Procrastinating is a time-honored tradition among the students. From elementary school, to college, all students find ways to do it. Many a twenty page term paper have been written in one night. Only making it through the night with copious amounts of caffeine. In our sleep deprived state, we promise to never to procrastinate again. How does someone procrastinate a huge assignment til the last-minute, when they had three weeks to do it. This post will explore some of the favorites. At the end i will describe how I beat the temptation to procrastinate.
1. Facebook
Facebook is a blackhole of time. GPAs have been destroyed by this site. How can a person study when there are photos to tag, and posts to put on someone’s wall. I want to do an experiment one day. I want to walk through a college library, and count what percentage of computers are on Facebook. I think it will be at least 25%.
2. Television
This includes normal television, and online TV such as Hulu. It starts out innocently enough, “I will just take a 20 minute break” you say. Three hours later, you are watching some show you do not even like, but hey it is better than studying.
3. Web Surfing
Mindless web surfing can take up an infinite amount of time. I consider this a separate category from Facebook, just because Facebook deserves its own category. This is just the web surfing with no particular direction. Usually we start on the web with some quasi legitimate research reason. Four hours later, we are watching a baby monkey ride a pig backwards on YouTube(it is one of my friends favorite videos). I thought about giving YouTube its own category, but decided against it. It is a time waste, but I do not see it on computer screens as much as other sites.
4. Cleaning
How bad does studying have to be, before cleaning is better than hitting the books. I have actually heard this being said, “How can I study when there are dirty dishes in the sink!” Messes that were not bothersome a week ago, suddenly can not be overlooked. Now it is imperative that the room that was a mess for five weeks, now has to be cleaned in the middle of finals week. If you are a roommate with this type of person, a perk is that the apartment will be spotless when a big exam comes around.
5. Video Games
How many college student
Twitter: tospider
Your post is not complete .what is after ?? 5. Video Games: How many college student
Nipon recently posted..How To Make Money from Blogging
Twitter: sterlingimages
Totally agree have seen personally how FB , Twitter, TV & movies can take all your time. Best to be organized make a plan then work the plan.
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peterse recently posted..What Does “I Desire Mercy and Not Sacrifice” Mean
It seems like the comluv servers are being moved. Until the move is complete, I am locked out and can not do anything. Please be patient, I have a backup of this post that I will upload as soon as I can. I am sorry, and I will try to do everything I can to fix this.
peterse recently posted..What Does “I Desire Mercy and Not Sacrifice” Mean
Everything is fixed, thanks for the patience.
peterse recently posted..What Does “I Desire Mercy and Not Sacrifice” Mean
I think your top 7 reasons for procrastination are very correct! Unfortunately, if students are using those measures to procrastinate it may continue on in other areas such as in their work or home life. I have a site that is actually not a distraction for students, but instead a helpful resource for deciding which schools to attend and what degree to earn. It’s If they’re going to procrastinate and surf the web, it’s better if it can help them figure out their future! I hope you check it out today and find it as informative as I found your article to be.
Lena recently posted..Business Management Degree
Twitter: problogsuccess
LOL “How can I study when there are dirty dishes in the sink?” I think students can tell about anything as an excuse for not studying.
Quite true about the Youtube video. Watching vid is a vicious circle and at the end we are like “Am I really watching this crap for about 4 hours? Unbelievable”
Thanks for the funny and though provoking article.
Jane recently posted..Keyword Research Guide- 4 Biggest Flaws You Should Avoid
Thanks for the comment. I have heard some ridiculous things, and I have said some ridiculous things to avoid studying. It is good to realize that the excesses are ridiculous, so those habits can be changed.
peterse recently posted..What Does “I Desire Mercy and Not Sacrifice” Mean
I think the # reason of students nowadays is the impact of technological advancements. This make the huge difference compared before. They have so many other options to do whether its their free time or not. I actually experienced almost all of these way back few years ago when I’m in college. So I can totally relate on this! LOL
Adrian recently posted..DIY Chicken Shed Plans
Twitter: thenerdynurse
I remember being bored as a kid, you know before computers were commonplace in the home.
Now? NEVER bored!
The Nerdy Nurse recently posted..Green Works Green It Yourself Tip- Clean the Air
LOL, yeah most college students suffer from at least a few of these. The technological advancements definitely make it easier and more tempting to procrastinate. I think a determined person will always find a way to procrastinate even without technology though.
peterse recently posted..What Does “I Desire Mercy and Not Sacrifice” Mean
Twitter: thenerdynurse
Oh geez, now im going to resort to cleaning to get out of doing things?
Im terrible.
The Nerdy Nurse recently posted..Green Works Green It Yourself Tip- Clean the Air
Lol, at least it will be semi-productive procrastination.
peterse recently posted..One More Cheap Online Donation Tool
Facebook and Television are definate ways that my housemates and I procrastinate! But cleaning? Not really! Although I have been known to do lots of washing up to get out of doing reading/essays. But all good students know that the only way to progress is not to procrastinate and I hope thats what I’ve learnt to do!
Harriet recently posted..Mobile Phone Exchange
Yeah, I still fall into the procrastination trap. I have come a long way though.
peterse recently posted..One More Cheap Online Donation Tool
Twitter: beardtrimmernow
What a vital problem for me! I don’t watch TV and play video games, nevertheless I still procrastinate again and again =)
Alex recently posted..Norelco Beard Trimmer
I am sure the procrastination is less without the TV and Video Games. It seems as though everyone has their poison of choice when it comes to procrastination.
peterse recently posted..One More Cheap Online Donation Tool
Twitter: pamegan
One of my sons (the one with the penchant for procrastinating) decided to start an online business as an excuse for procrastinating schoolwork. His plan worked. His business eventually led to him dropping out of college. The good news is that he’s made a career out of it and is doing very well for himself in spite of him never getting his degree.
Anyway, I enjoyed the article. Thanks!
Pam Egan recently posted..Meningitis is Contagious, Can Be Deadly
That is good to hear that your son’s structural procrastinating worked out for him. I am trying to start a business on the side too.
peterse recently posted..One More Cheap Online Donation Tool
Twitter: angelichoff
Guilty of #1 and #3 all the time. Ok I’m not a school kid but still I can relate to it

Angelica recently posted..Top 3 Most Interesting Saeco Espresso Machines
Yeah, I think I will still have to battle it, even after I am out of college.
peterse recently posted..One More Cheap Online Donation Tool
Believe it or not, back when I was in college, I used to procrastinate by picking up a dictionary and going through definitions of random words. It just looked useful but had minimal impact on academic results.
Alfee recently posted..How To Pack Light For Business
Lol, I have never done that before. However, I bet your vocabulary is larger than mine because of it.
peterse recently posted..One More Cheap Online Donation Tool
All right, I think I can add one to the list. When I was a student, I had more than my fair share of procrastination in this form. It is “pretending to do something important or getting ready for it”. I mean I would go to my friends place for combined studies. When I get there, we would spend time “setting things right” for the study (while always gossipping stuff). It would take an hour or two to completely set things up. After actually reading for about 15 mins, we would close shop for the day.
amandagordon recently posted..Benefits Of Steam Vacuum Cleaner
I have played that game before. It is fun to play the “getting things right” procrastination game. However, it is horrible for getting things actually done. Great for socializing though.
peterse recently posted..SilverStripe Review
Hello Peterse,
I think we all are the part of procrastination,your all 7 ways are so realistic and hehehe i can feel connected to it,i have did all these things when i was in college…But if we examine it thoroughly,there is something really very serious.In our college period procrastination games hamper our studies,and what we have learned exactly….???….Yes we have learn how to cheat ourselves and to others also,example:- our parents,we have cheated our parents by pretending in front of them,that we are not studying for some considerable reasons but the truth was that we don’t want to study at that time.I don’t know Peterse weather you gonna agree with me or not but i can say that this bad habit of procrastination effects in our practical life after a college days also.
manish2010 recently posted..Outdoor Kitchen Equipment
This post is part fun, and part advice giving. I think procrastination is a problem, but so is being a workaholic. I think when you are working you should be purposeful, and when you are relaxing you should be purposeful. I think it is important to know your weaknesses. At the bottom of the article, I explain how I avoid most types of procrastination. I simply do not have the resources for many types of procrastination.
peterse recently posted..SilverStripe Review
I know when I was studying the hardest part I found was studying for exams because I had a near photographic memory I learned very quickly and didn’t need to cram before exams.
This was a huge advantage in the subjects I was interested in but because I hated the subjects I wasn’t intrested in I never even opened the books to study procrastination at its limits if you like.
This meant I got really good grades in my choosen subjects and got next to nothing in the rest. This means I was regarded as an average student overall but in the real world that didn’t matter they didn’t want a chemist who could do needlework.
Casey Mcgee recently posted..pregnancy fitness
So True…. With all the games and notifications in social media site, studying is almost impossible.
Twitter: sandeepgupta54
you are right peterse,
now a days it very difficult to study in such exciting things,i always online with facebook by that i forget all my work….
work almost ipmpossible….
sandeep recently posted..Deluxe Digital Studios
Twitter: challengeDay30
I used to be the worst procrastinator and tv was my weapon of choice. I loved to watch tv and would put off things in order to sit in front of it. Thankfully I have defeated that long ago weakness. I notice that Facebook has captured a lot of today’s youth.
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