Yes!! we have finally come to the end of the Famousbloggers / Comluv contest and what a journey it has been!.
Watch the video below…
head on over now to and wait for Hisham to post the names of the 20 winners and then come back here a little bit later to see which of those winners got the BIG money prizes!!
Thanks to everyone who entered and participated in the contest, more posts will be coming up soon with links to you all and the judges and probably the sponsors again!
Twitter: BasicBlogTips
Oh what a great teaser Andy! You’re so good at this.
Ileane recently posted..How To Install CommentLuv on Blogger
Twitter: commentluv
hehe, it wasn’t meant to tease. just to fill the gap until Hisham woke up from his side of the planet!
I can’t wait. This is so exciting. Even if I am not in the 20 winners I still win and it was a pleasure to have participated and it was fun.
Famous Bloggers and ComLuv rock. 2 thumbs up.
Twitter: commentluv
glad you enjoyed it Charles!
Twitter: melvinblog
Superb video.
I think this video would clear any concerns or questions about the contest. Andy, you’ve done such a nice job in this video and your other video before. I wish everyone the best and to you and Hesham who have just made a significant mark in the blogosphere by running this super massive contest
Melvin recently posted..Can We Connect More in Facebook
Twitter: commentluv
Thanks Melvin, it couldn’t have been done without Hisham. he is the true hero of this endeavour.
Twitter: wppluginsblog
I am so excited. Can’t wait more.
WP Content Plugins recently posted..Broken Link Checker- Monitor Your WordPress Blog For Broken Links
Twitter: MirkoGosch
Nice one,
And I just wanted to take the opportunity to praise Hesham for his awesome support during the contest. He´s a true Go-Giver and helped me tremendously .
Thanks again to all you guys who put up this brilliant contest. It was a superb experience to be part of this.
Keep rocking
Mirko Gosch recently posted..How Leaving Comments on Blogs Related to Your Site Sky-Rocket Your Business
Twitter: commentluv
Thanks Mirko, he really made a difference the contestants of the contest. Big up to him!
thanks for coming by!
Twitter: torontodentist1
I sure enjoyed the posts. So much energy and good feelings all around. Such a good learning experience for all us fledgling bloggers as to the potential of Social Media.

Joe recently posted..Drama Triangle – Victims- Ogres and Rescuers – Drama Queen IV
Twitter: Lindsay_Blogs
I can’t wait to see the list of winners!
Lindsay recently posted..Bodies- The Exhibition Review
Twitter: tonyknuckles
Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to get to visit with so many different personalities from all over the world.
Just having an entry was a win for me.
113Tidbits recently posted..A Book To Inspire Mobile Photog Types
Twitter: another_blogger
Very exciting watching how you talk about the contest in this video, love the energy you gave us Andy,
One question, Hesham sleep at night? I thought he never sleep? lol!
Thanks for the contest and congrats for the winner and every participants.
Love this video, you have a theatrical side bro
Well done everyone

Haroun Kola recently posted..New Man- New Woman with Neale Donald Walsch and Barbara Marx Hubbard
Twitter: lambdakennels1
So, when is the next installment in the saga? The top 20 post didn’t say when today you will post the placements, only that it would be here. I did better and learned more than I could have imagined, but would like to know just how much better.
stephaniesuesansmith recently posted..The Texan’s Irish Bride Book Trailer
Twitter: Doc2626
Great video, Andy, and it was a great contest, as well! A lot of great ideas were born, and some really good information shared.
Kudos to you and Hisham!
Doc Campbell recently posted..Benefit for Rachel Hunnicutt-Knight at Celio’s Tomorrow!
Twitter: GrowMap
My personal Best of Luck Wishes to everyone.
Gail recently posted..How CommentLuv Grows Businesses and Blogs
Twitter: priv8corner
Congratulations to all the winners and to those who participated as well. All hands up to you Andy, and Hesham for making this happen.
Nicely done I say!
Congratulations to everyone. Certainly an all-star line up!

Colleen Lane recently posted..Tumbleweed Music Festival 2010 Howard Amon Park Richland Washington
Twitter: jocurigame_com
Thanks for this video man, it realy helps me:D
Spiry recently posted..Joculete Bilute
Twitter: serververgleich
Gratulations @ all! Really Nice.
Congratulations to the winners. Also, to all participants. Even if you did not win, your experience is already a good price.
Twitter: junevaa
COngratulation! Andy is a Amazing Man

macist recently posted..Manchester City Hit Liverpool Deeply
Twitter: mkwelch
Congratulations to the winners.
mkwelch recently posted..MLM Lead Generation and Gearing Up for Attraction Marketing