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. How Successful Entrepreneurs Rig the Game
March 5, 2012
As a blogger who cares about traffic, chances are you have a profit motive. Although you might enjoy it greatly, you aren’t just blogging for the fun of it. You’re an enterprising individual who wants to make some money as a result of your hard work, and you should! Unfortunately, money doesn’t flow just because [...]
. Staying One Step Ahead of Google
March 4, 2012
SEO Industry SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has evolved from a way to let the search engines know what your website is about into a game of cat and mouse. SEO has become a full blown industry and unfortunately many unqualified people have decided to join the bandwagon. Not every SEO link building service is the [...]
. Infographic: Guest Blogging – Your Second Audience
March 4, 2012
Crafting words to win over readers is the goal of millions of bloggers each day when they sit down and put fingers to keyboard. But what is a blogger to do when the readers prove difficult to come by and fickle to boot? Spinning your wheels with the same few visitors can be frustrating when [...]
. Foods to Avoid to Lose Belly Fat: Top 3 Foods You Should Avoid Eating at Restaurants
March 3, 2012
Do you work or travel a lot ? Then chances are, you are usually also eating out more often. Most people are simply too busy or too lazy to cook their own food at home or find it a hassle most of the time. In the end, a majority of people usually just end up [...]
. Coconut Oil For Skin Care
March 2, 2012
As high-end skin care products grow in popularity incorporating therapeutic oils such as pomegranate seed oil or marula oil, coconut oil continues to be used as a base in many products because it is both highly moisturizing and also sinks into the skin very quickly. You can certainly spend your money on a cream or [...]
. Why it pays to (mis)behave like a user
March 1, 2012
Testing not only means see how it works but also – how it breaks I spent the entire weekend and all of Monday working on a joint project I’ve got going on (I talked about it last week) to make it better and for 90% of the time, it really looked like it was time [...]
. Owning Your Home Business – a Few Insights to Consider Before Saying Yes
February 29, 2012
Owning your own home business is truly a privilege no one should take for granted. That doesn’t mean however it’s there for the taking for anyone. To run a home business is not an easy life, it means you are now responsible for running an entire business that happens to be headquartered at your home [...]
. Privacy, Security and Web Based Applications
February 28, 2012
image credit – Web based applications are entering the market at a rapid rate and people are embracing them for many reasons. Low cost alternative to expensive desktop applications, anywhere access because of cloud storage, platform independence are few of the main reasons people choose these SAAS applications. One of the main concerns people [...]
. 7 Mistakes That Could Cripple Your Blog
February 27, 2012
Some of the most terrible mistakes might be the ones that go unnoticed and most of them are not even pointed out in your WordPress website checklist. However, the best part is that these simple mistakes are easily solvable provided that you follow this list and consider doing some necessary changes: Mistake #1 – Crappy [...]
. The Countdown to College: Preparing Your Child for College
February 26, 2012
Preparing Your Children for College: My Top Five “Get Ready for College” List: I had a minor freak-out the summer before my daughter left for college. I had tried to teach her to be responsible. She knew how to do her laundry, cook a simple meal and clean the toilets. But had I taught her [...]
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