There are three lists that appear on the homepage showing details of CommentLuv enabled sites. Getting your site on one of these lists will bring much reward and fame! well, maybe not fame and treasure but, you’ll have a description of your site associated with a dofollow link pointing direct to your home page on a high PR , heavy traffic site.
This can help with getting some Google juice to flow your way and you should start to see some more traffic come in when the thousands of daily visitors see the lists.
Only sites that have a description entered will be displayed here so make sure you visit the new member page to check your site details and profile entry so you can get a chance to appear on one of these lists…
Top 5 Sites
The top 5 sites shown are blogs that have the Commentluv plugin installed and have received the most comments that successfully received some Luv in the past 24 hours.
You’ll need to get quite a few comments on your site to get to number 1 so check out what the current top 5 are doing to get so many people responding to their posts by clicking the visit button next to their avatar.
Top 5 Members
These are the busiest blog commenters in the CommentLuv community, they have commented on more CommentLuv enabled sites in the past 24 hours than anyone else.
Give them a visit, leave them a relevant comment and you can be almost sure that they will come and visit your site to join the discussion.
Some of these people are prolific commenters and are always on the lookout for fresh and interesting CommentLuv blogs. Be sure not to spam them though!, they’re a friendly bunch but they wont take kindly to having useless comments on their site. That gets your site relegated to ghost town status!
Join the top comment makers by leaving comments on CommentLuv blogs, beware though, if you spam then you wont be appearing on any lists!
New CommentLuv Sites
These are the 5 most recently enabled sites. This list gets updated every hour and is the only place where you can find the very latest sites to have enabled CommentLuv.
Visit the homepage today and see what sites you can discover today
Twitter: AgentDeepak
Hmm! Now I understand it. Thanks. I hope I get into one of the list.
.-= Agent Deepak´s last blog ..Interview with Melvin Dichoso – The Versatile Young Blogger =-.
Twitter: thespotter
This is a nice feature Andy and am working on seeing if I can find enough time to make it to that list
Great way to highlight the participation! Thanks!
.-= Alex Sysoef´s last blog ..5 Stats Tracking Plugins For Your WordPress Blog =-.
Twitter: commentluv
thanks for coming by Alex! it’s all added because of user feedback so let me know if there’s something you want to see
Twitter: loveveggiesyoga
Hi I’m Averie, the current #1 site! Wow…this is pretty cool. I just read this on your e-newsletter that I was sent. Anyway, I wanted to acknowledge this and say thanks for the praise! I guess it’s not really “you” that’s awarding me, but just raw traffic & numbers…but it’s very cool that you guys track this stuff!
Have a great day!
Averie of
.-= Averie (LoveVeggiesandYoga)´s last blog ..Coconut Water Sports Drink Recipe, Coconut Kefir, New Moon, Fashion Do or Don’t =-.
Twitter: DennisEdell
Much appreciated my friend, I have a post in draft about taking full advantage of the plugin…both as a commenter and on ones own blog.
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..Would You Like a FREE Banner Ad Position? =-.
Twitter: DennisEdell
You need a subscribe to comments plugin please.
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..UPDATED: Theme Customization Part 3 – Banner Advertising NOT for Sale! =-.
Twitter: commentluv
I hear you mate. It’s slightly different on a multi user site because that could cause my smtp to send too many emails a day, especially if a spammer puts 1000 comments on one of their posts (which happens).
I’ll see if i can add it as a supporter only option.
thanks for the feedback , I look forward to your post
Twitter: DennisEdell
OK then please realize, if you respond to a comment of mine with a question or whatever, I may never see it….I rarely remember to return, I always count on subscribing.
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..Holy Power Outage Batman, Not Again! Yep, Another Two Days Shot to Hell… =-.
Twitter: orc_dragoon
Thanks for clearing this up. I thought getting on the list was a complicated process, but its actually pretty easy! Thanks again.
.-= orc_dragoon´s last blog ..Good and Bad Ways to Advertise =-.
Twitter: commentluv
hey thanks for coming by!
I love your site, the articles are fresh and the added toons makes it a great place to come back to.
great job
Guess i’ll have to be more active in comments then.
Thanks for clarifiying things up.
.-= techmill´s last blog ..Taking Amazing Earth Photos From Space at $750 =-.
Twitter: wineclubguy
It was funny when I saw the top commenter list I thought to myself, should be easy…only 30 comments. I hadn’t realized that was in a 24 hour period. Any thought to having an all time commenter list in the future?
Twitter: robsellen
Makes me glad to have jumped to WPress.
Great job and a great addition to the blogs Andy.
It’s put the comment mojo back into blogging for me, reviving the real social beginning really, always a good thing and hopefully we can only help you grow this comluv network.
Liking it lots.
.-= robsellen´s last blog ..My first real month on WordPress =-.
Twitter: javaqueen01
This is a very nice feature! I popped over to see why I was getting traffic from here, and I see my site in the top 5.
.-= Lori (Finding Radiance)´s last blog ..Injury update and thank you! =-.
Twitter: commentluv
hurray! and the visit lists are starting to work their magic. The links are dofollow too!
Twitter: robsellen
Damn, well I noticed on another post on this blog about the fact feedburner link was not set right, (thanks for that post!) set it right last night and my mug appears on the top commenter list today!
Must have took into account all comments made so far, so I didn’t miss out on the kudos for the feedburner balls up I did, till the change.
I just wondered where the hits were coming from and thought I’ll check that… hey presto, comluv main page.
Get commenting people and get your mug out there.
.-= robsellen´s last blog ..Time to write for people, not machines… =-.
Twitter: commentluv
good for you Rob! glad it’s working for you to have a bit of info luv on the sites you comment on.
Twitter: robsellen
Thanks mate, you done a great service here for bloggers.
As I am new to WP altogether I am finding lots I like about it. I notice I have a comluv blog dashboard… *well, you know, never realised we has access to the dashboard too, learning again, after 7 years it’s good to get that again.
So, I have a blog at comluv? I notced you have changed the charge, stopping spammers is always good…
So, under no obligation to create a blog post on comluv, yet the option is there for me to?
Interested in helping this place grow too… all good for all of us I guess.
I;’ll be adding my other blog before long, portland bill based one, as an extra url, for $5 gotta be worth it.
I am liking WP, even starting to think about getting that portland bill blog onto it too.
I am gonna be sharing my thoughts in a post on comluv on my own blog soon enough
.-= robsellen´s last blog ..PR 4 and it means nowt, really… basic SEO is still basic SEO =-.
Now, I konw how to use it!
.-= aglolink´s last blog ..Nirwana Beach, White Sand Beaches =-.
Twitter: zikrihusaini
erm.. that really help to increase traffic…erm i need to fight to be the top comment.. always dennis Eddell the top 1.. but some blogger need register the comluv plugin.. so i need to promote people to install this plug-in… huhu
.-= zikrihusaini´s last blog ..Minggu final exam! =-.
Twitter: CoachNotesBlog
I’m happily seeing some visits to my blog from the CommentLuv site. That’s a really nice perk, Andy! Now, to work my way up to one of the Top 5 would be lovely. Thanks for the opportunity.
And Congrats to the daily winners!
.-= CoachNotes´s last blog ..A Complete Video Aggregation and Curation Solution Using YouTube, Magnify, Kaltura, Squidoo =-.
Twitter: worthytips
After your comment in my blog, I just thinking from where you get my blog link and then I saw, it’s in the front page. I never know this is the case. However, this not going to boost me because I’m already boosted with commentLuv.
.-= Arafat Hossain Piyada´s last blog ..Embedded tweet can bring some new online Ad companies =-.
Twitter: commentluv
The visit list on the front page is getting more and more traffic and by being on there, you will get some too! You can be on there by making or receiving the most comments or, as in your case, by being a newly activated commentluv blog. Good luck with your site, I hope my plugin brings you much love
Twitter: MetacomCreative
Nice write up! Now let’s see if I can actually put some of these practices to work. Stay tuned! Metacom Creative will soon be on the front page!
.-= metacom´s last blog ..Taking a Train Across the Country – Part Two =-.
Twitter: thos003
This is a great tool. You can actually use this to join real conversations and create real conversations. Instead of wondering around in the blog-o-sphere hoping that a real person is out there. Love it.
.-= Thos003´s last blog ..Pest Control with Heart – Hearts Pest Control San Diego =-.
Twitter: thos003
And I just noticed that you can add your twitter account as well! This is great. Seriously.
.-= Thos003´s last blog ..Pest Control with Heart – Hearts Pest Control San Diego =-.
Twitter: commentluv
glad you like it! let me know if you want to see anything added.
Twitter: webduck
I know it’s silly, but whenever I’m going to leave a comment on a site and I see that lovely CommentLuv heart, I’m thrilled. I’ve tried to promote CL as much as I can and to be honest, it actually IRKS me that more people don’t use it! Yeah, I know, I’m preaching to the choir here…Thanks again for all your hard work Andy.
.-= webduck´s last blog ..My Names Top 100 Genealogy Sites =-.
Twitter: commentluv
you’re very welcome. I do try to visit non-commentluv blogs but , there’s so many good blogs with it on now that I rarely need to!
thanks for coming by.
Twitter: Israelimom
Maybe I’ve become list blind, but where can one find a list of all sites using comluv? I have a folder reserved for fellow comluv’ers in my RSS feeder and would love to check out new blogs occasionally and add them.
.-= Anne´s last blog ..Blogging about Blogging =-.
Twitter: commentluv
I am not going to publish a list someone can copy and paste into an auto comment system but, you can find many by looking at the list and clicking the button to see where they commented, all the ones they comment on have commentluv too.
Twitter: benwaynet
Some where I remember finding a site that listed sites that used the commentluv plugin plus had a monthly top commentors list.
anyone know the site I’m talking about?
.-= benwaynet´s last blog ..Can You “Get Rich Quick” with Pay-Per-Click? =-.
Twitter: MurrayLunn
I was looking through my analytics and saw that I was being linked on commentluv so I come over and see I’m on the list
This is really cool – much appreciated. A great way to give back to members hehe
Murlu recently posted..Become A Guest Blogging Superhero
Twitter: commentluv
that was the whole point of putting on. To allow members to get some universal luv
Twitter: fmsseo
There have certainly been some great develops over here; hats off to you Andy.
Warmest regards,
Karl Foxley recently posted..3 Quick and Easy Ways to Get More Clicks on Your Banner Ads
I have to say I had reservations about using commentluv, but it has done wonders for interaction with users on my site. Thanks guys
Twitter: easyPblog
Hi Andy
looks like you never stop with the development of CommentLuv – a great plugin that actually looks fantastic when it’s displayed on a site – love that little heart.
Also good to see that you get out and about visiting sites out there.
How about a feature called “Surprise visit” where you visit a CommentLuv site and leave a comment – I wouldn’t be offended if you started with my site. LOL
Keep up the good work Andy.
Keith Davis recently posted..Laugh and the world…
I just found CommentLuv. I just rebuilt my site into a blog format so I can’t wait to see this in action once it starts building up. I’m also gonna put this on all my client blogs.
Thanks for such a great tool!
Leah recently posted..SEO pictures to get targeted visitors
Twitter: commentluv
I’m very glad you like it Leah, thanks for registering and let me know if you get any problems with it.
New to commentluv here but I’m really impressed, this keyword system rewards the people who put the hardwork in and improve the community. Good work.
Twitter: commentluv
the keyword system is my brain child and was born from being constantly reminded about it from my editor!
You can register an additional url or link to a particular product on your site using default links, see the posts made by Gail here
I was wondering about finding a list too, of all the blogs with CommentLuv but Andy’s comment makes sense…the Auto Comment things are brutal and it’s more fun clicking around anyway to find the CommentLuv sites. I have found so many interesting people this way!
Molly recently posted..Ready to Buy Lemonade Diet in a Pill Form? Will it Work For You?
Twitter: commentluv
thanks for your support Molly!
I will try to find a secure way to make a searchable blog list, too many people are asking me for one
Wow, I just stumbled upon this site today. Lots of great info about how to maximize CommentLuv that I didn’t even know existed. Thanks!
I’m still not sure I understand how this works. Having several other bloggers commenting on praise has gotten me interested. Is there a user manual for this service?
chefvanda recently posted..Seafood Tapas with friends
Twitter: commentluv
the best thing to do is look around the site, the about page and look at Gails posts here
thanks for coming by!
uess i’ll have to be more active in comments then.
Thanks for clarifiying things up.
I like the commentluv concept. I do not understand why all blogs do not use this. I know the argument, but it doesn’t hold water.
Twitter: benwaynet
I need to spend some time and get some credits on so I can add my second site.
My second site is the one I just enabled commentluv on, but from reading this it won’t show up on any of the list because I don’t have it connected to my account yet….huh
Guess I could just change which site I have listed here until I get the credits….what to do…
benwaynet recently posted..Get Comptia A Certified to Become Successful
Twitter: junevaa
Thank you, great effort from comluv to awarding your reader, hope I have time to spend to come back every day of life..
macist recently posted..Worst Miss 2010
awesome tip, i need to comment more and visit other blogs
Seriously, I want to be on that list! Lol, how great would it be just to have recognition of being an interactive commentor who is worth while to a blogs comments. Nice to see that there is recognition for commenting, I’m aiming to make that list!
Twitter: BloggerCodeDish
Cool site feature to improve everybody’s blog participation!
Jaleesa Dorsey recently posted..The Headless Chicken That Lived for Four Years!!
On a similar topic, I have noticed considerable, if fleeting, link juice from getting on a “most recent comments” list on larger blogs. It bring a nice temporary spike in traffic. Of course it is extremely difficult to know where the link juice is exactly coming from, but it can’t hurt!
Roger recently posted..Zeus Comforter Set
Twitter: azuanrazi
Interesting.. something i also have chance to appear in the list..
Hidup Blogger recently posted..Gaya Hidup Seorang Blogger Separuh Masa
I gotta get myself on that list. But my eyes are bleeding from doing all this research on commentluv!
Julius recently posted..Inter Milan – Tottenham 4-3 Highlights
hey there i’ve been searching high and low for a good commentluv list and yours is the best by far! rock on! I would love to get on the list too!
Cool Stuff recently posted..The 7 Most Cool Headphones of 2010!
hey there,

its been 2 months since ive used comment luv judging from my last post.And its already driven so much traffic to my site and boosted my PR by alot! Thanks
Nicky Ong recently posted..7 Cool iPhone Gloves
Hey everyone just wondering is people still use comment luv? it’s such a pity to see such a great tool go to waste:(
Cool Gadgets for Men recently posted..Message Messenger Bag
Twitter: faqspedia
am too getting some good number of commentators
shyam jos recently posted..Best wordpress blog hosting service-Hostgator review
So I have to post really great and meaningful comments that will benefit the readers and I will be features on the home page? I mean I have to make certain number of comments right?
All the best, Adam
Adam W. Prillis recently posted..Top 10 Kindle Accessories- The Most Popular Accessories for Kindle List