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A peek at things to come

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I am the creator of CommentLuv and site owner and administrator of

Andy Bailey has written 238 articles for
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Usually, something big must be happening in the background if it goes a bit quiet on the main blog. In the past it was me moving house, starting a new Chinese takeaway and moving to a new server.

This time though, it’s because I did some big fat coding and had a great time working together with the top guy from Feedblitz to integrate the ComLuv API and ComLuv blogs with their system so it’s completely compatible with the info popups and special treatment of feed urls when they’re passed to the Comluv API.

There’s more too and it means custom new widgets and an array of pro features for more than just subcribing to a blog feed. All the main logic is in place and our API’s are talking to each other nicely so all that’s left is to dot the i’s la la la. I’ll post more about this over the coming weeks.

I’m going to try and get it all ready for starting by next week. There are a few things that need to be updated in the back end before then and I’m still deciding what I’m going to do about the ever increasing number of spam blogs. Premium only? moderation?

What are you thoughts on charging to have a blog on this site? even just 3$ for a year would eliminate 95% of spam blogs being registered.

The irony is, if I was to charge for blogs on this site then I’d have enough money to buy a licence to use a new anti splog tool which would mean I wouldn’t have to charge for blogs! lol

Don’t worry, I wont do anything rash. Blogs are still free here :) (for now)



  1. Dave Doolin

    Andy, I’d be delighted to pay a few $$$.

    I don’t think most people understand what you have done with CommentLuv, namely, turned the commenting paradigm upside down.

    I’m from the old school, where it almost bad form to even use your real name. You commented with cool or snarky handles. And forget about links anywhere, most especially, linking back to your own web was (the horror) self-promotion, not to be tolerated.

    Ok, maybe it wasn’t that bad… but still, we’ve come a long way from usenet ca. 1992!
    .-= Dave Doolin´s last blog ..Saturday Morning Surfing: Passion is NOT Enough – Your Landlord Doesn’t Give a Rat’s Patootie =-.

    • Andy Bailey

      I remember the old days too. That’s why I wanted to hard code the link and make it only from the site of the commenter, it seemed to be a more acceptable way of adding a link to a comment. thanks for your feedback! and your site is great, it’s regularly on the top commented sites list. lotta luv goin on there :-)

  2. Great to see more development on CommentLuv!

    I’ve been thinking about your spam blog problem. Couldn’t you implement some kind system similar to spamkarma’s? I know it’s not exactly a 1:1 correlation to spam comments, but I can see the idea of that system being implemented to solve this problem too.

    Btw, I’m working on some updated graphics for CommentLuv. I’ll should have them done sometime this week. Any new elements that you find yourself needing?
    .-= Byteful Traveller´s last blog ..Create with Passion or DIE =-.

  3. Naomi Sachs says:

    Um, do you mean a PEEK at things to come?

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