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Question and answer sites are one of the most underutilized traffic sources to get targeted traffic. Marketers have used Yahoo answers to get targeted traffic for ages but there are quite a few drawbacks like inability to answer resolved questions etc that makes Yahoo answers a bit hard to utilize properly. This is why Quora is a much more powerful way to get the targeted visitors for your website or blog. Lets take a look at why and the how of using Quora.
Why Quora ?
- Quora questions get indexed quickly and ranks very well in search engines – Especially if you have many people answering and having a conversation around the question. This isn’t surprising because a Quora answer has all the attributes Google love. It has lots of content because many people answer it. It has quality because it is moderated by real users and best answers come to the top.
- Ability to have a descriptions per topic ( topic biographies ) increases the click through rate to your profile - This is especially useful if you are knowledgeable about few topics. For example I answers questions about traveling, SEO, start-ups and technology. Having separate biography per topic definitely helps to build authority per topic.
- Quora profiles rank very well in search engines – This helps you to build more authority and anyone can quickly find out about your expertise. Plus you can get some traffic if you have added links to your websites.
- You have the ability to follow a specific topic or a specific question – Makes it easier to add your input for your targeted areas and makes it easier to know the future answers for certain questions.
- Because you can get useful and informative answers – Industry leaders and many experts in respective niches frequent Quora. You can also ask from a specific person who you know to be an expert in that field. Definitely a site to visit even if you are not interested in traffic.
How to get traffic from Quora ?
- Add a good profile – A profile image is a must. They show up next to your answers and add credibility to your answer. Also if you are answering questions in many areas make sure to add some relevant information for most areas. You can add relevant links here for some extra traffic, just make it look nature and related to the bio. Check out my Quora profile.
- Follow relevant topics – If you want targeted traffic this is a must do thing. Follow topics relevant to your niche and leave informed answers to those questions. You don’t have to rush in like Yahoo answers, the question doesn’t get resolved and the best answer tend to come to the top irrespective of when you answered it. Don’t spam by leaving your link in every question because they usually get voted down pretty quickly.
- Find people relevant to your niche and follow them – This will help to build connections and gives more visibility to your answers. Also this increase the chance of your answers getting voted up. Once you build your credibility you will see a steady increase in followers. Focusing on some niche topics is important here unless you are already an authority in that area. For example you might know search engine optimization well but you are unlikely to build authority there because of too many questions and too many experts.
- Add separate descriptions per heading – Another powerful way to add credibility to your answers. It might look odd if you answers a question about Sri Lanka travel information but your description says you are a tech evangelist. Make sure to add a relevant description per topic.
- Write detailed answers because they tend to get voted up – This is kind of obvious but few do this. Answers that explain things in detail usually gets to the top. Also list type of answers rise to the top quickly.
- Stand by your beliefs but respect others opinions – This is not relevant to getting traffic but something important. Others have the ability to comment on your answers, give counter arguments to your answers etc. As humans we are bound to make mistakes so take some time and consider the comments. Try to resolve them in a professional way.
- Do not spam, your answer will go down quickly – Obvious
I hope this blog post convinces you to join Quora. Even if you are not interested in traffic it has plenty to offer. Also a great place to ask questions and get them answered by the experts. Join Quora now.
Twitter: StudentsAlike
Nice article here, I’ve been using Quora for some time now and haven’t really reaped any rewards – but I guess I’m not exactly doing everything which you have written here.
But I’ll give it a go and put some extra work into it if allows me to get hundreds of targeted visitors.
Surminga recently posted..Funding Studying at an Overseas University
Twitter: markngaz
I have to be honest in that I havent previously heard of Quora. The advice is very simialar to the use of Yahoo answers. Which of the two generates better and more consistant traffic?

Gaz recently posted..Planting a Large Yucca
Twitter: wpwebhost
Looks like something really useful here. Will definitely give it a try.
Ricardus recently posted..Limited $0.99 .COM Extension Domain Crazy Promotion !!!
Twitter: rosemary_jayne
This has given me the nudge I needed to start properly using Quora, I expect if I spend 15 minutes a day answering one question well I could see real rewards from it, even if it’s just people respecting me for knowing my stuff!
Rosemary Jayne recently posted..How Blog Design Affects Load Time
Twitter: vineetsaxena4
Hi Nishadha,
Is this Quora just like Yahoo Answers? I will definitely give it a try if it is helps in SEO and traffic.
Vineet Saxena recently posted..Top 3 Premium Themes for WordPress in 2012
Never heard of Quora before. I thought Yahoo Answers are the only big player in the questions game.
It looks like it may have even bigger “ranking power” than YA since it new and not spammed much. (if at all).
Sooner or later it will reach more people so it’s good to be among the first wave!
i don’t really understand about using Quora, maybe i must try it and your article is very useful to me.
Ramadhan recently posted..Cute HD Cats Wallpaper
Hello Nishadha,
Nice post.I had no clue about Quora before your article and it seems interesting.I also checked your account to see how it looks like and I liked it.I think I ‘ll try it.
Sara recently posted..Wood Arbors
Twitter: techmunchies
Never heard of this Quora term Before.But it do looks great and can be used effectively for generating site traffic.
abhishek recently posted..Top 5 Laptop Brands To Buy From
Twitter: albadvert
Since I like discussions as well as site building, I will give it a try. It would be a nice thing having a nice discussion while building credibility for my sites.
Alb recently posted..How to make a small website updated Fri Mar 16 2012 3:10 pm EDT
This is the first time I am reading anything about Quora. It should like a good website to get more traffic. Thank you for those tips. Like few other earlier comments, I get a feeling it must be very similar to Yahoo answers.
Cheolsu recently posted..roadrunner login
Thank you for the great insight. Quora is something that I would definitely want to look into. I love the fact that the top answer comes up giving us more credibility and focus, hense drawing positive attention.
Jennifer Rai recently posted..How to Avoid Non-Stop Inertia
Twitter: nirmalche
I haven’t heard of Quora before. Quora looks very impressive. Hope I make good use of it.
Nirmal recently posted..Anirudh Ravichander Profile and Biography
Twitter: dailywaffle
I’m another who had not heard of Quora before, so thanks for the detailed info. I will definitely check it out and use this guide as a tool. Thank you!
Sarah DW recently posted..Jenson Button wins Australian Grand Prix
seems very interesting indeed. I’ll be honest, I havent heard of this before, and have been fairly successful with the YA-based solution, but will certainly check this out too. appreciate the tips btw, should come in handy!
Ahmad recently posted..Digi Traffic Multiplier
Twitter: ronaltoburanda
Thank you for the great insight. Quora is something that I would definitely want to look into. I love the fact that the top answer comes up giving us more credibility and focus, hense drawing positive attention

ronalto recently posted..Hp kamera 41mp teranyar dari nokia di rilis NOKIA 808 pure view
Twitter: comprep4u
I had never heard of Quora until this article. I have been trying to get traffic from sites like google and yahoo answers with little success so will give Quora a go. Many thanks for the article
I didn’t realise that the Quora profiles ranked in search as well as they do. Certainly makes me think that I need to update my profile.
When do you think the social side of the internet will slow up? It seems that there are new social networks every week it is impossible to keep up with the good ones.
Twitter: skyafar
I started using Quora some days before. I didn’t use it much. But you really give me an idea about potential of this website. Thanks Nishadha Silva
Ramnadh recently posted..WordPress SEO – Simple Guide for Search Engine Optimization
Twitter: Elena__Anne
Thanks for this informative post Nishadha. I had no idea about Quora, it seems very useful. Answering questions related with your niche and help discussions going further, makes you more reliable. Visitors have a clue about what to expect when landing to your website.
elena_anne recently posted..Menstruation and Exercise: Is it okay?
Twitter: esther98
I joined recently and found that I’ve got some traffic from the site – not a whole load, but enough to keep me partially active on the site.
annelg recently posted..Easter Wreaths
Thanks for your tips! Currently I use only yahoo answer. I will try this right now.
Aman recently posted..Contradiction Cologne by Calvin Klein for Men 3.4 oz
Twitter: janc102
Thanks for this great info Nishadah. I read your article previously but didn’t leave a comment. I really feel that you should have warned your readers about how addictive it is! I spent 4 hours on my first time looking up topics in my blog but also about other things that I was interested in.
It it similar to Yahoo Answers, but what I love is that your name links to your profile and you can put in links to your sites, I have had a tiny bit of traffic so far. Also it is a bit like Pinterest where you can have boards for topics that you are interested in, I have made mine so that people can add things to them and hope that people will add topics of interest for me. So thanks to your great advice I set up my profile first of all, I would also advise people to set up a couple of boards first as well so that when you find questions that you want to “pin” you can pin them to your boards and find them easily again.
I have already had some interesting interactions with people, it seems to be a very interactive community – so far I am very impressed.
jan recently posted..Stand up to avoid ill health
Great idea. Have never heard of Quora before. Sounds like a good community from the comments. Will have to answer a few questions.

BJ recently posted..Weight Watchers Helps Us All Lose Weight
Twitter: peacefulrunner
Thanks for all the helpful information. You provided great detail on the benefits and best way to use Quora. I have never heard of it before, but I have used Yahoo answers quite a bit. I will give this one a try. Sounds like a more flexible site than Yahoo!
peacefulrunner recently posted..Does your running foot strike matter?
Wow. Thats great. Im going to Quora. Thanks for sharing!