Update across the board for Blogger CommentLuv

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I am the creator of CommentLuv and site owner and administrator of ComLuv.com

Andy Bailey has written 271 articles for ComLuv.com
I normally write at http://comluv.com

Twitter: @commentluv | Facebook | Google Profile
Become a guest blogger on ComLuv just like Andy Bailey

I have modified the code slightly for Blogger CommentLuv on JSKIT echo system.


[bug fix] .. Some users seeing “recent undefined” being appended to their comment. Fixed

[improvement] .. The info panel was sometimes obscured by a sidebar whose Z-index was higher than the comments column. Added code to append the panel to the document body and then move it to the position of the mouse overlaying any other elements.

All blogger blogs currently using CommentLuv have already been updated, no need to download or install the plugin again.


  1. benwaynet

    Will this work on wordpress sites with JSKIT?
    .-= benwaynet´s last blog ..Windows time service on domain controllers =-.

  2. Dont you LOVE it when that happens? Having been in massive hack mode myself for the past week or so, I can really relate.
    .-= Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach´s last blog ..When your WONDERFUL readers ride to the rescue! =-.

  3. ditesco

    Do we have to do anything on our end? I mean, like reinstalling the code
    .-= ditesco´s last blog ..My First Interview On Famous Bloggers Club =-.

  4. Blogger blogs just don’t flap my earlobes much. I really prefer the goodness that WordPress offers far more. Personal opinion, of course.
    .-= Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach´s last blog ..How to make and write a Provocative ebook Table of Contents TOC =-.

  5. mp_nico says:


    I have found some problems with commentLuv and Echo, in Firefox 3.5.

    If a guest (guest in Echo) submit a comment, the comment is not posted if commentluv button is checked. Solution is unchecked Commentluv button, but not all guests know that.

    Congratulations for all your work.
    .-= mp_nico´s last blog ..Update across the board for Blogger CommentLuv =-.

  6. Bill says:

    Just curious as to why all of the comment/external links on my comluv blog (and here) went nofollow. Was there a change in the core coding? Should I submit a ticket?

    .-= Bill´s last blog ..Patio Swing for Sweeping =-.

  7. Sire

    Nice one Andy, and after all the hard work I put into convincing people to make the move to WordPress :D
    .-= Sire´s last blog ..Why I Don’t Comment On Blogger Blogs =-.

    • Andy Bailey

      I am seriously considering removing the blogger commentluv entirely because of the sheer amount of numptie support requests from what can only be described as YouTube commenters!

      • SBA says:

        “because of the sheer amount of numptie support requests from what can only be described as YouTube commenters!”

        That’s a bit insulting. Very surprising (maybe revealing) coming from someone who provides a service. Sure it’s ‘free’ but there is no need to insult people. As someone with years of programming and management support,I’m neither a ‘newbie’ in blogging nor a ‘youtube’ watcher. I do expect superior troubleshooting and correction of any root causes — in this case the usability design for the non-technical commentator. Not too much to ask for and you delivered it albeit ‘under fire.’ Obviously, the problems were mainly in Blogger but that shows the need for a better interface [no need to repeat how difficult 'doms' are, etc...].

        As most of the other ‘complainers’, we only do so because we like the commentluv feature, offer feedback for improvement and expect a working product , i.e. pre-Echo version. Those who don’t ask silly support questions just give up and remove the software — they don’t migrate to WP just to get a working js-kit. I love commentluv but not that much to change my platform or lose ‘ignorant’ readers who can’t figure out how to leave a comment without pressing the ‘forward play’ button.
        .-= SBA´s last blog ..How to Hide Blogger Widgets on Home Page =-.

        • Andy Bailey

          I understand what you are saying, please don’t think I’m tarring the whole blogger community with that comment but when you get woken up in the middle of the night (more than once) by someone who can find my phone number but can’t find the link that says “download” (on the same page) and receive numerous tickets almost daily from people who follow only steps 1,2 and 3 but fail to continue to step 4 or those that think jskit is commentluv and then send me a ticket full of swear words claiming I should give it up because their users (all 4 of them) can’t use it.

          I could show you some awful tickets submitted by blogger users who can’t spell their own domain name or email address full of grammar errors, extremely offensive swear words and threats to ‘sue my ass’ for losing their comments.

          some even claim my plugin was responsible for deleting their images which turn out to be because they were hotlinking someone elses files and that person put in a .htaccess fix.

          I’ve only ever had 1 offensive ticket from a wordpress user and that was a blogger who moved to wordpress and couldn’t understand where their widgets had gone and “how come I have to use a different web address?”

          there are some great bloggers out there but I only hear from the ones that can’t/don’t want to figure it out themselves.

          It’s a free 3rd party product. I made it because so many people asked for it, I don’t get paid and in fact, it costs me money to provide the service. I know people expect a product to work but, in almost all cases, it does work, it’s just the user that doesn’t.

          having a free blog that can be created at the push of a button means no responsibility for what is created, a self hosted wp user has to have at least some understanding of files, php or html and because they pay for their hosting, they are not in the “free lunch” mindset where it’s easier to ask than to find out.

          I’m sorry if I offended you but my comments weren’t aimed at you, they were aimed at the numpties that find it easier to email me than put their question in the search box of google.

          I guess I should have mentioned the numerous blogger users like you who took the time to write detailed posts on how to do great things with the free blog or those that send me wonderful emails and tickets saying how much they enjoy having commentluv on their site or give profuse thanks for me helping them out. I was probably just out of the support ticket system answering another rude ticket when I wrote that comment.

          The problem, as always is that the few ruin it for the many and I suppose I should have kept a calm head or remained professional. If it was my job or I earned even some pocket money from it then that would be expected of me. but I don’t so I give what I get, just like any human I suppose.

          • SBA says:

            Guess I’m glad I didn’t look up ‘numptie’ in the urban dictionary before commenting — thought you misspelled ‘newbie’. We learn something new everyday. Unfortunately, anger/frustration begets more of the same and becomes infectious.

            You may need a support policy statement and refuse those that are rude. What about a forum where other users can help answer questions? Form a group of ‘experts’ who can assist in return for recognition — some are already doing that on their own blogs, like Staci. It may sound weird but you need to invest time in brainstorming how you can cut some of this stress and spend time on activities that could help all users — expanding the knowlege base (maybe a wiki for others to update).. or come up with ‘canned’ replies — -including “here’s the google search link.”

            And as a last item, you can add a ‘donate’ button — Many might welcome that as an expression of appreciation.

          • Andy Bailey

            oops, forgot not everyone knows what numptie is. It certainly doesn’t mean newbie! I take great pleasure in helping newbies, in fact I try to educate an obvious newbie without making them feel even more new.

            A numptie to me is someone who asks before trying to find out for themselves or some idiot who expects everything to be free and everyone to help them. Or someone who is rude but is surprised when someone is rude to them.

            I tried forums but that just made it easier for the numpties to clog up the board with half assed questions or aggressive posts. Plus, the automated spam was making getting up and going to the pc in the morning a chore and I enjoy my coding too much to have it ruined by spammers taking all my time.

            I have made some considerable changes to the code for blogger commentluv which now gives out ‘spoon fed’ instructions when a user ‘forgets’ that they need to add their url or doesn’t know that “where you are from” means “where you are from” and the tickets have almost ceased. I put this down to Echo trying to reinvent the wheel with their system. I don’t know why they didn’t stick to the same name,email, url format that everyone is used to.

            things are quieter on the support ticket system now and I have got back into ‘real’ pc work which means I feel much better about everything! :-)

            thanks for your comments!

  8. Hey andy, I wanted to ask you that can you try and use blogger instead of js-kit.

    JS-kit also uses some feature to add comments to blogger.
    If you modify the comment form of blogger to say include an email and blog site and then add the comment automatically to blogger.

    Andy, i think you should contact to blogger as they are having their 10th b’day and are looking for some col updates. I think they might help you get commentluv without js-kit.

    The reason why i want to get rid of js-kit is because it is not seo-friendly.
    .-= gautam hans´s last blog ..Site Updates at Blog Godown =-.

    • Andy Bailey

      blogger doesn’t allow manipulation of their comment form which means there’s no way commentluv can use their system.

      sorry about that

      • just wanted to say that js-kit also syncs the comments with blogger. I.e each comment on js-kit in blogger, the same comment is added to blogger databse. So i think they are using a tool to add a customised comment to blogger. So through that you can add the comment luv.

        • Andy Bailey

          I suppose so but that would require me coding an entire comment system to replace the blogger one. That’s just not worth the amount of time it would take to do. I’d rather go to work and earn money!

          • Yes that could be the case but as far as i think you don’t have to code a lot just you have to make a blogger gadget.

            The problem with js-kit is that javascript is not seo friendly.

            The default blogger comments are seo friendly.
            Thanks anyway for repling


  9. Jaydip Parikh

    Wonderful Plugin you have developed. Thanks for sharing
    .-= Jaydip Parikh´s last blog ..After DoubleClick, Feedburner, YouTube, Now Google Acquires reCAPTCHA =-.

  10. stevanusdh says:

    Hi Andy,

    How to setup your great tool for my own commenting form?. I have develop my site from scratch and not using neither wp or blogger.

    Thank you for you help Andy.

    .-= stevanusdh´s last blog ..Writing a Post in Detail =-.

  11. stevanusdh says:

    If i am using js-kit, how to setup commentluv?

    .-= stevanusdh´s last blog ..Monitor and Take Over Job of Your Staffs without Their Passwords =-.

  12. subske

    yeah time for me to have a play with integrating this with blogger…. when I get to the bottom of it I will tweet it and post the how to on my blog and be sure to revisit this site to hopefully help a few other users out!! In the meantime, anyone else using blogger and where is the best place to start. No point in reinventing the old wheel as they say!
    .-= subske´s last blog ..<strong> and <b> / <em> and <i> – Which is for what? =-.

  13. murkcore

    I can’t seem to follow your video tut about adding commentluv to blogger. some things like claiming my site and some other stuffs that i just can’t find on commentluv navigation bar..
    .-= murkcore´s last blog ..The Storm, Picturesque – Hours (2009) – Progressive Metalcore/Hardcore =-.

  14. bajo says:


    I am new to CommentLuv and I really like the system of importing and all that stuff…I have created an account and Imported my Blogger account’s one of the blogs.

    My main question now remains….will anybody who is my follower on Blogger see my updates when I use .comluv system?….

    I want to keep .comluv as my main blogging page but as I update my blog…I want the update to be seen by my fellow followers in the blogger website. It is very crucial as for this to happen. Maybe there is a solution to this problem…?

    Could anyone please direct me the right path?….

    Thank you very much in advance…

    Will be waiting for a reply ^_^

  15. Richard says:

    Thanks for keeping up the great work on Comment Luv. It is a terrific plugin!
    Richard recently posted..The Usefulness of Useless InformationMy Profile


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  2. [...] Java specializes in Blogger makeovers, and can integrate Comment Luv for Blogger platform into any Blogspot or Blogger system. You can see it in action HERE. JS-Kit web services are highly [...]

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