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It’s no secret that great content can significantly impact your SEO rankings, as well-written copy is more likely to get hits, comments, links and kudos. If you lack the time or desire to create this kind of content on your own, then you’ll need to consider hiring a freelance writer to do it for you. [...]
. Protect Yourself Online with a Posse
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Here’s one for you: would you raise your hand to be a part of a team responsible for building a nuclear power plant if you were not an educated, nuclear scientist? Probably not. So what makes you think that you can start an online business if you haven’t gone through any kind of business school? [...]
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New featured site I am proud to present the new sponsor who will be occupying the featured site spot on the home page. They are micfo hosting and they provide high quality, reliable and safe hosting for your company or personal website. Fast and friendly One of the first things you should do when investigating [...]
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The Customer Service and Call Centre industry functions and works through the use of KPIs which I have mentioned earlier in my post on MEASURING YOUR KPI’S – and on the most common ones is known as Average Handle Time (AHT). This KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is perhaps one of the most useful of them [...]
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