If asked ‘what is the most essential information stored on your computer,’ most of us will say it is our data. Our data on a computer may be in many different forms including, Word documents, worksheets, databases, and emails. All this data is usually stored on the computer’s hard disk. Now, if the hard disk crashes for some reason, you stand a good chance of losing all this data. You may also lose your data in other cases:
- Virus infection wipes off all information from the hard disk
- Natural disasters, such as flood and earthquakes damage equipment
- Theft of computer or other data storage device
This is the reason why as a careful user it is essential that you regularly backup your data to ensure that you can restore it in case a disaster occurs.
Implement a Backup Solution
When implementing a backup solution, the first step you need to take is to decide what you need to backup. Usually, a home PC user making regular backups of user data is enough. Complete computer backup solutions are usually implemented for large server system where setting up the whole server again after a failure is quite time consuming and expensive.
After you have decided what to backup, you need to decide where to backup the data to. If the data to be backed up is small in size, you may just opt to store it on a pen drive. If the data is much larger, you may opt to use an external hard disk, burn to DVDs or Blu-Ray discs to store your data. Moreover, if you are on a network, you may also opt to back up your data on a network location.
Choose the Best Backup Method for You
Next, you need to decide how to backup. Backups can be of many types. You can simply choose to manually copy and paste the data you want to backup or use a utility to perform the task for you. Some backup utilities, such as Windows Automatic Backup utility, are designed to help users just to back up the user data. There are some, such as Windows 7 System Restore utility, that are used to backup your system configuration, such system files and registry backup. And, then there are some backup utilities, such as the Windows Complete PC Backup utility, that enable you to backup every single piece of information stored on your PC including operating system files, installed programs and device drivers, system configuration and your user data.
Today, many online backup services are also available and if your data is critical, you may opt for such services. One of the main advantages of online backup services is that your data is stored offsite. This way, if something goes wrong at your location, you can easily recover your data from your online backup service.
Although it is a good practice to backup your data on regular basis, it is also essential to maintain a healthy computer to prevent computer problems. Some of the tasks that you can perform to maintain a healthy PC are regular antivirus and antispyware scans, regular registry scan and repair, and regular hard disk clean up and defragmentation.
Twitter: Burnworld
Another good backup solution is to use a cloud service such as Mozy. Great tool for keeping files you want instant access to from anywhere.
Rob Boirun recently posted..How To Convert YouTube Videos to MP3
Twitter: kezanari
I been thinking about using a cloud service so I will definitely be checking out Mozy. Thanks for site
kezanari recently posted..10 Awful Mistakes that Will Fail Your Blog
Only when something wrong happens you will realize the importance of backup, I went through hell when my laptop crashes and I had to do almost everything all over again including searching for my membership sites and loggin details and rewriting all my documents and files
Nancy recently posted..Website Traffic Services
Twitter: Burnworld
True Nancy, I think most of us have had to deal with that at least once.
Rob Boirun recently posted..How To Convert YouTube Videos to MP3
Twitter: kezanari
I so agree with you from experience. The same thing happened to me a few years ago but from then till now I backup everything on my external hard drives. By have been thinking about Using the various cloud services that are out there
kezanari recently posted..10 Awful Mistakes that Will Fail Your Blog
Twitter: ayushwhizkid
The best solution to keep a backup of anything is to use DropBox. It gives 2 gb space, is fast , easy and fun! And over all, it is free
Ayush Agrawal recently posted..Best apps for Iphone 4S
Twitter: Burnworld
I have used DropBox and it works great. 2GB is perfect for those that just want a quick way to share files. Everyone should have at least one free account like this.
Rob Boirun recently posted..A Complete Guide To File Sharing Using Torrents
Twitter: erenmckay
Hi Rob,
This is so true. Unfortunately most of us only think of backing up after it’s just to late. I’ve found the biggest problem with a computer crashing is the fact that we can’t get back to normal routine quickly. So the solution to this is to simply have and use more than one computer.
That way if something goes wrong with one computer, you can instantly just switch computers and keep working.
All the best,
Eren Mckay recently posted..How to Register a Domain with Name Cheap
Twitter: Burnworld
You could do that Eren. Or have a laptop that can sync with your PC, that is ideal and is what I do for my main programs and data. Everything else I either use a free cloud service or just back everything up to DVD or Blu-Ray. But there are many choices when it comes to making a backup.
Rob Boirun recently posted..Time to Upgrade from DVD? Best Features of Blu-Ray
Twitter: whichtabletcomp
Many years ago I was trying to recover a commercial system. I found the latest backup and recovered from it, only to find out it didn’t work. So, I went back to successive backups and found out it have never actually worked. What a nightmare. I work in IT and I’ve never backed up my Mac, if you asked me why, I’d say I’ve never got around to it. I’ve now written it on my to do list, so hopefully I’ll get it backed up soon, I’ll also backup my wordpress sites…..
Thanks for the post.
Graham Bell recently posted..Cheap Tablet PC
Twitter: Burnworld
Graham, ya be sure to back up your wordpress sites. I neglected that early on and lost the site. Luckily my webhost was able to restore it from tape backup. But I don’t want to rely on that going forward.
Rob recently posted..123 Copy DVD Platinum 2012 Free Giveaway Contest
Twitter: nadiadrm
Back up data is so important.You way is really useful and I try it right now.Thanks a lot.I will choose the best method for me.
Nadia recently posted..Top 5 Classic Christmas movie gifts for Kids
Twitter: Burnworld
Nadia, Really take a look at online backup services. I think you will find what they offer now will be a good option to go with. To the cloud….
Rob recently posted..3 Hard Drive Types To Protect Your Data
Twitter: Jajodia_Saket
I think and prefer online backup. It is the best out of best because even if you lost your PC, or forget in home and need intent access so you can access them through online and DropBox is one of the such which can help you in this a lot..!! Thanks for Rob for this great article..
Saket Jajodia recently posted..Wish Your Friends Happy Birthday With Skype Free Video Conference
Twitter: kezanari
I have been thinking about using dropbox to backup my files but ever since BlackBerrys service went down a little bit cautious because if BlackBerry can crash in any big network can crash. May be the best thing to do is to have your data backed up online and on external hard drive.
kezanari recently posted..10 Awful Mistakes that Will Fail Your Blog
Twitter: nadiadrm
Yeah,you can try it now.The way is really useful.
Nadia recently posted..Panasonic Android handset is first release after five years away
I always prefer online backups (have also considered cloud backups) for both PC’s and online websites. I just had a look at Mozy and that’s pretty good too.
Cheolsu recently posted..Myspace Login with Facebook
Twitter: Burnworld
Cheolsu, I have used Mozy for a bit and it seems like a pretty straightforward service. I’m using box.net mainly now for quick backups. But most of the ‘big’ names offer a pretty good service.
Rob recently posted..3 Hard Drive Types To Protect Your Data
The small files I have I backup by sending to my emails. Big files they get stored to CDs.
Haven’t really checked much into online backups.
Twitter: nadiadrm
You should make sure your data back up and check it online.
Nadia recently posted..Panasonic Android handset is first release after five years away
Twitter: Burnworld
It may be worth it to investage Gil. Just for the ease of transfer if you ever need to store files in the ‘cloud’ where you can access it from any location. Just for that reason it may be worth at least having a free online account.
Rob recently posted..5 Reasons Cloud Computing Is The Future
Twitter: PakistanHotline
Hi Rob,
I have recently lost all of my useful blogging and personal files due to hard drive permanent failure. Now i am very much curious about back up and planning to opt for an online back up storage.
Windows Complete PC Backup Utility is new to me, would you please tell me how to use it and where to find?