There will be a minor interruption to service on Saturday or Sunday morning while I upgrade the site to 2.8.2 and move the massive single database into 256 smaller ones.
This will make the site more secure and a little bit easier to maintain via phpmyadmin but there can be no database writes made during the move so I’ll have to switch it all off and get it done as quick as possible.
It’s a reasonably big job, mainly because of the database backups and other shennanigens that has to go on, I’ll probably do a screencast and see if I can shed some light on the upgrading to multi-databases thing and put it up for all to see.
Twitter: FamousBloggers
Good Luck Andy!
.-= Hesham´s last blog ..How to Earn Money from Mahalo Pages? =-.
Twitter: commentluv
the first part is done. full backup and upgrade to 2.8.2 is done.
tomorrow comes the 256 database affair… oh the fun!
.-= Andy Bailey´s last blog ..ComLuv blogs updated to WP 2.8.2 =-.