Contest Post by tonyknuckles

Internet marketing and affiliate newbie. Using the web to supplement my existence with residual income. Helping others with WP installs and plgins has become a challenging hobby for me while finishing medical school.

tonyknuckles normally writes at 113Tidbits and tweets at @tonyknuckles

stream twitter comments

Many of you that may come by or drop by the site from traffic sources like Adgitize and linkrefferal may really feel the need to bounce as soon as you hit the door. In a way that may seem kind of like the thing to do to get your “required” visits in for the day. But would yo do this to a friend’s home or a person that drops by your house for a “visit”. Do you get perplexed by the occasional “I just stopped in to say, Hi! and then bye”? Well, sometimes I get a bit miffed about seeing a higher than 55% bounce rate.

Rude, isn’t it. Well here at my site, I appreciate your visits and any time I see an email saying that someone left a valid comment, my eyes light up. First off, your comment tells me that you find fascination with something that either I posted here or tweeted about.

So to encourage comments, I’ve gone the extra steps of adding a more streamlined IntenseDebate comments box below. And with a bit of a headache from the previous weekend, I was able to add a fully functioning tweet box jst above the IntenseDebate box. The good thing about these tools is that I will give them a go around of a month or so to see if they will encourage site visitors to leave a comment and maybe spark some interaction.

Keep in mind that the IntenseDebate box is a plugin and the tweetbox is built on an API kit that I received from twitter developers. So, as long as your tweet falls within the 140 character limit it will instantly hit your feed stream. I’d appreciate a comment or two as to what your ideas are on the full tweet box and whether this is something you would add to your own blog or website. And of course a scaled back plugin for IntenseDebate means that all of those sharing and RSS doodads that many won’t see at all.

Giving you the reader a cleaner experience was the sole intent for me scaling it back from all of the flare that yo can have associated with its functionality.

This post is part of our amazing Blogging Contest, plz add a comment and tweet it to support the author.

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11 Responses to “Streamlining And Tweeting For Your Reactions Via Comments”

  1. Kristi From How To Blog
    15. Jul, 2010 at 6:16 pm #

    You’ll have to let us know how that goes. I feel like having a commenting system like Intense Debate or Disqus actually discourages comments more than the basic comment form because some users will feel like they have to register or get frustrated with the Open ID system. I have ultimately registered because I want to be able to leave comments everywhere I go, but some really prefer not to.
    Kristi´s last blog ..Article Marketing Promotion with Blog CommentingMy ComLuv Profile

    • tonyknuckles From 113Tidbits
      15. Jul, 2010 at 6:32 pm #

      I also share in the frustration of the OpenID system. It’s very quirky and sometimes leads to a huge problem on my login page in the backend. I’ve grown accustomed to the ID system and have pared down all of the extra stuff you can add.
      The Linksalpha serves as an even better way of tracking all of the shares done by visitors as well.

      Thanks for the insight into both tools, Krisiti
      tonyknuckles´s last blog ..Streamlining And Tweeting For Your Reactions Via CommentsMy ComLuv Profile

      • Kristi From How To Blog
        15. Jul, 2010 at 8:30 pm #

        You’re welcome!

        I have given up on OpenId. No matter how many times I try it with various Yahoo or other accounts, it never seems to connect properly.

        You might want to check out this article on the pros and cons of external comment system. I don’t know how Intense Debates works, but one that bothered me was the fact that comments are stored externally so you can’t back them up on your own DB.
        Kristi´s last blog ..Article Marketing Promotion with Blog CommentingMy ComLuv Profile

  2. macist From Soccer News
    15. Jul, 2010 at 9:03 pm #

    Vote for you, hope you are all the best, Cheer :)
    macist´s last blog ..ESPY Award 2010My ComLuv Profile

  3. Stephanie Suesan Smith From Information Central
    15. Jul, 2010 at 9:12 pm #


    If comments are stored externally, where are they stored? Would that violate the privacy policy of many advertisers?


    I will be interested in hearing how the twitter thing works. How do you keep spammers from using it to spam twitter as comments from you?
    Stephanie Suesan Smith´s last blog ..Free Tuition to ComLuv-Famous Blogger Contest CollegeMy ComLuv Profile

    • tonyknuckles From 113Tidbits
      16. Jul, 2010 at 6:41 am #

      Stephanie, the tweet box is not seen as coming from your “twitter feed”, if the spammer uses the tweet box it is merely using my site as a doorway to their twitter account.

      My next project will be to enable RT’s and shortening.
      tonyknuckles´s last blog ..Failing To Draw A CrowdMy ComLuv Profile

  4. benwaynet From Savage Nomads
    18. Jul, 2010 at 3:56 am #

    Commentluv and a twitter link always encourages me to leave a comment
    benwaynet´s last blog ..Thank you ATTMy ComLuv Profile

    • tonyknuckles From 113Tidbits
      18. Jul, 2010 at 8:22 am #

      I hear ya Ben. I finally got the full functionality of Commentluv worked out for my URL and I really like being able to scroll through a variety of posts for a link back to the site.

      And of course topic relevancy is key to keep it more lovely.
      tonyknuckles´s last blog ..Moving and The Gameplan That I Go ByMy ComLuv Profile

  5. Tej Kohli
    16. Aug, 2010 at 7:04 am #

    Really Very Great Contest ! I want to join and win this
    Tej Kohli´s last blog ..Tej Kohli Business updated Thu Aug 12 2010 11-41 pm CDTMy ComLuv Profile


  1. The Biggest Blog Commenting Folder in the History of Blogging - 15. Jul, 2010

    [...] by Dazzlin Donna @DonnaFontenot , and Blog Commenting, Contests, and Reach, Oh My!30 – Streamlining And Tweeting For Your Reactions Via Comments by Tony Knuckles @tonyknuckles plus Comluv And FamousBloggers [...]

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