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Oh dear, I completely rewrote the API

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I am the creator of CommentLuv and site owner and administrator of

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Wot, no support?

I haven’t been able to do much support ticket replies this week because I got stuck in the matrix. Coders will know the situation, where you sit down to try something in your favourite IDE and a whole day passes and by the time you feel it’s time for bed, it’s way past time for bed and you’ve got nearly a thousand lines of code in front of you.

That happened to me this week,

New API!

Now I’ve got a new API coded from scratch. This time the focus is on making sure last blog posts get returned instead of keeping stats which should make a whole lot more people who had trouble before, start to see data returned again when they comment on CommentLuv enabled blogs.

I didn’t really want to have a new API, the one Ron made was awesome and even considering the amount changes that had to be made because of the way I changed the plugin two weeks after release, it did a great job! I did learn an awful lot from it over the past few weeks though, and between the time I commissioned the project to be started and now – there’s been an awful lot of reading and learning about php and mysql.

Enough I think, to allow me to do the API in a way I am fully intimate with (oo-er). Enough now too, to add more source types to the returned data and a way for members to have a list of urls they can use to comment and still get more than 1 result passed back using only one ComLuv account.

Planned Changes

I’m going to add the database and enable the api for a few select sites to see what happens over the weekend and if it can behave itself until Wednesday, I’ll switch it on for everyones commentluv. No plugin updates will be required, the API can still be communicated with in the same way, it’s just the backend fetching and storing routines have changed.

Wish me luck!


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