A big thankyou to everyone who responded to my part timer coupon offer this week, all of the ads sold out and now I can afford the electric bills for the month! (and the next)
Adsense Tutorials
A number of you replied back to me saying that you wanted to know about what the Google girl told me when we did our consultation session so I have decided to make a series of tutorials going through each of the things that she suggested and how I implemented them on my site.
Now, this site doesn’t actually earn that much in adsense. It’s enough that I’ll keep it running here and it’s certainly nice to see the money go into my account but it’s not like I’m that shoemoney guy earning thousands and thousands each month!
Some, if not all of the things I did were done by adding code to my themes functions file and from what I have seen, they did actually make a difference so the tutorials will be how to make the additions or modifications to your sites theme. I wont try and preach to you how you can become a bazillionaire with adsense just by adding some snippets to your site because, well, that is very unlikely to happen unless you have a bazillion hits a day (which you probably dont).
I will try and do the tutorials as videos because my typing fingers need to be saved for coding. Actually, it’s because writing content is so bloody hard for someone with assumed acute adult attention deficit disorder (AAAADD). Seriously, typing even this paragraph took a bloomin age!
New site
Almost all of the things are in place for me to commence full coding committal on the new CommentLuv plugin. My desk is tidied, my windows is reinstalled from scratch on a shiny new SSD drive, my hours working in the family business have been cut down drastically and there have been an awful lot of virtual ‘i’ dotting and ‘t’ crossing.
Please take a moment to visit and signup for updates on the progress of the new plugin, I may need to ask for your feedback on how things will work/look/feel/act and I’d be really grateful for your opinions.
sounds interesting. will be following commentluv for sure
Himanshu recently posted..Search engine optimization-not every professional do this
Twitter: ninjasagaalpha
Yeah you bet!
allen recently posted..Kinjutsu- Kizui Kimama Preview Video
Twitter: Ileane
Great new Andy! I saw this on Facebook, isn’t that a switch? The new site is pretty cool.
Ileane Smith recently posted..Facebook Fan Page Photos Tutorial
Twitter: commentluv
first time I can say that someone saw something comluv related on facebook first!
the new site is just a place holder for when the premium version is ready. I’ll be doing some video blog updates on that as I develop the new 2.9 version. I’ll be around to your site later in the week, see you then!
Twitter: tech_chai
We are eagerly waiting for your new site and if there is anything we can do to make your site better it will be our pleasure. All the best Andy.
saurabh80 recently posted..How to Identify Facebook Viruses- Worms and Fake Links
Ohhhhhhhh.. Interesting ,nice post!