Leveraging Make Money Online Gurus To Do Your Bidding

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After being in the game of making money online for a couple of years, I pretty much know the methods that work in certain areas. One aspect that I didn't really understand the benefits of was the seemingly counter intuitive idea of linking out to other similar themed sites. That's where commentluv has started to figure into my gameplan...

Chris has written 1 article for ComLuv.com
I normally write at http://thinkclickandgrowrich.com

Twitter: @thinkclickrich

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That’s what it’s all about in this world.

You HAVE to control others and make them do your bidding if you are ever going to succeed in life… Right?

Well… Actually that’s 100% correct, but many don’t control people correctly.

You see, you have to get a hold on yourself before you can ever control another person. Even after you have a hold of your own motives, desires and goals, the person you want to control has to want to be controlled!

How does this come into play with controlling online Gurus?

Here’s how I do it…

  1. First of all, I own their product(s)
  2. (Optional but recommended) I promote their products. (Maybe badly :-s)
  3. I treat them with the respect they deserve (This does not equate to ass kissing)
  4. I play to their sense of ‘wanting to be somebody’ (This also does not equate to ass kissing)
  5. I try to find common ground
  6. I offer them something that other contacts don’t
  7. I don’t do all this in one Email!
Let’s go through these 7 steps one by one and dissect them.

The 7 Steps to Controlling Make Money Online Gurus

1. If you don’t own their products, how do you know you need their advice?
If you didn’t buy, you are likely barking up the wrong tree when looking for people to give you the information you need on your chosen subject. This doesn’t give you free reign to go out and buy everything btw, look at the products that you already have and give great value.
2. Promoting their product(s): Not a must, but definitely helpful.
Never go out and praise people just because you ‘THINK’ they have a great product due to a fantastic sales page. They might have paid through the nose for a fantastic copywriter but… Their product (that you recommend via Facebook. Twitter or (worse still) your own website might be shite!)
Be true to yourself while following and recommending others, think of your own image long term.
Anyways… If you are helping to promote somebody’s product, how the hell can they turn you down when you ask for help?
3. The respect they deserve
Everybody deserves respect but pay a little more to the guy you want help from, especially on first contact! Never assume that they ‘speak your language’. As an example, I might write to a friend who knows some internet marketing stuff and make the subject line:
‘Waddup biaaatch, can you help me out?’
Thinking it’s funny. (It is, but kinda ignorant for first contact!) I wouldn’t do this with a guy I have yet to converse with. Some might laugh and reply, others might blacklist you forever!
4. Wanting to be somebody… This is an easy one!
If you listened to the first step, they are somebody to you!
Why would you ask for help or advice from somebody you didn’t have respect for? Just let the guy know you think his products/services are awesome and then ask for further advice. They’ll eat it up in most cases because…
Your being legitimate and honest for starters, and more importantly, every leader needs followers if they are to succeed themselves. (The smart among the ‘gurus’ will know this, and they are the guys you REALLY want to follow anyway!)
5. Common ground can be easy to find or difficult, you’re on your own really with this one.
It could be something as simple as being from the same country but you need to dig up something that you have in common and then use it when trying to make a connection.
6. The above tips work over a shorter period but what about ensuring that you get more attention than most?
Offer more in this way…
You need a product or service that you are going to have to pay for anyway?
Email said guru and ask them for THEIR AFFILIATE LINK for this product. If they don’t have one they will likely get one and send it to you. (Maybe there are ways I haven’t thought of? Comments are open I guess.)
You lose nothing, you gain everything!
7. Please… Not all in one hit guys!
Imagine getting this Email…
Hi *******, I’m a huge fan!
I love your product, and I have promoted it on my blog because I wanted to come and kiss your ass for information.
See, I’m not sure about what the best motivational book in the world is. Is it ‘Think and Grow Rich’ or ‘The Forbidden Book of Getting What You Want‘?
I’d love to get your feedback!
While we’re here, did you know that I’m also from ******* and I read the book you blogged about recently? I’m so happy we think along the same lines! We should chat sometime on Skype!
If you’ll talk to me more by the way I’ll send you Emails requesting your affiliate link for ANYTHING I buy from now on. You really deserve it damn it!
Did I tell you I’m promoting your product and making no sales btw!
Yeah, it’s a dumb Email but you see where I’m going right?

End Lesson When Trying To Leverage Make Money Online Gurus To Do Your Bidding

Really you aint controlling them, you’re helping them out while getting a bonus ;-)
I guess that is control, if you think that giving value to those you want something from in return… IS CONTROL?


  1. jorolok8765 says:

    Chris, thanks a lot for these awesome tips, I believe they will help us normal bloggers make more money online.
    jorolok8765 recently posted..How To Lose Belly Fat Naturally – Your Ultimate Guide to Losing Stomach FatMy Profile

  2. Erik Johnson

    Anyone who writes a book on a subject or creates a product… they’re going to want people to consume it. They want to influence people as well as make money. It’s easy to connect or approach someone when you know where they are coming from.

  3. Rory R.

    While I can’t offer legitimate counter points to anything you’ve written -because it all makes sense. I can’t help but feel that this is a pretty sideways view on rapport building to find a mentor. Sure i’d be happy to use quite manipulative techniques to get something like a back-link or a product purchase, when it comes to relationship building things are gonna be a lot happier if done more…….naturally?

    In my opinion, appealing to the characteristics you mention (ego, sense of leadership etc.) shouldn’t be about building ‘leverage’ to ‘control’ somebody, but more about building positive feeling conducive to forming a good friendship/business partnership.

    Granted though I trust that this blog post will help people achieve the ends they desire. Since some people do relate to the world in this way.
    Rory R. recently posted..Euro Lottery Results Tuesday 24-04-2012My Profile

    • Chris Naish says:

      Hey Rory,

      I can see how this might look like one of those ‘turn somebody’s mind into jelly and make them sleep with you and give you their money’ types of posts. The headline kinda set the stage for that I guess.

      The truth is, I never set out to do anything underhanded to get a little assistance. Most of this article simply came from a realisation that the steps above were in fact how I was interacting with others who I wanted to ask the advice of.

      It was all pretty natural, the words chosen in the post just put a negative taint on it I think.

      If I were to be completely honest Rory, the words ‘manipulate’, ‘manipulation’ etc get a bad rap. We all manipulate each other every minute of the day to get what we want if we realise it or not.

      Even putting the word ‘please’ on the end of a request is an effort to get somebody to do what you want them to. Manipulation through good manners so to speak.

      Manipulation is not always a negative thing and it certainly isn’t ‘unnatural’ in most cases.

      Hope that clears me of any relationship to Charles Manson Rory? lol
      Chris Naish recently posted..Best Google AdSense Alternative 2012?My Profile

  4. Raaj Trambadia

    Chris, this one’s an informative one! And for sure, I would pay a little more respect to the person whom I seek help from!

    Nice of you to share this post!
    Raaj Trambadia recently posted..Need a Business Blog? – “MyBlogIsMyMoney.com” – Domain Name For Sale!!My Profile

  5. Jaspreet Chahal

    Great Read. Very informative. Well I am in favor or many but especially this heading
    “If you don’t own their products, how do you know you need their advice?”
    Cool stuff. Keep them coming..
    Jaspreet Chahal recently posted..WooCommerce Increase or Limit number of products shown in ShopMy Profile

  6. andy mchugh

    you are completely right that the gurus do need the respect they deserve and there products of great stuff i have got so much from the gurus myself and there product’s
    andy mchugh recently posted..Let’s meet in San Diego, in 4 weeks time…My Profile

  7. Jim Antoine

    I know a guy that is presented as an SEO / adsense guru. I tried to reach him, bought his book, put links for his site on my blog and tried to formally contact him. He had this snobbish style of writing in his response… I tried to contact him again and mentioned the links I put for him in my blog… That’s when he finally responded politely and now he is doing business with me from time to time. I don’t trust him that much but he is a valuable contact nevertheless.
    Jim Antoine recently posted..Time to go FreelanceMy Profile

    • Chris Naish says:

      I guess some people are a little up their own a** huh Jim?

      You can’t win ‘em all but you can still get a little victory.

      I guess the lesson to take away is that you can’t expect the world for a couple of links. (I did at one point and then realised how stupid that was. Not saying that’s what you’re doing Jim!)

      I guess if the relationship works well you can take things further and help each other more now that you are interacting?

      • Jim Antoine

        Maybe we could help each other more, indeed. But the thing is that I simply cannot trust him. I cannot trust him helping me during a difficult situation (like needing some links in a hurry) if I have nothing to give back immediately. He is not open handed.
        Thanks for the reply!
        Jim Antoine recently posted..Bootstrapping your BusinessMy Profile

  8. Charles

    Thanks for the tips. No matter what happen, the best pronounce experts deserve some respect. They can’t earn such respect from you if you do not own or get their product. Or how can you know their worth if you neglect reading their products? I love this tips, keep it up.
    Charles recently posted..How To Submit Sitemap To Google And Other Search EnginesMy Profile

  9. David

    Hi Chris, I think one of the key points you brought up is to protect your own reputation by not promoting garbage. The problem for me is that very few of the IM products I have tried are anything more than garbage. Do you feel the same way?
    David recently posted..Update On My AAPL Stock TradeMy Profile

  10. Andrew

    The downside is if the product you are promoting bombs, then you have to take the bad rap for it too for singing its praises. I know these types of situations have happened many times. Especially true with the SEO products with google changing so many things.
    Andrew recently posted..10 Cup Coffee MakerMy Profile

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