabrizio, Great article about Dads blogging. I’m a father of three (now all adults) and I recently started blogging. In addition to the benefits you describe, I’ve found blogging to be therapeutic and addictive. Not only that, but it will allow me to leave a egacy for my kids – something from their dad that has been ‘published’.

Thanks for sharing.
Geoff Clarke recently posted..Hobbies To Do At Home
I feel this is the best way for dads while making money online
.You rigghtely expressed and presents the behaviour of a dad
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