It is very sad when you have worked so hard and no matter what you do, you can’t stop your blog from failing, while others climb the ladder of success. All you can do is look up and hope that one day you’re failing blog will rise from the dead and climb that ladder too.
What? This statement could not be more wrong!
You should never be looking up and be hoping for success. That is like dreaming about winning the lotto, the chances are more than slim.
The only answer is to confront you’re failing blog with real action.
#1. Stop Fluffing Around
Are you an “internet fluffer”? Yes I made that up but you know what I mean. Are you getting any work done at all? I mean really?
The number one reason why people have a failing blog, is that they are wasting their precious time on tasks that do not produce any outcomes. Stop and think about what you are achieving when you say you are “working on your blog”.
#2. Stop Pretending
Come clean with your internet presence and tell people the truth about you and your business. Many people pretend to be more successful, more knowledgeable,
#3. Get Serious About Keywords
This could be a big problem for most Webmasters. They neglect keywords altogether. People presume that they can simply put up a website without ever doing any research about keywords. This is the difference between a successful blog and a failing blog.
I have learnt this lesson the hard way as I personally neglected keywords also. This meant that I needed more content to get traffic from the search engines. Now, using keyword research, I can have less content and more traffic. In fact I can get more traffic to one article than most people can get to an entire website. This is simply done with keyword research and then using those keywords to my advantage.
#6. Be Prepared To Ditch Your Blog
Yes this is sad but true. After researching keywords and finding that there is actually know people searching for anything to do with your niche, then it is time to start again with your website. You cannot keep working on a failing blog or website and remain happy. If you are looking for some success then sometimes you have to change paths to find it.
#5. Produce the Content
You chose the topic of your blog so hopefully you know something about it. Start writing content, even if you think you have enough blog posts, get them lined up and scheduled. Never sit back and presume that you have enough content because you will need content for the life of your blog. (That’s if it is still living)
#6. Invest In Tools
This is one of my biggest regrets, not investing even a cent into my business earlier than I did. Unfortunately I struggled along building my internet business, not reinvesting my earnings or spending any money at all. The money I earned
The only money I spent was a $100 investment which bought hosting and a domain name. After that I wasted time with free WordPress themes, editing my website functions myself and generally doing everything without any help. If I had only known what I know now?
I would have bought a premium theme earlier and also some tools, like certain WordPress plugins that have proved to be amazing timesavers. We all know that a builder needs tools to build a house, but when it comes to building a website, many people manually do everything.
#7. Stop Being a Gunna
Unfortunately I hear this all too often. “Oh yeah I am going to do that soon” or “Oh I have been thinking about that doing that”. Wow that’s great for you but where’s the action here? If only I had a dollar for every time I have heard this kind of saying and it is not all ways to do with blogging. People say this kind of thing in their lives all the time and it annoys me to death.
When I hear a “Gunna Statement” I really want to reply back “Are you really GUNNA do that?” I never say this though, as it is simply bad manners, but I would really love to.
- 50 Traffic Sourcs To Milk Like Crazy.
- Where to get free traffic
- How to get traffic without spending a dime
- How to drive consistent but free traffic to your site
- ..and more!
Twitter: tricky_techno
great tips..i will surely suggest these tips to my friends as now he is thinking of leaving blogging just because of low traffic..
mohit rajwani recently posted..Value of Cloud Computing Services for the Life Sciences Industry
Twitter: wordpresswb
Building a popular blog takes a long time so it is very normal to not get much traffic in the beginning.

Mitz Pantic recently posted..WordPress Business Themes That Will Help You Build a Professional Website
Agreed with you Mitz. Maximum bloggers does not care for their keywords or competitive keywords. They should take care for the same. If keywords are not optimized in the blog and content is not unique then no one can help to get the success of blog.
Twitter: wordpresswb
Yes this is true!! keywords are simply how people know what your content is about and how they are going to find you.
Mitz Pantic recently posted..20 Often Forgotten Website Traffic Tips
Twitter: sonnylanorias
Hello Mitz,
Awesome post! I couldn’t agree with you more. Especially the getting serious about the keywords and the investing in tools stuff. Most bloggers just don’t know how important it is to learn about keywords because even if you have the best article but without getting any traffic, then you’re just wasting your time. Because content is just 50% of the equation.
And I see most people ask me if are there any more investments when it comes to blogging…. most people are afraid to invest in tools which are in fact helping their blog grow. Thanks again for your awesome tips Mitz. Have a nice day!
Sonny Lanorias recently posted..5 Myths About Blogging
Twitter: GeekandJock
Good message, Sonny.

The take-away from Mitz’ post was the two last points – invest and procrastination. I procrastinated over investing in tools until my blog started making some money through advertising. And it wasn’t that I didn’t have spare money to invest but more that I wanted to see if the blogging venture could pay for itself – which it is.
BUT … once I started to invest in the right tools, the growth was exponential – so, from experience, tools really are key.
Martin Cooney recently posted..$25 Paypal Cash Giveaway
Twitter: wordpresswb
Hi Sonny
Yes I agree that investing in tools can really be the difference between struggling to get a blog going and building a successful blog sooner.
We also need to invest in education too but also know when it is time to stop. Because there lies another problem when people keep buying more tools and more education and then take less action.

Mitz Pantic recently posted..18 Ways to Turn Your Ordinary Blog into A Million Dollar Business
Twitter: xlimderek
Now thats an amazing post.
I am guilty about the keyword research stuff
I really don’t know how to use it. If you have any ebook on it please share
Derek recently posted..Top 5 Smartest Android Apps For Bloggers
Find and rectify some thing which are happening and bad for you.Not to claim on other but make sure and make them good.
this comes in your aspect and just focus on content.
Your views give me extra idea about to make blog at higher.
Jack recently posted..Small Business Inventory Software
Often times, starting from scratch is a good idea. If it aint working, scrap it and start afresh I say! Thanks for the great post Mitz!
Mike Dawson recently posted..7 Blogging Mistakes Beginner Bloggers Tend to Make
Twitter: bihar
I agree with most of the point. Unless people stop fluffing around there’s no way out in this world of blogging. There’s to many people who fluff and bluff about the same thing again and again. They need to show some passion to get to the top.
Shalu Sharma recently posted..Top winter destinations of India
Twitter: wordpresswb
Ha ha I like that one …. “fluff and bluff” LOL!!!

Mitz Pantic recently posted..Discover The Traffic Goldmine In Your Stats
Yeah I think writing our best content is the best way to do blogging, that’s what readers are here for and that what matters
Jean-Luc recently posted..Urban Pierre 2e trimestre 2012
Twitter: SoCalMobileAuto
This passage hit home for me “The number one reason why people have a failing blog, is that they are wasting their precious time on tasks that do not produce any outcomes.” I get online to blog and end up all over the place.
I need a schedule that can keep me focused and on task.
Joe S. recently posted..Are you ready for some football? Is your car ready???
Twitter: wordpresswb
Yes I think we all do that!!! This is a hard thing to control, but when you do it feels great!

Mitz Pantic recently posted..Starting Your First SEO Campaign Without Hiring an Expert
Thanks for lifting my spirits, I haven’t been in blogging long and am suffering from low traffic, and was questioning why I am doing this, I need to concentrate more on keywords and invest in tools apps eh! thanks for the help.
Stop fluffing around. That is awesome. Writing the content is the key. You have to make sure that you are writing about something that you are passionate about. If you don’t then there is no way that you will ever be able to post content on a consistant basis. You might as well give up now.
Gary recently posted..How Does Solavei Work?
Twitter: soumailaadamou
they are very good and reasonable advice, thank you for this great post.
sum recently to make money blogging
Twitter: paulas2
Hi Mitz
I see so many bloggers who write regular content that has no SEO in it, at all. That is a big mistake. Because if you don’t use keywords. Your blog won’t be found on the major search engines and you will get virtually no traffic
Paul Profitt recently posted..3 Myths About Traffic That You Should Not Believe
I see this all the time as well. I just think some people get it, and some do not. I think it is more a case of some people are willing to put in the time needed to learn these things, and other do not. I feel as if this the number one thing you should learn, period. If you are not found in google, then you are pretty much not on the internet.
Gary recently posted..Solavei Leadership Team
Twitter: HppyHealthyetc
Terrific article! I really like your way of writing. You just say it the way it is – the truth about all of us bloggers. I am guilty as charged in your #1 on the list: stop fluffing around. It is hard to stay away from all the distraction on the Internet, I must admit. But the only way to get your blog successful is to start ignoring unimportant stuff and focusing only on what matters the most. Thanks a lot!
Elena recently posted..Comparing the Sex Drives of Men and Women
Twitter: writerelated
Great work on this article. I am new to blogging so I am reading this as a guide to make sure my blog doesn’t fail. I will definitely follow many of these tips. I definitely need to learn how to do some keyword research.
Twitter: NoypiGeeks
Great tips! Though I’m not ready to let go of a website.. I’m currently in a dilemma because of a traffic decrease in my blog. I hope I can get it back up to the old level..
Adam Parnala recently posted..Apple iPhone 5 Philippines Price, Specifications and Features: Packs a Bigger 4-inch Display, Dual-core and LTE
Twitter: techglobo
Its just like a bottle of cold water in desert for me..Thanks for these blog saving tips….
sourabh recently posted..Windows 7 surpasses XP as most popular OS
I really agree with your point about not fluffing around. I had been guilty of that and sometimes you get caught in activities that won’t help your goal of success. Have to assess what is important and what is a waste of time. Another good point is dumping a site if it is not working. Don’t waste time when something is not working.
Ken Tyler recently posted..Lady Liberty Costume – Plus Size
Twitter: Elena__Anne
These tips are very helpful. Another thing many bloggers seem to forget is to publish fresh content often! Not only is this always a good practice in terms of search rankings, it makes your blog seem more relevant. More than ever, blogs need to feel alive and well-maintained. There are so many bloggers out there that you can’t neglect your site and expect people to keep coming back. I think you make a great point about having content lined up and ready to go. This way, if you come across writer’s block one day, you can just put up one of your pre-written posts.
Elena Anne recently posted..Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds
Twitter: paulas2
I have to correct you slightly Elena. It is not how often you post, that gets you higher search rankings. It is how relevant your blog post is for the keywords in question.
Paul Profitt recently posted..Why Does Affiliate Marketing Suck?
Twitter: gyangiri
Nice and informative tips.
Gyanendra recently posted..Elgg a powerful ,robust ,open source social platform
Really great tips.
I used to neglect keywords or don’t even spend time for searching them but now i thought that is the biggest mistake i did.
shubham recently posted..Facebook Offering Real Money Through Gambling
Great tips! I try to follow these myself and can also be guilty of others. I am kind of new to the blogging thing and always looking for more help. So thanks for the help.

Justin recently posted..Dating- Find a good guy
Mostly stuff that cause people to fail in live in general. Still very tru indeed.
bert smit recently posted..MKB Marketing MISSER: de reclame-nee-sticker
Yes! I am totally agree with this post. Blog is fully depend on your content which you are writing. I am suffering from low traffic, and was questioning why I am doing this, I need to concentrate more on keywords.ecause if you don’t use keywords. Your blog won’t be found on the major search engines and you will get virtually no traffic.Well thanks for sharing.
neha recently posted..Grade 10 – Science and Math Combo
Twitter: angeksutan
I think consistent is number one in revive the blog
julidarmaputra recently posted..Benefit Of Garlic To Vaginal Health
Hi Mitz Pantic,
Thanks for a great post. After reading your article i m thinking i am a Gunna. I have to change the theme of my blog but i am avoiding it from more than fifteen days and am always worried about the low traffic of my blog. Thanks a lot i am going to change my theme rite after this.
Sneha recently posted..CommentLuv Premium Discount Multisite License for Only $21
Twitter: urhealthyfamily
I agree, sometimes you have to know when to ditch something when it’s not working (blog, strategy, etc) . I think some people look at it as failure but in reality it’s success because it allows you to let go of whats not working to move on to what will work.
Erica recently posted..Healthy Eating: An Essential Part of Well Woman Care
Twitter: totalclean
I know you just made up ‘internet fluffer’ but as soon as I read it I knew exactly what you meant!
I had a friend who would spend more time labouring over his blog’s Facebook cover photo than actually writing any content for a day and more time reading his Youtube comments than updating his ads.
Great advice in there, and I hope none of my blogs need reviving any time soon – but if they do, I’ll be prepared!
T C Garcia recently posted..Ten Tips for Cleaning Mould
Great post! Thank you for the information! So which payed WordPress plugins do you recommend? I am interested because I am building my web site. Please let me know (I subscribed to followup comments).
Tom recently posted..Overpowering the Sun