Have you been watching the cash prizes climbing in our first quarterly FamousBloggers ComLuv CASH Blogging Contest? Our starting prize was $500. To quote Andy:
OMG $500 Big Ones Already…This might even go over $1000 in real cash prizes.
We thought $1000 was an impressive amount and then we zipped right past it to $1100 by the end of May! Why not go for $2000? That was easily and quickly surpassed and we flew right by $3000 too! Before we knew it we had hit $3300.
Today we’re announcing the cash prizes are now at $3450 $3550!
How much higher can it go? Who else do we collectively know who could benefit from being a sponsor? There is still time to let your favorite businesses, blogs, causes and non-profits know about the benefits of sponsoring.
Share the original FamousBloggers ComLuv contest post and have them read the “Interested in being a sponsor” section.
The deadline for sponsors is June 20th – Only 5 more days!
Go right now to get the full scoop on this Biggest Internet Cash Contest ever. That link has the rules, the post ideas, how to win and how to get assistance if you need some.
Don’t let that great big cash amount scare you off. We know what some of you are thinking: those power bloggers already have this sewn up! We assure you that is NOT true and even beginning bloggers have a GREAT shot at winning! Read the tips on How to Win here.
NOW is the best time for bloggers to enter. You have until July 7.
But why wait? Early blog entries get the most attention, get the most links to their blogs and benefit the longest! Would you like to be featured in the ComLuv blog posts that go out to over 11,000 subscribers? How often do opportunities like that come around for you?
How would you like to have your post about the contest reviewed on StumbleUpon like Francisco Perez’ Home Based Business Resources iBlogZone contest blog post was? His was the first post written about the contest outside of ComLuv and FamousBloggers.
His StumbleUpon review got fed to GrowMap‘s almost 12,000 Twitter followers and included @diTesco‘s Twitter user name so anyone reading it could easily follow him. Do you suppose he picked up some new Twitter followers? His post also got sent to FriendFeed and got a like on Facebook.
How would you like some new visitors, readers, subscribers and commentators? We want to raise your blog’s visibility!
Eve, who offers her Graphic Design Services over at DesigningwithEve, wrote the second post about the contest. You can read her StumbleUpon review that also included her Twitter account when it was Tweeted and in what appears for her at FriendFeed and Facebook.
James Pruitt jumped right in to write about our contest and I have no doubt it will benefit his link building through article marketing services. That same day Fashion Art Blogger Precilla Sedney published her contest post.
Rakesh Solanki over at 1stBlogger wrote about the contest too and shares what he knows including some advanced Blogging Tips such as how to speed up page loads and edit images in Thesis headers.
Their posts were also reviewed on StumbleUpon and sent to Twitter, Facebook and FriendFeed.
What are YOU waiting for? YOU could be featured next. Don’t miss out! Enter the contest and get your guest posts submitted so we can send you new visitors too!
Because Rakesh is a member of the DoFollow CommentLuv KeywordLuv community he was also added to GrowMap’s DoFollow CommentLuv Twitter list and DoFollow KeywordLuv Twitter list. [NOTE: If your blog qualifies Tweet to @GrowMap to be added - if you DM send an @GrowMap Tweet too as DMs are often missed in a sea of DM spam.]
Do you suppose DiTesco, Eve, James, Precilla, and Rakesh will get some new readers, subscribers or followers? Or have their posts Tweeted and ReTweeted by bloggers like Kikolani who have thousands or even 10-12,ooo+ followers and power accounts on Social Networks?
REMEMBER: Any blogger reading this could be sitting pretty
with a BIG chunk of that $3550 so don’t delay – enter today!
Be sure to visit and thank our generous sponsors who have made this the largest cash prize for any blogging contest any of us have seen. There are some really interesting sites and offers so scroll on down and see if there is something special just for you.
Our Sponsors
Claims.com specialists in Accidents at Work Claims and Compensation
- FamousBloggers ~ Group blog about How to Blog, making money blogging and blogging for business.
- Longest.com ~ GoDaddy Coupon UKTop10 30% Off
- Executive Gift Shoppe ~ Personalized gifts including Business Card Holders
- Social Implications – Exploring the impact of Social Media ~ Social Implications
- Local Proud ~ Start Your Own Discount Card Business
- FiddyP. Personal blog of Andy Bailey
- FiredWok Chinese Takeaway & Delivery ~ Chinese Takeaway Lancaster
- GoodMillwork ~ Florida Based Millwork Architectural Mouldings
- Andrew Rondeau Ltd ~ Blogging Guide
- Marc Duquette ~ Scribnia Blogging Community
- The Happy Guy Marketing ~ professional SEO consultant
- The Online Recruiters Directory ~ Executive search firms
- Monster Auto ~ Auto Monster Cars Blog
- Bill – ANS Gear ~ Paintball Guns & Gear
- Cori Padgett- Big Girl Branding ~ Entrepreneur Business
- NowRelevant.com ~ Best new search engine
- The Internet Time Machine ~ Niche marketing software
- Joe & Colleen ~ Kennewick Homes For Sale
$50 Sponsors
- DiTesco ~ Home based business resources
- DennisEdell ~ Direct Sales Marketing Coach
- Firas ~ WP Worx – WordPress Services
- Kiesha ~ Blogging Tips & Tricks
- Melinda ~ Simple Home Organization
- Dan Keller – TycoonBlogger ~ Promote Your Blog
- ProjectCenter ~ Club Flyers
- PPI Claims ~ PPI Claims
- Free Gifts ~ Free Gifts
- Zoomit Canada ~ Social Bookmarking just for Canada
- Fence Houston ~ Houston fence contractor
- Fence Philadelphia ~ Philadelphia fence company
- Location Villa Espagne ~ Location Villa Costa Brava
- Lube Oil Sales ~ Buy Amsoil Motor Oil
- Olympic EyeWear ~ Designer sunglasses
- Miss Wise Law ~ Law & Legal Information
- Michelle Mangen ~ The Social Media Virtual Assistant
- Chris Guthrie ~ Make Money on the Internet
Good Luck and best wishes from us and our Sponsors!
The great contest, goodluck for bloggers all round the world
nghiadoi recently posted..IQ Blog – One Pause quy ẩn tạm thời !
Twitter: writing4mylife
I’m wondering, just how long does it take to get some sort of notification after you submit an article for the contest? It would be nice to be able to have somewhere to direct people.
Paul Novak recently posted..ComLuv Blog Contest and Me Losing
Twitter: commentluv
the system is supposed to notify you when your article is published but it was written for a non mu site so it plays up sometimes. I will discuss with Hisham and Gail and see if we can set up a notification manually to let submitters know. Thanks for your feedback (and entry!)
Twitter: FamousBloggers
I will let you know when your article goes online!
I do this actually with everybody to make sure they are not missing anything!
FamousBloggers recently posted..The Art of Leaving a Comment
Twitter: writing4mylife
Thanks guys. I appreciate your quick replies. I always worry that a glitch may have eaten a post or something when I first start visiting and commenting on a site until I am familiar with how it operates.
paul novak recently posted..ComLuv Blog Contest and Me Losing
Twitter: GrowMap
Where is everyone? We announce that the cash prize is up to $3450 and not one comment? I hope that means everyone is working on their entries!
Gail recently posted..How CommentLuv Grows Businesses and Blogs
I wish I could enter.
We are sponsors. A sponsor winning this thing might look suspicious, eh! 

Colleen Lane recently posted..17th Annual Cool Desert Nights
Twitter: GrowMap
Hi Colleen,
Since we can not enter why don’t you join us as a judge? We may not have a chance at the money but we will get to know many super bloggers that way.
Both sponsors and judges are VERY important. Without sponsors there would be no contest. Without high quality judging bloggers would not be as interested in entering.
I hope all the bloggers deeply appreciate the money and precious time our sponsors and judges are so generously giving to us.
Gail recently posted..Akismet Deletes Comments Bloggers NEVER SEE!
Twitter: jmc1871jc
I have written s post about it at my blog – I can’t get over the low turnout!
Joanne recently posted..Forum Posting Techniques to Help You Promote Your Blog
Twitter: GrowMap
Great things take time but they’re worth it in the long run. Thanks for letting me know about your post. I see others I collaborate with have already RTed your post. I have started spreading the word for you.
Most people are so busy that they usually do things just before the deadline. Those who start early will benefit from more exposure as I explained in this post.
I will mention and link to any blogger who writes about the contest and includes links to our sponsors every week so I hope everyone will check by to see whose blogs are featured. You know yours will be next week.
Gail recently posted..Akismet Deletes Comments Bloggers NEVER SEE!
Twitter: jmc1871jc
Hi Gail, thanks for doing that,yeah things do take time and people often do things at the last minute.Thanks for featuring my blog.Appreciate it.
Joanne recently posted..Contest Sponsors List For The Famous Bloggers Comluv Contest
Twitter: GrowMap
Hi Joanne,
Hopefully through this contest more bloggers will become aware of the importance of anchor text on building traffic to their sites.
I am hopeful that they will also realize that only those who care about other bloggers – and support them with links, by reading their blogs, and by commenting in them – can truly be successful.
Those who focus only on what they want for themselves greatly limit their own success. That is why I love CommentLuv so much – it is a giving, supportive, fun way to meet and support each other.
Instead of being exclusionary in our comments – only wanting others whose sites are related to our own – we can meet all kinds of new people and learn many about so much more without detracting at all from the content in each blog.
Gail recently posted..How CommentLuv Grows Businesses and Blogs
Twitter: ditesco
This is the biggest blogging contest yet seen on the sphere. Aside from the huge amount of cash (only) prizes, everyone who decides to participate wins. The exposure that participants will get is huge and this is your chance to be a part of a great community. Anyone, repeat, anyone can participate, regardless of your blogging level, language, etc.
DiTesco recently posted..Mega Contest Of A Whopping $3.550 In Cash
Twitter: GrowMap
Thank you so much for your support, DiTesco. I know that you realize the visibility and links are what will grow blogs faster and every blogger that participates wins in that way.
I hope each one asks themselves when was the last time a PR6 site wanted to feature THEIR blog in a post sent to thousands of other bloggers who could also decide to raise them up?
For those new to this whole blogging thing, not every person reads every blog they subscribe to because frankly who has the time? What percentage of your subscribers actually read what you write?
I can tell you that for ComLuv’s newsletters. Last time I asked there were 11,000 subscribers and on average 22% of you open the emails that contain each post written that week.
22% of 11,000 people is AT LEAST 2,420 bloggers who are likely to read this post. I say at least because this IS the largest cash prize I know of and every blogger has a real chance of winnning. I believe that will cause more people than usual to read this post.
DiTesco and JoAnne recognize the benefit of having their blogs mentioned here. Their commenting in this post gives them even more visibility.
It looks like the thousands of other CommentLuv bloggers either do not realize the value of commenting in this and the other posts so that those 2,420 other bloggers see one of your great posts featured in your comment and become one of your readers and commentators OR they’re all busy writing their entries. I hope it is the later.
To get more readers and commentators you need to BE a reader and commentator. In almost every CommentLuv blog I have ever visited I see Dennis Edell has been there before me. YOU can the that person in your niche!
Want to see proof that commenting can DOUBLE your traffic?
Gail recently posted..Twitter Tools: Managing Multiple Twitter Accounts
Twitter: writing4mylife
Three days and there are still only two articles appearing under the submitted contest articles links? Should I resubmit my article?
paul novak recently posted..ComLuv Blog Contest and Me Losing
Twitter: FamousBloggers
By the way, we have published 4 articles not two, because there is 2 here at comluv.com and another 2 articles at famousbloggers.net
I have replied to your comments everywhere today
I hope you got the point of publishing by order and not too many articles at the same time to give a the chance for each participant to get some decent comments on his article!
I like your article by the way, and I will say it again here, you post about the contest is amazing

FamousBloggers recently posted..Thesis Theme Tutorial: Customize WP Author Archive Page
Twitter: writing4mylife
Thanks again Hesham. I’m glad you like the post. You guys DID say to try and include some personal aspects to it:)
paul novak recently posted..ComLuv Blog Contest and Me Losing
Twitter: FamousBloggers
You are welcome man, I have published your post now because we received some other posts while I was sleeping last night, so I thought it’s better to do it, enjoy!
FamousBloggers recently posted..How to Obtain Comments on your Blog?
Twitter: GrowMap
Hi Paul,
Hesham knows what he is doing. By spreading out when the articles are published each article gets increased visibility. Good to see how passionate you are about participating though!
Did you see that I linked to your post about the contest and encouraged readers to check it out in the post that announced How Many Winners there will be and another way to get points?
Point at the link and you’ll see additional enticing language. I also scheduled three unique Tweets from three different Twitter accounts of each published entry so far including yours.
That is to kick off more visibility and generate more Tweets and comments and it is already working. Here is a Tweet I received this morning:
“@bizchickblogs @GrowMap TY TY for the awesome mention.
Sparked several retweets!”
By RTing those Tweets you could potentially generate more RTs of your own. I hope all the contestants take advantage of that extra boost I’ve sent each of them this morning.
GrowMap recently posted..Word of Mouth Marketing
good info, blogging at its best. one sponsor would be nice to have. supporting the people who support you is a pretty good idea. keeps them running back